Longitudinal Control Of A Platoon Of Vehicles. I, Linear Model (ucb/erl M89/106)

Sheikholeslam, Shahab
Desoer, Charles A.

This paper presents a systematic analysis of a longitudinal control law of a platoon of vehicles using a linear model to represent the vehicle dynamics of each vehicle within the platoon. The basic idea is to take full advantage of recent advances in communication and measurement and using these advances in longitudinal control of a platoon of vehicles.

SmartBRT: A Set of Planning, Analysis and Evaluation Tools for Bus Rapid Transit: Final Report Year 1 of 2

Balvanyos, Tunde
Bethel, Wes
Gardes, Yonnel
Kourjanskaia, Natalia
Liu, Hongchao
Misener, Jim
Sousa, Joao
Vander Werf, Joel
Wei, Wenbin

We report Year 1 results from a two-year project to develop a computer simulation, evaluation and visualization "toolbox", SmartBRT, to describe and evaluate operational aspects of bus rapid transit (BRT) concepts in order to aid decision-making. In conceiving and developing SmartBRT, we have maintained two objectives: 1. To provide FTA, Caltrans and local decision-makers with a rigorous and defensible, yet intuitive BRT operation evaluation method along with a general purpose BRT simulator/communication tool; and 2. To provide example applications of SmartBRT to actual BRT concepts and to...

Providing In-Vehicle Soft Safety Alerts Using Mobile Millennium Data and Vehicle Event Information

Nowakowski, Christopher
Gupta, Somak Datta
Myers, Scott
Shladover, Steven
Butler, Joe
Bayen, Alex

The Mobile Millennium project provided a platform for aggregating traffic information across various sources, including infrastructure sensors, commercial data feeds, probe vehicles, and probe cell phones. The Networked Traveler project provided the California PATH instrumented research vehicle platform used to both deliver vehicle probe data back to the infrastructure and to generate Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) alerts to the drivers of those vehicles. The main theme of this collaboration project was to demonstrate the potential to create Enhanced Probe Vehicles (EPVs) by...

Evaluation And Analysis Of Automated Highway System Concepts And Architectures

Ioannou, Petros

This is the final report for the project entitled \Evaluation and Analysis of Automated Highway System Concepts and Architectures" in response to the contractual requirements of the Memorandum of Understanding MOU# 235, between the Partners of Advanced Transit and Highways (PATH) and the University of Southern California, administered at the University of Califor- nia at Berkeley. The purpose of this project was to select, evaluate and analyze a num- ber of promising Automated Highway System (AHS) operational concepts based on previous work. The evaluation and analysis includes headway dis...

Sketch Of An Ivhs Systems Architecture

Varaiya, P. P.
Shladover, Steven E.

Presents a sketch of a system architecture for the control and management tasks of an intelligent vehicle/highway system (IVHS)

Onboard Monitoring and Reporting for Commercial Vehicle Motor Safety

Cooper, Doug
Dickey, Sue
Johnston, Scott
Kim, ZuWhan
Koo, Thomas
Kretz, Paul
Kuhn, Kenny
Lu, Xiao-Yun
Margulici, JD
Misener, James A.
Nowakowski, Christopher
Robin, Jerry
Spring, John
Walker, Martin

This final report describes the process and product from the project, Onboard Monitoring and Reporting for Commercial Motor Vehicle Safety (OBMS), in which a prototypical suite of hardware on a Freightliner Century Class truck was developed and tested.The OBMS suite allows for online measurement of a set of driving characteristics which are indicators of unsafe driving behavior. These characteristics include speed, following distance, lane keeping performance, safety belt use, and the use of turn signals. Feedback can be provided to the driver, either directly via real time feedback or...

Fault Detection and Handling for Longitudinal Control

Yi, Jingang
Howell, Adam
Horowitz, Roberto
Hedrick, Karl
Alvarez, Luis

The purpose of this project is to extend and integrate existing results on fault diagnostics and fault management for passenger vehicles used in automated highway systems (AHS). These re-sults have been combined to form a fault diagnostic and management system for the longitudinal control system of the automated vehicles which has a heirarchical framework that complements the established PATH control system. Furthermore, the fault diagnostic module effectively mon-itors all of the sensors and actuators required for longitudinal control, while the fault handling module corrects for any...

PLANiTS: THE METHODS BASE, Model Selection and Model Integration

Picado, Rosella
Khattak, Asad
Lovell, David J.
Kanafani, Adib

This paper presents some features of PLANiTS (Planning and Integration for Intelligent Transportation Systems). In particular, it discusses some functions of the Methods Base. These include representation of model chains, selection of models and data, and data transformations and aggregation. Sequences of models are represented using graph notation. Models and data are selected given the Planning Vector specification, although users may override system selections. The Methods Base features are illustrated with an example drawn from the PLANiTS prototype (version 1 .O).

Evaluation of Traffic and Environment Effects on Skid Resistance and Safety Performance of Rubberized Open-grade Asphalt Concrete

Oh, Soon Mi
Ragland, David R.
Chan, Ching-Yao

Wet pavement-related collisions represent a significant traffic safety concern, due in part to the lack of adequate friction between tire and pavement, known as skid resistance. State agencies employ a skid number (SN) system, based on a standard test procedure in which a locked wheel is towed at 40 mph and the skid number (SN40) is calculated from the measured resistance. SN40 is used as a reference value for speeds both greater than and less than 40 mph. For most Departments of Transportation (DOTs) in the nation, excluding California, pavements for which the SN40 is below 30 are deemed...

The Naturalistic Driver Model: A Review of Distraction, Impairment and Emergency Factors

Caird, J.K.
Lees, M.
Edwards, C.

The purpose of this project is to review the literature on driver distraction, impairment and emergency response that supports the development of the Naturalistic Driver Model. Driver models that are based on high-quality empirical research are more likely to serve as a useful and valid tool to professionals and researchers.