A Fuzzy Rule-Based Controller For Automotive Vehicle Guidance

Hessburg, Thomas
Tomizuka, Masayoshi

A fuzzy rule-based controller is applied to lateral guidance of a vehicle for an automated highway system. The fuzzy rules, based on human drivers' experiences, are developed to track the center of a lane in the presence of external disturbances and over a range of vehicle operating conditions.

Development of Deployment Strategy for an Integrated BRT System

Miller, Mark A.
Tan, Chin-Woo
Golub, Aaron
Hickman, Mark
Lau, Peter
Zhang, Wei-Bin

BRT mixes the flexibility of traditional bus transit service with an array of higher performance rail transit features. One of its advantages over rail, however, is its possibility for incremental and flexible deployment. With this flexibility and incremental nature comes a deployment process for BRT that is highly complex because numerous elements can be incorporated in any number of distinct phases. In almost all BRT deployments, ITS and advanced bus technologies have been applied to BRT, however, in less than a fully integrated manner. This project explores how deployment decisions can...

Models of Vehicular Collision: Development and Simulation with Emphasison Safety II: On the Modeling of Collision between Vehicles in a Platoon System

O'Reilly, Oliver M.
Papadopoulos, Panayiotis
Lo, Gwo-jeng
Varadi, Peter C.

In this report, an algorithm for the detection of collision between two vehicles is presented. The mechanical models used for the vehicles are based on the theory of a Cosscrat point. Here, we find it convenient to establish the corresponding models using the theory of a psuedo-rigid body. This theory facilitates the development of our collision-detection algorithm. The report concludes with four examples of vehicular impact scenarios in order to illustrate the applicability of the proposed algorithm.

Lateral Control Of Heavy Duty Vehicles For Automated Highway Systems

Tai, M.
Wang, J.-y.
Hingwe, P.
Chen, C.
Tomizuka, M.

This report presents a linear analysis of a tractor semitrailer model. The analysis is followed by the design of a simple linear controller for lane following. Offtracking analysis is presented for a single unit vehicle and tractor semitrailer. This analysis is independent of the control design. Modeling of multi-unit articulated vehicles is also presented. Both a complex simulation model and a simplified control design model are derived for a general road train.

The Naturalistic Driver Model: Development, Integration, and Verification of Lane Change Maneuver, Driver Emergency and Impairment Modules: Final Report

Cody, Delphine
Tan, Swekuang

This report describes the development of a driver model from a Human Science perspective, with the goal of integrating this model into a simulation environment supporting the design and support of Intelligent Transportation Systems. It also provides a discussion regarding the challenges faced in such an enterprise, concluding with a discussion concerning the need to develop a driver simulator.

An Experimental Study On Lateral Control Of A Vehicle

Hessburg, Thomas
Peng, Huei
Tomizuka, Masayoshi
Zhang, Wei-bin

Addresses issues regarding the implementation of an integration of several specific technologies involved in achieving lateral guidance of an experimental automotive vehicle on an automated highway. Results demonstrate the feasibility of the proposed discrete magnetic marker reference/sensing system. In addition, the performance and limitations of a PID/feedforward controller is investigated with respect to tracking accuracy of straight and curved sections as well as robustness to changes in load, longitudinal velocity, and cornering stiffness.

Intelligent Vehicle/highway System Safety: Multiple Collisions In Automated Highway Systems

Hitchcock, Anthony

In this report, a comparison is drawn between the casualty rates per failure on an automated highway system (AHS) according to the longitudinal control configuration used. The comparison is drawn between closed-spaced platooning, vehicle following of the types used in Autonomous Intelligent Cruise Control (AICC) and Cooperative Intelligent Cruise Control, and a point-following configuration (PFC). The model used permits evaluation of the consequences of a failure, allowing for the multiple collisions that usually ensue.

Turning Movement Estimation In Real Time (TMERT)

Martin, Peter T.

This report describes the development of a new model that can monitor system performance and derive management and control strategies in real time. It presents the TMERT (Turning Movement Estimation in Real Time) model, a method of estimating turning movement flows from link detected flows at small recurrent intervals, in real time.

Development of an Integrated Microscopic Traffic Simulation and Signal Timing Optimization Tool

Yin, Yafeng
Liu, Henry X.
Laval, Jorge A.
Lu, Xiao-Yun
Li, Meng
Pilachowski, Joshua
Zhang, Wei-Bin

A big segment of the traffic signal control systems in California and United States are closed-loop systems. Because wide-scale deployment of advanced adaptive control systems may be many years away due to the associated high costs, there is a significant need to improve the effectiveness of the state-of-the-practice closed-loop systems. To address the need, this project focuses on: 1) developing an integrated micro-simulation/signal optimization tool to enhance the capability of generating efficient signal timing plans, and 2) developing a systematic approach to make closed-loop systems...

Implementing a Kalman Filtering Dynamic O-D Algorithm within Paramics- Analysing Quadstone Won Efforts for the Dynamic O-D Estimation Problem

Garcia, Reinaldo C.

This Project moves forward from the accumulated knowledge garnered from MOU 4121. Over the last year a good deal of insights was obtained about the implementation of dynamic Origin-and-Destination (O-D) estimation. Under MOU 4121, the Kalman Filtering (KF) algorithm described in Hu et al. (2000) for dynamic O-D estimation was implemented. In this research, the implemented algorithm is incorporated to the microscopic traffic simulator Paramics.Paramics offers important and unprecedented features, such as high performance and scalability, to handle realistic real world traffic networks under...