Assessing the Benefits and Costs of Intelligent Transportation Systems: The Value of Advanced Traveler Information Systems

Levinson, David
Gillen, David
Chang, Elva

Recent literature has extensively discussed the social costs of highway travel. Over the next few years, driver behavior should become more informed with the advent and deployment of in-vehicle navigation systems. Information technology will provide the driver the minimum travel time between his or her current location and final destination, updated to consider real-time recurring and non-recurring congestion. This paper considers the effects of those systems, which not only reduce the driver's travel time and vehicle operating costs, but also have positive or negative external travel time...

Magnetometer/GPS/INS Demo 2002 Support and Mitigation of GPS Signal Blockage Research

Farrell, Jay

This project is concerned with accurately and reliably determining the state of a vehicle relative to a specified trajectory (e.g., a lane centerline). We are utilizing inertial navigation methods based on inexpensive solid state inertial sensors aided by external sensors such as carrier phase differential GPS, magnetometers, and roadway height. Due to this integration of sensors, reliability is increased relative to a single sensor approach and the changes required to the roadway infrastructure may be significantly decreased. This projects objectives included preparation for and...

Deliver a Set of Tools for Resolving Bad Inductive Loops and Correcting Bad Data

Lu, Xiao-Yun
Kim, ZuWhan
Cao, Meng
Varaiya, Pravin
Horowitz, Roberto

This report documents a practical work conducted at California PATH for developing a portable tool to be used at the control cabinet level to accurately diagnose any fault(s) of a loop detection system (including loop circuits, loop cards, cable links, etc.), to check the detection accuracy, to deal with sensitivity of detector card, and to correct the faulty data. To achieve these functionalities at the low level, it is necessary to utilize an independent source as a baseline data to compare against the loop detection system output. Such a comparison also permits an evaluation of the loop...

Planits: A User's Guide For The Prototype

Cayford, Randall
Khattak, Asad
Kanafani, Adib

This paper presents a simple prototype to demonstrate the key functions of PLANiTS (Planning and Analysis for Integration for Intelligent Transportation Systems). The prototype has a planning vector that allows users to enter and edit transportation actions, performance measures and environmental descriptors. This guide demonstrates how users specify each of these elements in terms of temporal, spatial and user dimensions and analyze the planning vector with models and case-based reasoning. During the process of planning vector specification and analysis, users at different locations can...

Development Of Binocular Stereopsis For Vehicle Lateral Control, Longitudinal Control And Obstacle Detection

Malik, Jitendra
Taylor, Camillo J.
Mclauchlan, Philip
Kosecka, Jana

This report describes progress in the application of computer vision techniques to the lateral and longitudinal control of an autonomous highway vehicle. A vehicle's lateral dynamics and the design of an appropriate controller for lateral control are investigated. Stereo vision, in conjunction with a scanning laser radar sensor, are studied for providing range information applicable to the longitudinal control problem. The results from the experimental demonstration of this system are reported as part of the National Automated Highway Systems Consortium (NAHSC) Demonstration that took...

Highway Electrification And Automation Technologies - Regional Impacts Analysis Project: Phase III Appendices: Mobility Statistics


This report presents appendices to the third, and final, phase of the Highway Electrification and Automation Technologies Regional Impacts Analysis Project (HE&A). The focus of Phase III report is the assessment of regional impacts associated with application of roadway electrification, and automation technologies to selected freeway sections in the Southern California region.

Preparing the Way for Vehicle-Infrastructure Integration

Shladover, Steven E.

Vehicle-Infrastructure Integration (VII) is one of the most important new national programs within the field of ITS, but until now it has been treated at the federal level as a deployment-oriented activity, without significant research elements. This report identifies some key research issues that need to be investigated in support of VII, in order to ensure that the VII concept and designs are as efficient and effective as possible and in order to produce the essential knowledge base that public agencies throughout the country can rely upon to make well-informed decisions about...

Field Experiments Demonstrate Fuel Savings for Close-Following

Michaelian, Mark
Browand, Fred

There are only two ways to increase the throughput of vehicles on a highway—either construct more freeway lanes, or accommodate a shortened average spacing between individual vehicles (while maintaining speed). Providing a rational means for close-following is an attempt to accomplish the latter. The maximum throughput for a typical freeway lane is about 2000 vehicles/hour, and is roughly independent of the attributes of any particular freeway. The number is remarkably inelastic varying little over the past twenty years in spite of great improvements in the design of freeways and in the...

Lessons in Network Management: Cross-Industry Comparisons and Implications for ITS Development

Horan, Thomas A.
Reany, William

This report provides an historical and case study analysis of policies aimed toward the management of complex systems, with specific reference to the role of public policy and technology in balancing surface transportation system demand and supply. Three case studies form the crux of the paper energy management, airport management, and Internet growth. Lessons from these case studies are then applied to the circumstance of ITS deployment to manage surface transportation in California. Following an introductory section (1), section 2 provides an historical analysis of the forces with have...

Truck CACC Implementation, Field Test and Data AnalysisResults

Lu, Xiao-Yun

This report documents the CACC implementation and field tests for Class-8 trucks. The CACC system design for this implementation has been documented in a separate report. The field tests include two types: some limited freeway tests for control system tuning and development purposes, and extensive tests of fuel consumption at Transport Canada’s Motor Vehicle Test Centre near Montreal. Although the objective of the latter test was for fuel economy analysis of CACC operations, the data have been used for CACC performance analysis in this report since most of the fundamental scenarios have...