Traffic Data Measurement and Validation

Coifman, Benjamin

Caltrans collects traffic data for many monitoring and control applications and the ultimate goal of the traffic surveillance system is to provide accurate data to these high level applications. The surveillance system includes data measurement, averaging and verification algorithms. This report presents improvements to many elements of the surveillance system. First, section 2addresses many shortcomings in average speed estimation at single loop detectors, as well as other sensors that estimate speed from average flow and occupancy. At the root of these problems is the fact that the...

Assessing the Benefits and Costs of ITS Projects: Volume 1 Methodology

Gillen, David
Li, Jianling
Dahlgren, Joy
Chang, Elva

In this document a framework for evaluating ITS projects is developed. One of the central issues addressed is whether ITS projects are distinctly different from other more conventional transportation projects and thus the traditional decision methods such as Benefit-cost analysis cannot be used. The answer is mixed. The decision models used in the past are still relevant, however, these have been applied in an environment in which there was a well developed data base. The models identified, selected, assembled and evaluated data to make judgements as to whether the proposed projects were...

Planits: A Functional Description

Khattak, Asad
Kanafani, Adib

This paper presents a functional description of PLANiTS (Planning and Analysis Integration for Intelligent Transportation Systems). The methodology consists of a process-based computer system that supports a series of mutually interdependent steps which progress toward developing and programming transportation improvement projects. PLANiTS can translate problems and goals to performance measures, examine possible competing and complementary actions that can address the problems, systematically evaluate the impacts of actions by using appropriate knowledge-based and model-based tools, and...

Vehicle Detection by Sensor Network Nodes

Ding, Jiagen
Cheung, Sing-Yiu
Tan, Chin-Woo
Varaiya, Pravin

This report presents the algorithm development and experimental work of the sensor node signal processing for vehicle detection. The signals used for vehicle detection are acoustic and magnetic signals. The acoustic signals are characterized by short time FFT analysis and two acoustic vehicle detection algorithms are proposed: the Adaptive Threshold algorithm (ATA) and the Min-max algorithm (MMA). The ATA detects vehicle by searching for a sequence of 1's after slicing the acoustic energy curve using an adaptive threshold. The MMA detects vehicles by searching the local maximum in the...

Reduce Emissions and Improve Traffic Flow Through Collaborative Autonomy

Patire, Anthony D. PhD
Dion, Francis PhD
Bayen, Alexandre M., PhD

This report explores opportunities for employing autonomous driving technology to dampen stop-and-go waves on freeways. If successful, it could reduce fuel consumption and emissions. This technology was tested in an on-road experiment with 100 vehicles over one week. Public stakeholders were engaged to assess the planning effort and feasibility of taking the technology to the next level: a pilot involving 1000+ vehicles over several months. Considerations included the possible geographical boundaries, target fleets of vehicles, and suitable facilities such as bridges or managed lanes. Flow...

Assessment of the Applicability of Cooperative Vehicle-Highway Automation Systems to Bus Transit and Intermodal Freight: Case Study Feasibility Analyses in the Metropolitan Chicago Region

Shladover, Steven E.
Miller, Mark A.
Yin, Yafeng
Balvanyos, Tunde
Bernheim, Lauren
Fishman, Stefanie R.
Amirouche, Farid
Mahmudi, Khurran T.
Gonzalez-Mohino, Pedro
Solomon, Joseph
Rawling, Gerald
Iris, Ariel
Bozic, Claire

This report presents the results of its performance assessment of the feasibility of applying cooperative vehicle-highway automation systems (CVHAS) to bus transit and freight movements in the metropolitan Chicago area. Cooperative vehicle-highway automation systems are systems that provide driving control assistance or fully automated driving and are based on information about the vehicle's driving environment that can be received by communication from other vehicles or from the infrastructure, as well as from their own on-board sensors.

Models of Vehicular Collision: Development and Simulation with Emphasis on Safety V: MEDUSA: Theory, Examples, User's Manual, Programmer's Guide and Code

O'Reilly, Oliver M.
Papadopoulos, Panayiotis
Lo, Gwo-Jeng
Varadi, Peter C.

This document constitutes a final report for MOU 39. It contains a User's Manual, Programmer's Guide, source code and underlying theory for the program MEDUSA. This program is capable of simulating both the normative driving dynamics and collision dynamics of an arbitrary number of vehicles. Its range of validity lies in the assumed nature of the vehicular collision, and it is recommended for use in studying low relative velocity impact scenarios at large time-scales. Keywords: IVHS America, Vehicle Dynamics, Collision Dynamics, Safety, computer Simluation, Animal and Simulation; A...

Safety Evaluation of Vehicle Following Operations by Fault Tree and Sensitivity Analysis

Chan, Ching-Yao

This document is the final report for the project of MOU325 for the fiscal years of 1997- 2000, which is a continuation of MOU253 from the years of 1995-1997. The major accomplishments from this project can be categorized into the following two areas:(1) Development of fault tree models for safety evaluation of advanced vehicle(2) Utilization of an off-the-shelf fault tree tool to conduct fault tree analysis, such as control and safety systems. cutest generation and sensitivity studies.This research project utilizes commercially available software tools, CAFTA for Windows, to evaluate the...

Estimating and Validating Models of Microscopic Driver Behavior with Video Data

Skabardonis, Alex

This report describes the enhancements to the video data collection of the Berkeley Highway Laboratory (BHL), a unique surveillance system on a section of I-80 freeway in the city of Emeryville. We also present the development of advanced machine vision algorithms to process the video data to generate vehicle trajectories. A pilot application of the BHL system produced trajectories of over 4700 vehicles. This is the largest dataset of vehicle trajectories on extended freeway segments. In addition, algorithms and software were developed for data analysis and visualization.

Effectiveness of Adaptive Traffic Control for Arterial Signal Management

Gomes, Gabriel
Skabardonis, Alexander

A number of adaptive control algorithms have been developed in the US and overseas. However, the practical implementation of adaptive control is limited especially in California. There is a need to develop adaptive control algorithms, evaluate their performance through a field test, and develop a deployment plan for possible Statewide application. The objectives of the study are identify and select the most promising of existing adaptive control algorithms, develop improved algorithm(s) as appropriate, conduct field tests on real-world arterials, and develop recommendations for deployment...