DYN-OPT Users Manual

Caliskan, C.
Hall, R.W.

This document is a users manual for DYN-OPT, a linear program that optimally and dynamically assigns traffic to lanes on an automated highway. The program maximizes the total flow across the highway over a pre-specified length of time. DYN-OPT solves a path-based formulation in which the highway is represented by discrete segments, time is divided into periods and traffic between origins and destinations follows a user- specified distribution.

Event-based ATIS: Practical Implementation and Evaluation of Optimized Strategies (Part I)

Jayakrishnan, R.
Tsai, Wei K.
Oh, Jun-Seok
Adler, Jeffrey

This project will further adapt and enhance the previous research of relevance to event-based Advanced Traveler Information Systems (ATIS) and implement the algorithms for traffic management in Anaheim. The implementation involves the Caltrans-UCI ATMS research testbed framework at the UCI Institute of Transportation Studies, as well as the physical hardware available for communication to the city of Anaheim. The analytical algorithms proposed for use here include those for static and dynamic traffic assignment. and the modeling schemes used are the result of previous PATH and Testbed...

The Naturalistic Driver Model: Development, Integration, and Verification of Lane Change Maneuver, Driver Emergency and Impairment Modules

Cody, Delphine
Tan, Swekuang
Caird, Jeff K.
Lees, M.
Edwards, C.

The need for a drivers’ model that integrates a wider range of natural driver activities is important to the traffic engineering and human factors communities. Integration of real traffic behaviors into micro-simulations increases the accuracy and explanatory power of these models. For human factors engineers, improvements to driver modeling efforts provide a useful framework by which Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) can be evaluated for safety and mobility. This project includes a means to consider normal lane changing maneuver, driver support for emergency management and impaired...

U.S. Shared-use Vehicle Survey Findings: Opportunities and Obstacles for Carsharing and Station Car Growth

Shaheen, Susan A.
Meyn, Mollyanne
Wipyewski, Kamill

Shared-use vehicle services provide members access to a vehicle fleet for use on an as needed basis, without the hassles and costs of individual auto ownership. From June 2001 to July 2002, the authors surveyed 18 U.S. shared-use vehicle organizations on a range of topics, including organizational size, partnerships, pricing, costs, and technology. While survey findings demonstrate a decline in the number of organizational starts in the last year, operational launches into new cities, membership, and fleet size continue to increase. Several growth-oriented organizations are responsible for...

The Aerodynamic Performance Of Platoons: A Final Report

Zabat, Michael
Stabile, Nick
Farascaroli, Stefano
Browand, Frederick

This report details the aerodynamic performance of individual members of 2, 3, and 4-vehicle platoons. The primary purpose of the tests described is to quantify the behavior of vehicle drag as a function of vehicle spacing.

Optimized Vehicle Control/Communication Interaction in an Automated Highway System

Hedrick, J. K.
Chen, Y.
Mahal, S.

One of the main goals of an Automated Highway System environment is to increase the throughput of vehicles traveling on the highway. By moving vehicles in a platoon (a group of tightly spaced vehicles), the traffic flow capacity can be greatly increased. The control law developed for vehicles to safely travel in a platoon is dependent on the lead and preceding vehicle's velocity and acceleration profiles. This information guarantees string stability (i.e. spacing errors between vehicles do not increase down the chain of vehicles). These profiles are transmitted to the vehicle via wireless...

Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control: Testing Drivers’ Choices of Following Distances

Nowakowski, Christopher
Shladover, Steven E.
Cody, Delphine
Bu, Fanping
O'Connell, Jessica
Spring, John
Dickey, Susan
Nelson, David

A Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control (CACC) system has been developed by adding a wireless vehicle-vehicle communication system and new control logic to an existing commercially available adaptive cruise control (ACC) system. The CACC is intended to enhance the vehicle-following capabilities of ACC so that drivers will be comfortable using it at shorter vehicle-following gaps than ACC. This can offer a significant opportunity to increase traffic flow density and efficiency without compromising safety or expanding roadway infrastructure.This report describes the design and implementation...

Integration Of Probe Vehicle And Induction Loop Data: Estimation Of Travel Times And Automatic Incident Detection

Westerman, Marcel
Litjens, Remco
Linnartz, Jean-Paul

This research investigates methodologies for fusing and further processing real-time road traffic data collected by probe vehicles and induction loop detectors in order to obtain relevant traffic information that is essential for effective deployment of Advanced Traffic Management Information Systems (ATMIS). Methods for estimating travel times and performing automatic incident detection for ATMIS based on induction loop or probe vehicle data are developed. By properly incorporating additional traffic data from the other source the performance of the developed methods is shown to improve...

Highway Electrification And Automation Technologies - Regional Impacts Analysis Project: Phase II: Scenario For Advanced Highway Technologies

Partners for Advanced Transportation Technology (PATH)

This report completes the second phase of the Highway Electrification and Automation Technologies Regional Impacts Analysis Project, a three-year investigation of the potential regional mobility and air quality benefits that could result from implementation of advanced highway technologies in the greater Los Angeles area. This Phase II report focuses on development of a modelling framework for evaluation of the impacts of the alternative advanced technologies applied to selected freeway lanes. The advanced technology system scenarios were chosen from several alternatives based on...

Lateral Control Of Single Unit Heavy Vehicles

Hingwe, Pushkar
Tomizuka, Masayoshi

This report presents two performance enhancement lateral control designs for single unit heavy vehicles. It is shown that robust performance can be achieved using the techniques on a feedback linearized system.