Experimental Vehicle Platform for Pedestrian Detection

Chan, Ching-Yao
Bu, Fanping
Shladover, Steven

This report documents the work conducted for PATH Task Order 5200 – the evaluation of sensor technologies for pedestrian detection. A survey of recent and available sensor products were selected and evaluated to assess their applicability for vehicle-based solutions. The performance characteristics and limitations of various products and technological approaches were investigated. Subsequently, demonstrative experimental vehicle platforms and testing facilities were developed to illustrate the concept of vehicle infrastructure integration.

Using Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control (CACC)to Form High-Performance Vehicle Streams. Definitions, Literature Review and Operational Concept Alternatives

Shladover, Steven E.
Nowakowski, Christopher
Lu, Xiao-Yun

Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control (CACC) is a term that has been used rather loosely in recent years, such that different people visualize different functions and capabilities when discussing CACC systems. Thus, there are now multiple system concepts that have been described under the CACC label, and the functionalities included in these varied concepts can be quite different from each other. At the heart of each CACC concept is the merging of Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC), a subset of the broader class of automated speed control systems, with acooperative element, such a Vehicle-to-...

Platoon Collision Dynamics And Emergency Maneuvering IV: Intra-platoon Collision Behavior And A New Control Approach For Platoon Operation During Vehicle Exit/entry - Final Report

Tongue, Benson H.
Yang, Yean-tzong

This report examines platoon behavior during non-nominal operations, most especially due to emergency braking. Three main topics are discussed: multiple-collision wave propagation effects for homogeneous platoons with and without lead vehicle information, intra-platoon collision behavior of non-homogeneous platoons during emergency operations, and a new control approach for platoon operations during vehicle exit/entry.

Smart Parking Management Field Test: A Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART) District Parking Demonstration; Final Report

Rodier, Caroline J., PhD
Shaheen, Susan A., PhD
Kemmerer, Charlene

This report presents an evaluation of the first transit-based smart parking project in the U.S. at the San Francisco Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART) District station in Oakland, California. The report begins with a review of the smart parking literature; next the smart parking field test is described including its capital, operational, and maintenance costs; then the results of the participant survey analysis are presented; and finally lessons learned from the institutional, user, and operational perspective are documented. Some key changes in participant travel behavior include increases in...

Experimental Verification of Discretely Variable Compression Braking Control for Heavy Duty Vehicles

Vahidi, Ardalan
Stefanopoulou, Anna G.
Farias, Phil
Tsao, Tsu Chin

In this report a recursive least square scheme with multiple forgetting factors is proposed for on-line estimation of road grade and vehicle mass. The estimated mass and grade can be used to robustify many automatic controllers in conventional or automated heavy-duty vehicles. We demonstrate with measured test data from the July 26-27, 2002 test dates in San Diego, CA, that the proposed scheme estimates mass within 5% of its actual value and tracks grade with good accuracy. The experimental setup, signals, their source and their accuracy are discussed. Issues like lack of persistent...

System Fault Detection in Human-Augmented Automated Driving

Cohn, Theodore

Lateral control of a vehicle in the Automated Highway System (AHS) has been formulated and simulated as part of the hierarchical AHS control structure. In that structure, lateral control resides in the vehicle, and is implemented as a closed-loop control system with the lateral deviation of the vehicle from a reference position as a controlled variable and the steering angle or its rate as a controlling input. The PATH AHS scenario has assumed a road reference and sensing system based on magnetic markers equally spaced along a highway lane. Freedom in the selection of the polarity of each...

Observations On European Advanced Traveler Information And Traffic Management Systems

Yim, Youngbin
Ygnace, Jean-luc

This report documents the current state of Intelligent Vehicle Highway Systems (IVHS) technologies in Europe with special attention to advanced traveler information systems (ATIS) and advanced traffic management systems (ATMS). The views presented in the report are largely derived from information gathered at two conferences and from personal interviews with researchers and government authorities engaged in the European IVHS research effort. The report is organized into three sections: a brief description of the DRIVE I program, the current state of the DRIVE II program, and the status of...

Long Term Impacts of California’s Graduated Licensing Law of 1998

Cooper, Douglas
Gillen, David

In July 1998 California changed its graduated driver licensing laws (GDL) for new drivers under the age of 18 to include restrictions on hours of driving, carrying teen-age passengers, and requiring more adult supervised driving practice. With fatal and injury crash data from California's Statewide Integrated Traffic Records System, this study, sponsored by Caltrans, used standard regression analysis as well as the Bai-Perron stochastic multiple structural break model to determine the effect of the law on teen-age passengers and crash rates of 16 year-old drivers. We found that in the four...

Exploratory Field Test of Early Fleet Niches for Hydrogen Fuel Cell Vehicles and Fueling Infrastructure

Martin, Elliot
Shaheen, Susan A., PhD
Lipman, Timothy E., PhD
Lidicker, Jeffrey

Over the last several decades, hydrogen fuel cell vehicles (FCVs) have emerged as a zero tailpipe-emission alternative to the battery electric vehicle (EV). There are key questions about consumer reaction and response to operations and refueling of FCVs. This report presents the results of a “ride-and-drive” clinic series (n=182) held in 2007 with a Mercedes-Benz A-Class “F-Cell” hydrogen FCV. The clinic evaluated participant reactions to driving and riding in an FCV, as well as witnessing a vehicle-refueling event. The respondents entered the clinic with a strong interest in alternative...

Control Strategies For Transit Priority

Skabardonis, Alexander

This report discusses the major factors which influence the benefits from transit priority. It reviews existing control strategies that have been implemented in signal controlled networks. A number of control strategies to improve transit performance are proposed along with an analysis technique to evaluate their effectiveness. The strategies were tested on a major arterial. Recommendations are given, based on the results.