The Access Control Problem on Capacitated FIFO Networks with Unique O-D Paths is Hard

Erera, Alan L.
Daganzo, Carlos F.
Lovell, David J.

This paper is concerned with the performance of multi-commodity capacitated networks with continuous flows in a deterministic but time-dependent environment. For a given time-dependent origin-destination (O-D) table, it asks if it is easy to find a way of regulating the input flows into the network so as to avoid queues from growing in it. It is shown that even if the network structure is very simple (unique O-D paths) finding a feasible regulation scheme is a `hard' problem. More specifically, it is shown that even if all input functions are smooth, there are instances of the problem with...

Assessment of the Applicability of Bus Rapid Transit on Conventional Highways—Case Study Feasibility Analyses Along the Lincoln Boulevard Corridor

Skabardonis, Alex
Miller, Mark A.
Li, Irene Yue
Cervero, Robert
Murakami, Jin
Zou, Zhijun
Richman, Neal
Wong, Norman

This report presents the results of a performance assessment of the applicability of bus rapid transit on conventional highways in the setting of a site-specific case study along the Lincoln Boulevard corrider in Santa Monica, California. When bus rapid transit systems are implemented on conventional highways, especially on arterials, there are numerous bus priority treatments that can be applied and each has associated with it issues that need to be investigated. In this study, we are investigating concurrent flow curb bus lanes based on the removal of peak period parking along the...

Completing the Circle: Using Archived Operations Data to Better Link Decisions to Performance

Dahlgren, Joy
Garcia, Reinaldo C.
Turner, Shawn

This report summarizes current practices in using archived operations data to better link decisions to transportationsystem performance. The joint research team of PATH and TTI investigated data archiving and performancemonitoring activities in selected locations, with a primary focus on the use of performance measures in improvingoperations. We first provide an overview of a traffic performance measures system and its components, then wesummarize the major findings for each system component. The major findings and conclusions of our research aresummarized below.

Freeway Performance Measurement System (PeMS) Version 4

Varaiya, Pravin

PeMS 4 is the latest of four task orders devoted to research, development, and maintenance of the PeMS system. PeMS collects, processes, stores, and makes available online data from the six Caltrans districts (D3, 4, 7, 8, 11, 12), which include the major urban areas in California. The data are obtained from 23,237 loops, grouped into 7,359 vehicle detector stations (VDS). These loops cover 2,812 out of 30,726 miles of interstate and state highways in California. PeMS began as a research project. As the research system evolved, Caltrans determined that the information it provided was very...

A Reliable Direct Drive for the Steering Wheel Column of Buses

Eirea, Gabriel
Sanders, Seth
Zhang, Wei-Bin

This final reports the fault analysis of precision docking system and safety design of the safety critical elements for precision docking system. The report includes three Parts, including:Part I provides a description of the Precision Docking System and reports analysis for fault diagnosis and safety design of automated steering controller and Electronic Control Unit (ECU) for steering actuator. It also reports a demonstration PATH conducted during the National Intelligent Vehicle Initiative demonstration organized by the US Department of Transportation Joint Program Office.Part II report...

The Costs and Benefits of Home-Based Telecommuting

Shafizadeh, Kevan R.
Mokhtarian, Patricia L.
Niemeier, Debbie A.
Salomon, Ilan

This report evaluates the costs and benefits of home-based telecommuting. Combining empirical data from the literature with a Monte Carlo simulation technique, a distribution of cost-benefit ratios is produced from three perspectives: the employer, the telecommuter, and the public sector.... Depending on the underlying assumptions, the results indicate that telecommuter benefit-cost ratios are generally above one if the employer bears the majority of the equipment cost burden. ...Even when parking and office space benefits are included, productivity lies at the heart of the telecommuting...

Models of Vehicular Collision: Development and Simulation with Emphasis on Safety V: MEDUSA: Theory, Examples, User's Manual, Programmer's Guide and Code

O'Reilly, Oliver M.
Papadopoulos, Panayiotis
Lo, Gwo-Jeng
Varadi, Peter C.

This document constitutes a final report for MOU 39. It contains a User's Manual, Programmer's Guide, source code and underlying theory for the program MEDUSA. This program is capable of simulating both the normative driving dynamics and collision dynamics of an arbitrary number of vehicles. Its range of validity lies in the assumed nature of the vehicular collision, and it is recommended for use in studying low relative velocity impact scenarios at large time-scales. Keywords: IVHS America, Vehicle Dynamics, Collision Dynamics, Safety, computer Simluation, Animal and Simulation; A...

Calibration of VISSIM for a Congested Freeway

Gomes, Gabriel
May, Adolf
Horowitz, Roberto

A procedure for constructing and calibrating a detailed model of a freeway using VISSIM is presented and applied to a 15-mile stretch of I-210 West in Pasadena, California. This test site provides several challenges for microscopic modeling: an HOV lane with an intermittent barrier, a heavy freeway connector, 20 metered onramps with and without HOV bypass lanes, and three interacting bottlenecks. Field data used as input to the model was compiled from two separate sources: loop-detectors on the onramps and mainline (PeMS), and a manual survey of onramps and offramps. Gaps in both sources...

Multiple ICM Management: Task ID 3706 (65A0764), Final Report

Patire, Anthony PhD
Dion, Francis PhD

In order to improve corridor network operations, the vision of integrated corridor management (ICM) is to identify corridor managers who serve as experts for individual corridors, and to enable these managers to oversee corridor operations, to coordinate with partner agencies, and to improve collaborative, multiagency planning. While it makes sense to manage freeways, arterials, and transit in a coordinated way within a corridor, it is less clear how multiple corridors interact with each other, and how incidents and response plans along one corridor impacts a nearby corridor or multiple...

Institutional Aspects of Multi-Agency Transit Operations

Miller, Mark A.
Lam, Amy

In this project we have investigated the institutional changes that have been undertaken recently by transit properties to work more closely - in partnership and coordination rather than in competition - with other regional public agencies (especially including other transit properties) to help address mutual transportation problems from a regional and less parochial perspective. Our investigation includes case studies both within and outside of California. From the case studies, both formal and informal mechanisms are used to forge strong regional coordination linkages. Several key...