Integrated Maneuvering Control For Automated Highway Systems Based On A Magnetic Reference/sensing System

Tomizuka, Masayoshi
Hedrick, J. Karl
Pham, Hung

In this report, a combined longitudinal and lateral eighteen-state vehicle chassis, engine, and drive train model is developed and validated against existing longitudinal-only and lateral-only vehicle models. The full-size model is simplified to a three-state model to facilitate controller design. The control task in a combined maneuver is defined as the simultaneous regulation of the vehicle's longitudinal and lateral spacings through the application of throttle and steering. Two forms of a Sliding control law are derived based on the reduced order model. One version is decoupled in the...

Commercial Vehicle Operations In Intermodal Transportation Management Centers

Hall, R.
Intihar, C.

The report documents findings from a series of studies investigating the role of commercial vehicle operations within inter-modal transportation management centers. The study concludes that there exists no strong market push to better integrate motor carrier operations with governmental agencies in California today. As companies adopt ITS technologies for vehicle tracking and wireless communication, they are clearly not pushing for electronic transfer of information to and from governmental agencies. Likewise, none of the companies in the vehicle tracking industry has given priority to...

Studies Of Road Infrastructure Requirements For Small Innovative Vehicles

Garrison, William L.

This is the final report of Phase I studies of road infrastructure requirements for small innovative highway vehicles. Project reports previously published provide statements of approaches and findings, and these provide the basis for the present report which strives for clarification-stocktaking objectives. This study was triggered by General Motors Corporation investigations of the feasibility of marketing a relatively inexpensive single occupant, high performance, fuel efficient vehicle known as the Lean Machine.

Fault Diagnosis and Safety Design of Automated Steering Controller and Electronic Control Unit (ECU) for Steering Actuator

Tan, Han-Shue
Bu, Fanping
Koo, Shiang-Lung
Zhang, Wei-Bin

This final reports the fault analysis of precision docking system and safety design of the safety critical elements for precision docking system. The report includes three Parts, including:Part I provides a description of the Precision Docking System and reports analysis for fault diagnosis and safety design of automated steering controller and Electronic Control Unit (ECU) for steering actuator. It also reports a demonstration PATH conducted during the National Intelligent Vehicle Initiative demonstration organized by the US Department of Transportation Joint Program Office.Part II report...

Towards an Accessible City: Removing Functional Barriers to Independent Travel for Blind and Vision-Impaired Residents and Visitors

Golledge, Reginald G.
Marston, James R.

This study examined the effect that use of Remote Infrared Signage Systems has on performance of blind or vision impaired people when undertaking a variety of bus user tasks, including finding a suburban bus stop, identifying a specific bus and boarding it, disembarking at the downtown terminal and finding the entrance, traversing the terminal and learning the location of facilities inside and simulating the exiting of a buss.

Evaluation of the OCTA Transit Probe System

Hall, Randolph W.
Vyas, Nilesh
Shyani, Chintan
Sabnani, Vikas
Khetani, Simit

The OCTA (Orange County Transit Authority) Transit Probe Project is a field operational test of an automatic-vehicle-location (AVL) system operating in Orange County, California. This report presents the final evaluation results for the project, concentrating on the operational period from June 1, 1998 to May 30, 1999. The report provides a detailed description of the system and the motivation for its design. It provides analyses of data reliability and accuracy, and analysis of the usefulness of transit probe data for predicting automobile travel times. Institutional issues are evaluated...

An Efficient Lane Change Maneuver for Platoons of Vehicles in an Automated Highway System

Horowitz, Roberto
Tan, Chin-Woo
Sun, Xiaotian

The current lane change maneuver for vehicles in a platoon under the California PATH automated highway system (AHS) architecture is inefficient, because the follower has to split from the rest of the platoon before making a lane change. In this report, we propose to add a lane change within platoons maneuver that allows a follower to change lanes and be inserted into another platoon directly without splitting either platoon. This maneuver is performed by aligning and locking the longitudinal positions of the two platoons in adjacent lanes. The estimated improvement in the AHS utilization,...

Final Report: Mobile Surveillance and Wireless Communication Systems Field Operational Test; Volume 1: Executive Summary

Klein, Lawrence

The Mobile Surveillance and Wireless Communication Systems Field Operational Test (FOT) evaluated the performance of wireless traffic detection and communications systems in areas where permanent detectors, electrical power, and landline communications were not available. The FOT partners designed and built six surveillance and three ramp meter trailers, a video and data retransmission or relay site, and video and data reception facilities at the Caltrans District 12 and Anaheim Traffic Management Center (TMCs) and the University of California at Irvine Institute of Transportation Studies...

Experimental Verification of Discretely Variable Compression Braking Control for Heavy Duty Vehicles: Final Report

Vahidi, Ardalan
Stefanopoulou, Anna G.
Wang, Xiaoyong
Tsao, Tsu Chin

In the first two chapters of this report, the development of discrete compression brake and transmission models is explained. In the vehicle model development, special efforts have been put in transmission shifting scheduling. Transmission up-shift and down-shift scheduling are separated in the modelling. Hysteresis during shifting is introduced to reduce chattering. A compression brake effect on transmission shifting is identified and considered in the modelling. The new transmission shifting model has been validated through experimental data. The transmission shifting model is combined...

Assessing the Benefits and Costs of Intelligent Tranportation Systems: Ramp Meters

Kang, Seungmin
Gillen, David

This study undertakes an evaluation of the benefits and costs of ramp metering. The primary purpose was to provide empirical information on the value of the introduction and use of this form of ITS technology. Three cases are examined in the analysis. The impact of ramp metering on traffic behavior is simulated based on a cell transmission model and an assumed travel demand on the freeway as well as the ramp. Temporal travel demand change is determined based on the average travel pattern obtained from the I-880 freeway database. Isolated, single traffic responsive ramp metering is assumed...