Institutional Issues and Arrangements in Interoperable Transit Smart Card Systems: A Review of the Literature on California, United States, and International Systems

Yoh, Allison C., PhD
Iseki, Hiroyuki
Taylor, Brian D.
King, David A.

Many public transit agencies in California have implemented or are in the process of implementing smart card fare collection systems. Smart cards can provide riders with a convenient fare medium that eliminates the need for exact change, and offers riders one fare card that can be used across multiple modes, operators, and even different jurisdictions. For transit operators, smart cards can minimize fare fraud and pilfering, reduce operating and maintenance costs, speed up boarding times, and enhance data collection for planning purposes. One important objective of transportation planning...

Impact Of ATIS On Drivers' Decisions And Route Choice: A Literature Review

Abel-aty, Mohamed A.
Vaughn, Kenneth M.
Kitamura, Ryuichi
Jovanis, Paul P.

This report reviews the recent studies adopted in order to understand drivers' behavior, and in particular, behavior when influenced by an Advanced Traveler Information System (ATIS). Different approaches were used in these studies: field experiments, route choice surveys, interactive computer simulation games, route choice simulation and/or modeling, and stated preference. These studies are classified according to the main approach used, and the main objective, method, and findings are presented. Results indicate the need to understand how drivers choose or change routes in the absence of...

Vehicle Following Control Design for Automated Highway Systems

Raza, H.
Ioannou, P.

Automatic vehicle following is an important feature of a fully or partially automated highway system (AHS). The on-board vehicle control system should be able to accept and process inputs from the driver, the infrastructure and other vehicles, perform diagnostics and provide the appropriate commands to actuators so that the resulting motion of the vehicle is safe and compatible with the AHS objectives. The purpose of this paper is to design and test a vehicle control system in order to achieve full vehicle automation in the longitudinal direction for several modes of operation, where the...

Advanced Braking Methods for Longitudinal Control of Commercial Heavy Vehicles

Moklegaard, Lasse
Stefanopoulou, Anna G.

In this report, we develop nonlinear dynamical models and longitudinal control algorithms that coordinate variable compression brake mechanism with service brakes for a Class-8 commercial heavy vehicle. For the coordination and full use of these retarding actuators, we model the multivariable system based on physics-based principles and experimental data. We show that, for one specific critical braking maneuver, the coordination of compression and service brakes reduces the use of the service brakes by a factor of 45, and that it reduces the settling time by a factor of 2. Key words:...

Constraints On Initial Ahs Deployment And The Concept Definition Of A Shuttle Service For Ahs Debut

Tsao, H. S. Jacob

This paper proposes a shuttle van service as the initial deployment Automated Highway System (AHS) target. The freeway portion of the trip is fully automated and a professional driver is required for off-freeway driving. Advantages from the viewpoint of of different deployment issues are discussed. Focus is on the concept definition.

Evaluation of PeMS to Improve the Congestion Monitoring Program

Kwon, Jaimyoung
McCullough, Bill
Petty, Karl
Varaiya, Pravin

The highway congestion monitoring program (HICOMP) report is based on data from tach vehicle runs or PeMS. Research under TO 5319 compares the accuracy and cost of these two alternatives. The detailed studies described in the report lead to the following conclusions and suggestions for follow-on work:1. In freeway sections with good quality detectors spaced at most one-half mile apart, PeMS-based estimates of the magnitude, extent and duration of congestion are incomparably more accurate than those based on tach vehicle runs.2. Because at most four days of tach run data are used to...

Travel, Emissions, And Consumer Benefits Of Advanced Transit Technologies In The Sacramento Region

Johnston, R.
Rodier, C.

The purpose of this project was to examine the potential travel effects, emissions, and consumer welfare benefits of advanced transit technologies. These technologies included advanced transit information, demand responsive transit, and personal rapid transit. The Sacramento Regional Travel Demand model (SACMET 95) was used to simulate the travel effects. Consumer welfare evaluation was accomplished by applying the Small-Rosen model to SACMET. Five advanced transit scenarios for the Sacramento region in the year 2015 were examined. It was found that the advanced transit technologies, which...

Cal Poly Pomona EDAPTS Test Deployment

Jia, Xudong, PhD
Gerfen, Jeff, MS
Hockaday, Neil
Chapman, Bruce

The Efficient Deployment of Advanced Public Transportation Systems (EDAPTS) demonstration at California State Polytechnic University, Pomona assessed the viability of using the EDAPTS procurement, installation, verification, and validation processes in a small transit environment to reduce the cost of ownership for technology solutions. Modified Systems Engineering processes were used to deploy an Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) solution on the Cal Poly Pomona Bronco Express campus bus system. This report provides a summary of methodologies used, outcomes, findings, recommendations...

Potential Benefits Of In-vehicle Information Systems (ivis): Demand And Incident Sensitivity Analysis

Al-Deek, Haitham M. F.

A preliminary evaluation of In-Vehicle Information Systems (IVIS) has been conducted by a research team at ITS and a final report entitled "Potential Benefits of In-Vehicle Information Systems in a Real Life Freeway Corridor under Recurring and Incident-Induced Congestion" [July 1988] [I] has been submitted to the PATH program. The principle end-products of the mentioned effort were the development of a simulation test-bed for the Santa Monica freeway (SMART) corridor and the estimation of the travel time savings to potential (IVIS) users under two traffic scenarios: recurring congestion...

Bus Lanes/Bus Rapid Transit Systems on Highways: Review of the Literature

Miller, Mark A.

This report presents the findings of a study of commercial motor vehicle inspection and screening station practices with a focus on the use of various technologies to help address problems related to safety, security, roadway infrastructure, and air quality. A review of industry literature identified the various types of inspection and screening practices that have been and are being implemented including weight and size management, on-board equipment checking, driver-related violations and cargo monitoring, credential checking, and exhaust emissions monitoring. The review also identified...