TRICEPS: An ATMIS Field Implementation for Control and Evaluation: Final Report

McNally, M. G.
Rindt, C.
Logi, F.

This report summarizes a comprehensive research project directed toward the development and implementation of an Advanced Transportation Management and Information System (ATMIS) as part of the Caltrans Advanced ATMIS Testbed Program at the Institute of Transportation Studies, University of California, Irvine. The primary goal of this project was to implement this prototype ATMIS, designated TRICEPS (Testbed Realtime Integrated Control and Evaluation Prototype System), in the Irvine sub-area of the Advanced Testbed network. This sub-area represents a well-defined freeway corridor with a...

Literature Review Report on Benefit/Cost Studies and Evaluations of Transit Management Systems

Jia, Xdong
Sullivan, Edward

This study addresses the benefits and costs of Advanced Public Transportation Systems (APTS) applications in small and medium sized transit agencies using the research test implementation of a small transit oriented Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) on San Luis Obispo Transit as a case study. The Smart Transit System at San Luis Obispo is in a pre-commercialized state and implements the Efficient Development of Advanced Public Transportation Systems (EDAPTS) framework concept (Gerfen, 2001). The system has many potential benefits that will be identified and evaluated from a cost of...

New Approach to Bottleneck Capacity Analysis: Second Interim Report, Work Accomplished During Fiscal Year 2004-2005

Banks, James

This report documents work accomplished during Fiscal Year 2005-2005 as a part of a research project entitled “New Approach to Bottleneck Capacity.” This project is developing an alternative to the traditional Highway Capacity Manual approach to capacity analysis in which capacity flow [either pre-queue flow (PQF) or queue discharge flow (QDF)] is related to a set of intervening variables, including the average time gaps in the critical lane (i. e., that with the highest flow rate) and the distribution of flow across the lanes, represented by the critical lane flow ratio (i. e., the flow...

Regulation Layer Software Integration

Deshpande, Akash R.

The project reuses the sensor and actuator interface software developed by California PATH for the DEN1097 automated highway system demonstration on Highway I17 in San Diego during August 1997. This software is provided on the QNX operating system. It interfaces with the magnetometers, radars, and the various intenal sensors such as wheel speed, engine speed, steering angle, etc, as well as with the actuators such as throttle, brake, and steering. In this project, we wrote an interface process that communicates between the driver process described above and the controller process described...

San Francisco Bay Area US-101 Existing Conditions, ITS Assets, and Active Transportation and Demand Management Assessment

McKeever, Benjamin
Skabardonis, Alexander
Mauch, Michael
Campbell, Robert
Alexiadis, Vassili
Wornum, Christopher

The 58.5-mile long Highway 101 corridor from the Bay Bridge to the SR 85/US-101 interchange in South San Jose accommodates just over 2.6 million trips on an average weekday. Travel delays on the US-101 corridor over the 2012-2016 five-year period increased by more than 91% (an average delay increase of over 18% per year). Given that California’s economy recently grew to become the sixth largest in the world, this waste of time stuck in traffic ranks among the most consequential economic inefficiencies in the world; workers in this region produce about 15 percent of California’s annual...

Collision Avoidance Analysis for Lane Changing and Merging

Jula, Hossein
Kosmatopoulos, Elias B.
Ioannou, Petros A.

One of the riskiest maneuvers that a driver has to perform in a conventional highway system is tomerge into the traffic and/or to perform a lane changing maneuver. Lane changing/mergingcollisions are responsible for one-tenth of all crash-caused traffic delays often resulting incongestion. Traffic delays and congestion, in general, increases travel time and has a negativeeconomic impact.In this paper, we analyze the kinematics of the vehicles involved in a lane changing/mergingmaneuver, and study the conditions under which lane changing/merging crashes can be avoided.That is, given a...

ITS Information And Services To Enhance The Mobility Of Disabled Travelers

Chen, Wan-hui
Uwaine, Rochelle
Klaver, Kelley
Kurani, Ken
Jovanis, Paul P.

This study examined the potential of advanced information systems to increase the mobility of disabled travelers using public transportation. A stated preference survey inquired as to whether subjects would make more trips by transit, paratransit, and/or real-time paratransit if kiosk, on-board, in-home, and/or personal information systems were available. The results show that these systems do have the potential to increase the use of public transportation by disabled travelers, as they allow for more trip flexibility that what is currently available. Regression and log-linear models show...

Potential Erroneous Degradation of High Occupancy Vehicle (HOV) Facilities

Fournier, Nicholas, PhD
Farid, Yashar Zeinali, PhD
Patire, Anthony David, PhD

This document is the final report for Task ID 3710 (65A0759), a project titled “Potential Erroneous Degradation of High Occupancy Vehicle (HOV) Facilities”. This report contains a compilation of three previous technical memorandums titled “Survey of Data-Mining Methods”, “Performance of Methods”, and “Magnitude of HOV Degradation”. HOV lane sensors in Caltrans’ Performance Management System (PeMS), are sometimes misconfigured as general-purpose lanes. In this situation, HOV lane data is mistakenly aggregated with general-purpose lane data and vice versa. The purpose of this project was to...

Quantifying the Performance of Countermeasures for Collision Concentration Related to Ramp/Freeway Mainline Junctions

Lee, Joon ho, PhD
Chan, Ching-Yao, PhD
Ragland, David R., PhD

This study performed before-and-after analyses (comparisons of collisions before and after the construction of auxiliary lanes) on collision rate at nine study sites in California in order to achieve two objectives: (i) to estimate the freeway Crash/Collision Reduction Factor (CRF) for auxiliary lanes, and (ii) to develop design guidelines for the construction of auxiliary lanes. Findings indicate that on average, collision rates decreased by 17.3 percent at nine study sites. The study also found that after construction of auxiliary lanes at two study sites, collision rates increased when...

A Review of the Optimized Policies for Adaptive Control Strategy (OPAC)

Liao, Lawrence C.

Optimized Policies for Adaptive Control (OPAC) is a real-time demand-responsive traffic signal timing optimization algorithm for individual intersections. It was developed at University of Lowell under the sponsorship of U.S. Department of Transportation in the early 80s. OPAC distinguishes itself from traditional cycle-split signal control strategies by dropping the concept of cycle. In OPAC, the signal control problem consists of a sequence of switching decisions made at fixed time intervals. At each decision point the question is whether to extend or terminate current phase. Dynamic...