Study of Integrated Corridor Management for San Francisco Bay Area I-880 Corridor

Zhang, Wei-Bin
Li, Irene
Shladover, Steven
Li, Meng
Alm, Erik
Ban, Jeff
Victor, Radiah
Yee, Albert
Stanislaus, Danielle
Chow, Alan
Nozzari, Sean
Minoofar, Cyrus
Yarjani, Bijan
Spencer, Tina
Broadbent, Patricia
Alexiadis, Vassili
Hatata, Tarek
Nejad, Anush
Shamskhou, Habib

This document summarizes the efforts by the San Francisco Bay Area ICM team to develop the concept of operation, data needs and performance requirements for an Integrated Corridor management System for I-880 Corridor. Although the transportation management systems at the Bay Area are consistent with the regional ITS plans, these management systems are less integrated. It is believed that higher lebel of intergration among freeway and arterial systems, transit systems with consideration of all transportation needs demands in the region will greatly enhance and improve the efficiency and...

Middleware for Cooperative Vehicle-Infrastructure Systems

Manasseh, Christian
Sengupta, Raja

Middleware has emerged as an important architectural component in supporting distributed applications. The role of middleware is to present a unified programming model to application writers and to mask out problems of heterogeneity and distribution. Mobile sensors fall into the space of distributed systems that suffer from isolated data sources, heterogeneous communication infrastructure and varying application requirements. In this report, we provide a middleware architecture that addresses the needs of a distributed system made of mobile sensors in general and discuss the implementation...

Identification and Integration of Commercial Heavy Vehicle Retarders

Druzhinina, Maria
Moklegaard, Lasse
Stefanopoulou, Anna G.

This report describes the development and experimental validation of a coordination scheme between friction and discretely variable compression brakes for a Class 8 Freightliner truck used as a development platform in the California PATH program. The coordination scheme that we developed maintains the speed tracking performance of the nominal PID controller which was originally designed by the UCLA team for the case of friction brakes only.....

Documentation of the Irvine Integrated Corridor Freeway Ramp Metering and Arterial Adaptive Control Field Operational Test

McNally, M. G.
Moore, II, James E.
MacCarley, C. Arthur

A systematic evaluation of the performance and effectiveness of a Field Operational Test (FOT) of an integrated corridor-level adaptive control system was attempted from fall 1994 through spring 1999 in the City of Irvine, California. The FOT was conducted by a consortium consisting of the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans), the City of Irvine, and two private sector consultants, National Engineering Technologies, Inc. (NET) and Farradyne Systems, Inc. (FSI, now PB/FSI), with the City of Irvine as the lead agency. The FOT was cost-share funded by the Federal Highway...

Cal Poly Pomona EDAPTS Test Deployment Operations Description Version 6.0

Jia, Xudong, PhD
Gerfen, Jeff

This report documents the outcomes of the February 6, 2007 workshop. It presents the most valued system characteristics of the Bronco Express EDAPTS system through the use of scored operational scenarios. The operational scenarios included in this report are down selected from those described in the initial release (V3.0) of the Operations Description report. The Advisory Panel members considered only scenarios with medium or high priority to be worthy of final consideration as deployable elements. These selected scenarios will allow the researchers to have an overall understanding of how...

Modeling The Santa Monica Freeway Corridor: A Feasibility Study

Skabardonis, Alexander
Dahlgren, Joy
May, Adolf D.

This report presents the findings of a feasibility study which developed a simulation testbed for the Santa Monica freeway corridor. The study involved performing an evaluation of the state-of-the-art models for Advanced Traffic Management and Traffic Information Systems (ATMIS) on freeway corridors. The evaluation was based on the model capabilities, input data requirements and output options, with focus on the record of real-life calibration, validation and practical application of the models. The findings show that the CORSIM and INTEGRATION models have the higher probability of...

Investigating Intelligent Transportation Systems Strategies On The Santa Monica Freeway Corridor: Technical Appendix

Bacon, Jr., V.
Windover, J.
May, A.

This document contains the technical appendices to the report on Investigating Intelligent Transportation Systems Strategies on the Santa Monica Freeway Corridor (see PATH Database record no. 8800.)

Development of Bus Rapid Transit Performance Assessment Guide Tool

Miller, Mark
Golub, Aaron

This report describes the development process of the Bus Rapid Transit Performance AssessmentGuidebook (BRT PAG) Tool, which provides a decision support means for tool users to understand at a high level the benefits and costs associated with implementing bus rapid transit systems. The BRTPAG Tool is based on a conceptual framework consisting of BRT system strategies; stakeholder groupings; impacts of individual BRT system strategies; measurement methods used to analyze the impacts that BRT system strategies have on different stakeholders; and quantitative estimates of benefits and costs...

Improving Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART) District Connectivity and Access with the Segway Human Transporter and Other Low Speed Mobility Devices

Rodier, Caroline J.
Shaheen, Susan A.
Novick, Linda

Access to transit stations is a significant barrier to transit use in many urban regions. Parking during peak hours is often limited, and many individuals are only willing to walk about a quarter mile to transit stations (Cervero, 2001). While there are some effective feeder services (e.g., shuttles) that help extend the range of transit access, these systems are limited because of fixed routes and schedules. A number of strategies have recently been implemented to improve transit access and transit use, including bicycles, electric bicycles, carsharing, and personal neighborhood electric...

Traffic Management System Performance Using Regression Analysis

Levinson, David
Chen, Wei

This study can be viewed as a preliminary exploration of using regression analysis to evaluate long-run traffic management system performance. Four main traffic management systemsin the Twin Cities metro area --- Ramp Metering System, Variable Message Signs (VMS), Highway Helper Program, and High Occupancy Vehicle (HOV) System were evaluated based on multiple regression models. Link speed and incident rate were employed as the response variable separately. Consequently, regression analysis can be a simple and effective research method for testing the macroscopic association between traffic...