Development Of Vehicle Simulation Capability

Stoner, James W.
Evans, Douglas F.
Mcgehee, Daniel

This report summarizes work on developing simulation databasing tools and procedures to support driving human factors experiments. The simulator requirements are specified, and a complete description of the resulting Iowa Driving Simulation facility are provided. The specification and description of the visual features of the ORCHIDS data base illustrate the capabilities generated. Subsystems necessary to support simulation are described. Experimental design procedures are outlined. An example scenario illustrates the potential for applying driving simulation as a research tool to examine...

Ten Strategies for Freeway Congestion Mitigation with Advanced Technologies

Daganzo, Carlos F.
Laval, Jorge
Munoz, Juan Carlos

This report presents ten strategies for improving freeway performance that have become feasible with the advent of new software and hardware technologies for traffic control. Most of the strategies can be applied with advanced implementations of existing hardware. The strategies have in common that they can be rigorously tested. heir measures of performance can be reliably obtained and do not depend on the accuracy of data- hungry, large-scale models.

Evaluation of the Anaheim Advanced Traffic Control System Field Operational Test: Executive Summary

McNally, M. G.
Moore, James E., II
MacCarley, C. Arthur
Jayakrishnan, R.

This Executive Summary provides an overview of the technical and institutional issues associated with the evaluation of the federally-sponsored Anaheim Advanced Traffic Control System Field Operations Test. The primary FOT objective was the implementation and performance evaluation of adaptive traffic signal control technologies including an existing second generation approach, SCOOT, and a 1.5 generation control (1.5GC) approach under development. Also selected for implementation was a video traffic detection system (VTDS).The SCOOT evaluation was defined relative to existing, first...

Longitudinal Control Development For IVHS Fully Automated And Semi-automated Systems: Phase II

Hedrick, J. K.
Garg, V.
Gerdes, J. C.
Maciuca, D. B.
Swaroop, D.

This report studies performance issues in Automated Vehicle Control Systems (AVCS). Specifically, it addresses the automatic braking controller design issues, effects of braking on Intelligent Vehicle Highway Systems (IVHS) lane capacity, performance of platoons with various information structures, and fault detection filter design for AVCS.

The Influence Of Close-following Upon Cooling Module Air Flow

Browand, Fred
Marcu, Bogdan
Sharpe, Christian

The purpose of this report is to experimentally determine the air flow through the cooling module (air-conditioning condenser plus engine radiator) of a Ford Windstar minivan when the van is operated at a fraction of a vehicle length behind a lead van. Pressures and temperatures are measured across the cooling module while the vans are in operation, and a standard calibration relates the pressure drop to the flow velocity through the cooling module. The Windstars are connected in tandem and driven on a test track at spacings of 0.22, 0.28, 0.38, 0.62, 0.88, and 1.0, expressed as fractions...

The Netcell Simulation Package: Technical Description

Cayford, Randall
Lin, Wei-Hua
Daganzo, Carlos F.

This report describes the NETCELL simulation package. NETCELL is a freeway network simulation program based on the cell transmission model which captures the dynamic evolution of multicommodity traffic over a freeway network with three-legged junctions in a way that is consistent with the hydrodynamic theory of highway traffic. NETVIEW is a graphical postprocessor for viewing NETCELL output files. This document discusses implementation of the programs in detail, including the cell representation for a freeway network with three-legged junctions, data and file structures, inputs and outputs...

Carlink II: A Commuter Carsharing Pilot Program Final Report

Shaheen, Susan
Wipyewski, Kamill
Rodier, Caroline
Novick, Linda
Meyn, Molly Anne
Wright, John

CarLink II was a commuter-based carsharing pilot project administered by the Institute ofTransportation Studies at the University of California, Davis (ITS-Davis) in conjunction with Caltrans, American Honda Motor Company, and Caltrain. Partners for Advanced Transit andHighways (PATH) researchers conducted the evaluation. Pilot objectives included testing an advanced carsharing system, understanding user response to this service, and testing its long-term sustainability. From July 1, 2001 to June 30, 2002, the CarLink II program was deployed in the field and continued the investigation of...

Methods for Identifying High Collision Concentration Locations for Potential Safety Improvements

Geyer, Judy
Lankina, Elena
Chan, Ching-Yao
Ragland, David
Pham, Trinh
Sharafsaleh, Ashkan

The California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) uses Table C and related documents to identify and to investigate locations within the state highway system where a relatively large number of collisions occur. In earlier years, a task force evaluated the process of generating and using these reports and found that there was much room for improvements. A list of recommendations was made. The efforts undertaken within this project is part of the effort to make the process of safety investigations and improvements more efficient and productive. This report summarizes the work carried...

A Theory Of Traffic Flow In Automated Highway Systems

Broucke, M.
Varaiya, P.

This paper presents a theory for automated traffic flow, based on abstraction of vehicle activities such as entry, exit and cruising, derived from a vehicle's automatic control laws. The theory formulates TMC traffic plans as the specification of the activities and speed of vehicles, and the entry and exit flows for each highway section. The theory permits the study of transient phenomena such as congestion, and TMC feed back traffic rules designed to deal with transients.

Large-Scale Traffi c Simulation Through Distributed Computing of Paramics

Liu, Henry X.
Ma, Wenteng
Jayakrishnan, R.
Recker, Will

Simulation modeling is an increasingly popular and effective tool for analyzing transportation problems, which are not amendable to study by other means. We examine the need for parallel or distributed simulation approaches from the need for computational speed-ups, availability of options towards that, and then at the need to distribute the effort to develop network simulation contexts and datasets. After an overview of the general techniques for the distributed discrete-event simulation and previous efforts on the distributed traffic simulation, we present the general architecture of the...