EasyConnect: Low-Speed Modes Linked to Transit Planning Project

Shaheen, Susan A. PhD
Rodier, Caroline J. PhD

The EasyConnect Low-Speed Modes Linked to Transit Planning Project (TO 5113) project represents the integration of innovative strategies to enhance transit use during the development and construction of a suburban transit oriented development at the Pleasant Hill Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART) District station in the East San Francisco Bay Area. This planning project brings together a unique partnership including small technology businesses, transportation agencies, city and county government, and academia. The project components include the introduction of shared-use low speed mode...

Evaluation of TravInfo(tm) Field Operational Test: Final Report

Yim, Youngbin
Miller, Mark A.

TravInfo TM is a regional traveler information system in the San Francisco Bay Area. It was a Field Operational Test (FOT) over a two-year period from September 1996 to September 1998 with funding from the Federal Highway Administration and the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans). The California PATH Program at the University of California, Berkeley conducted an evaluation of the field test.

Freight Transportation and Highway Automation: Research on Advanced Technologies for Goods Movement as an Integral Part of the PATH Program

Stevens, Ann D.

The Program on Advanced Technology for the Highway (PATH), has been established in response to funding by the United States Congress and the California Legislature to demonstrate how "high technology" might be applied to improve highway transportation. PATH's goal, in the short run, is to implement technologies which promise significant relief of acute problemsincluding traffic congestion, air pollution and energy use. Alternative systems of vehicle guidance and control, navigation, propulsion, and communication will be studied and/or developed. The impacts of these systems on highway...

Transportation Modeling For The Environment: Final Report

Barth, Matthew
Norbeck, Joseph

This report describes preliminary research dealing with vehicle emissions associated directly with Automated Highway Systems (AHS) and ramp metering. In performing this analysis, a power-demand model emissions model was integrated with several transportation simulation models in order to quantitatively determine the effects of Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) technology on vehicle emissions. For AHS, a steady-state speed/emissions comparison was conducted between vehicles that are platooned and non-platooned. For ramp metering, a general evaluation was conducted concentrating on...

Fault Tolerant Autonomous Lateral Control for Heavy Vehicles

Talbot, Craig Matthew
Papadimitriou, Iakovos
Tomizuka, Masayoshi

This report summarizes the research results of TO4233, "Fault Tolerant Autonomous Lateral Control for Heavy Vehicles". This project represents a continuing effort of PATH's research on Automated Highway Systems (AHS) and more specifically in the area of heavy vehicles. Research on the lateral control of heavy vehicles for AHS has been going on at PATH since 1993. MOU129, "Steering and Braking Control of Heavy Duty Vehicles" was the first project and it was followed by MOU242, "Lateral Control of Commercial Heavy Duty Vehicle". Both projects were concerned mostly with the theoretical...

Moving Slot Concept for Automated Highway Control

Chin, Chi-nan
Hall, Randolf

The objective of this report is to optimize performance of AutomatedHighway Systems through management of space accounting for interaction between entrance and exit processes. To accomplish this objective, we develop acomprehensive framework, including a new integrated highway model called the moving slot model, and operational strategies, called slot/lane assignment rules. Themodel manages highway space to maximize capacity accounting for safety and vehicle maneuvers. Operational strategies minimize space requirements by formingvehicles into specific patterns of destinations through entry...

ITS Standards: A System Management Perspective

Intihar, Chris
Hall, Randolf

This working paper is part of a larger project examining how the State of California should respond to the National System Architecture (NSA) for Intelligent Transportation Systems. The specific focus of this paper is on the role of standardization in managing and controlling the transportation system. The paper reviews activities and processes used by standards setting organization in transportation. We conclude that national and international standards will continue to address the needs for defining common interfaces...

Decision Support And Consensus Building For PLANiTS

Kanafani, Adib
Crotty, Melanie

This paper describes the specifications and the determinants for inclusion of a deliberative process to support intelligent transportation planning. Specifications for a system suitable for transportation planning have been defined, as have the determinants of a prototype for inclusion in early versions of an intelligent transportation planning process. The PLANiTS ( Planning and Analysis to Integrate Intelligent Urban Transportation Systems) framework is utilized in this project.

Travinfo Evaluation Plan

Yim, Youngbin
Khattak, Asad
Miller, Mark
Hall, Randolf

This document presents an evaluation plan for the TravInfo project, a field operational test of a centralized database in the San Francisco Bay Area. The TravInfo Evaluation Plan is prepared in accordance with the Mitre guidelines adopted by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) for IVHS Operational Test Evaluation Plans. The report consists of five major sections: introduction, traveler response component, institutional component, technology assessment, and system evaluation.

User Response to the Telephone Advisory Traveler Information System in the San Francisco Bay Area: Based on TravInfo Caller Survey Wave 1

Ygnace, Jean-Luc
Koo, Ronald
Yim, Youngbin

This paper presents the findings of a survey conducted among callers of a San Francisco BayArea telephone information service. A Bay Area traveler information system, TravInfo, has beenin operation since September 1996. In April 1997, a survey of TravInfo callers was conductedover a two-week period. The paper compares the call making and demographic characteristics ofthose who asked for traffic information and of those who asked for transit information. Changesin travel behavior after the calls were made were also investigated. The key findings of the studywere that the people who called...