Interim Report: Compliance and Commercial Vehicle Operators – A Systems Evaluation of the Problem and Virtual Solutions

Madanat, Samer
Rodier, Caroline
Allen, Denise
Johnston, Scott
Miller, Mark A.
Allen, Jaime
Benjamin-Chung, Jade
Kazanjy, Michael
Narayan, Atul
Giuliano, Gen
McFerrin, Peter

This report documents a review of the literature for commercial motor vehicle inspection and compliance stations and its relationship with the growth of truck travel over the next 25 years and the lack of concurrent capacity increases in staffing at such stations. Problems result in that more commercial vehicles will need to stop for inspection with longer queues at weigh stations associated with increased congestion, increased wait times, more idling trucks, and increased safety hazards. Alternatively, without stopping at inspection and compliance stations other problems will result such...

Data Utilization At California Transportation Management Centers

Chan, Shirley
Chang, Elbert
Lin, Wei-hua
Skabardonis, Alexander

This study looked at the operations and functions performed at the Caltrans Transportation Management Centers (TMC) with focus on the data sources, data processing, and performance measures. Recommendations are made for making greater use of archived real-time archived data. These include establishing a performance monitoring system, using the data to estimate performance measures, and providing procedures for data processing and dissemination.

Freeway Performance Measurement System (PeMS), Version 3 Phase II

Varaiya, Pravin

This continuing PeMS project had four tasks: 1. Quantify the reduction in delay from optimum freeway operations; 2. Release travel time estimates to the public; 3. Training Caltrans staff in the use of PeMS; 4. Improve system robustness/maintenance. For task 1, we developed and implemented an algorithm that quantifes potential travel time reduction. The algorithm takes historical travel demand data from PeMS. It simulates the resulting traffic flow, based on an idealized ramp-metering algorithm, and calculates the resulting travel times on the freeway and waiting time at the ramps. As an...

Analyses of the Response of Pavements Containing Ceramic Plugs for Vehicle Guidance

Monismith, Carl L.

In studies undertaken by staff of the PATH Program concerned with automatic vehicle control (AVC) ceramic sensors (magnets) have been placed at or near the surface of both asphalt concrete (AC) and portland cement concrete (PCC) pavements. Thus far sensors have been installed at three locations: 1) AC pavement at the Richmond Field Station (RFS); 2) AC and PCC pavement on Interstate 15 in San Diego, CA; and 3) AC and PCC pavement on Interstate 80 near Donner Summit, CA. The installations at Donner Summit have been used for the guidance of snow plows during the winter months. With increased...

Deployment and Evaluation of Real-Time Vehicle Reidentification from an Operations Perspective

Coifman, Benjamin
Varaiya, Pravin

This Section improves upon the vehicle reidentification algorithm presented in Coifman and Cassidy (in press) for consecutive detector stations on a freeway; in the algorithm, a vehicle measurement made at a downstream detector station is matched with the vehicle's corresponding measurement at an upstream station. The work should be applicable to any detector technology capable of extracting a reproducible vehicle measurement, or vehicle signature. The algorithm is presented using measured vehicle lengths from conventional dual loop detectors; however it could easily be adapted to match...

Longitudinal Control Development For IVHS Fully Automated And Semi - Automated System: Phase III

Hedrick, J. K.
Garg, V.
Gerdes, J. C.
Maciuca, D. B.
Swaroop, D.

This report focuses on longitudinal issues regarding modeling and control of vehicles in an Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) setting. Specifically, the report addresses the issue of vehicle control in an automated highway system, brake actuation and brake control. Recent research findings in the area of automated vehicle platooning on isolated lanes of an automated highway are included. Performance specifications, control system architecture, vehicle control algorithms, actuator and sensor specifications and communication requirements are also discussed. The report also addresses...

Evaluation of the Anaheim Advanced Traffic Control System Field Operational Test: Final Report Task B; Assessment of Institutional Issues

McNally, M.G.
Moore, James E., II
MacCarley, C. Arthur
Jayakrishnan, R.

This report provides an overview of the technical and institutional issues associated with the evaluation of the federally-sponsored Anaheim Advanced Traffic Control System Field Operations Test. The primary FOT objective was the implementation and performance evaluation of adaptive traffic signal control technologies including an existing second generation approach, SCOOT, and a 1.5 generation control (1.5GC) approach under development. Also selected for implementation was a video traffic detection system (VTDS). The SCOOT evaluation was defined relative to existing, first generation UTCS...

Highway Electrification And Automation Technologies - Regional Impacts Analysis Project: Phase I: Baseline Scenario Data Analysis


The Highway Electrification and Automation Technologies Regional Impacts Analysis Project addresses the transportation-related problems of freeway congestion, air pollution, and dependence on fossil fuels in southern California. This report presents a documentation of the basis for the impacts analysis. It contains sections on data collected, baseline forecast for 2025, and electrification and automation specification scenarios. This report constitutes the final report for Phase I of the project.

Parameter Estimation and Command Modification for Longitudinal Control of Heavy Vehicles

Bae, Hong S.
Gerdes, J. Christian

Commercial heavy vehicles, unlike passenger vehicles, display huge variation in parameters such as vehicle mass. Coupled with lower actuation authorities (engine and brake capabilities), these variations can induce actuator saturation even in moderately demanding maneuvers, presenting challenge to the task of maintaining string stability in a platoon formation of heavy trucks. A new control scheme is proposed to put on-line bounds, or artificial saturation, on command signals via parameter estimation such that all members in a platoon can follow the reference commands without saturating...

Seamless Travel: Measuring Bicycle and Pedestrian Activity in San Diego County and its Relationship to Land Use, Transportation, Safety, and Facility Type

Jones, Michael G.
Ryan, Sherry
Donlon, Jennifer
Ledbetter, Lauren
Ragland, David R.
Arnold, Lindsay

This paper provides the data collection and research results for the Seamless Travel project. The Seamless Travel Project is a research project funded by Caltrans and managed by the University of California Traffic Safety Center, with David Ragland, PhD., as the Principal Investigator and Michael Jones as the Project Manager. The project is funded by Caltrans Division of Innovation and Research and is being conducted by the Traffic Safety Center of University of California Berkeley and Alta Planning + Design.Measuring bicycle and pedestrian activity is a key element to achieving the goals...