
Strategic Charging Infrastructure Deployment for Electric Vehicles

Shen, Max
Li, Meng
He, Fang
Jia, Yinghao

Electric vehicles (EV) are promoted as a foreseeable future vehicle technology to reduce dependence on fossil fuels and greenhouse gas emissions associated with conventional vehicles. This paper proposes a data-driven approach to improving the electrification rate of the vehicle miles traveled (VMT) by a taxi fleet in Beijing. Specifically, based on the gathered real-time vehicle trajectory data of 46,765 taxis in Beijing, we conduct time-series simulations to derive insight for the public charging station deployment plan, including the locations of public charging stations, the number of...

Mapping and Improving the Delivery Process of Highway Pavement Rehabilitation Projects

Tommelein, Iris D.
Blampied, Nigel

Highway pavement rehabilitation (HPR) is a service provided by departments of transportation (DOTs) worldwide. The process of delivering HPR projects involves not only a transportation department but also many other project participants and stakeholders; furthermore, it is subject to numerous technical- as well as socio-political considerations. Interestingly—though not surprisingly—the processes DOTs use to deliver this service vary widely, not only between countries or between states in the US, but also regionally within a given state such as California. While some variation is to be...

SB 743 Implementation: Challenges and Opportunities

Barbour, Elisa
Chatman, Daniel G.
Doggett, Sarah
Yip, Stella
Santana, Manuel

California’s Senate Bill (SB) 743, enacted in 2013, marks a historic shift in how the traffic impacts of development projects are to be evaluated and mitigated statewide. To help achieve state climate policy and sustainability goals, SB 743 eliminates traffic delay as an environmental impact under the California Environmental Quality Act. State implementing guidelines for SB 743 instead require an assessment of vehicle miles traveled (VMT). The adoption of the guidelines sparked debate and raised far-reaching questions about development planning. Our research consisted of four parts. First...

Strategic Charging Infrastructure Deployment for Electric Vehicles

Shen, Max
Li, Meng
He, Fang
Jia, Yinghao

Electric vehicles (EV) are promoted as a foreseeable future vehicle technology to reduce dependence on fossil fuels and greenhouse gas emissions associated with conventional vehicles. This paper proposes a data-driven approach to improving the electrification rate of the vehicle miles traveled (VMT) by a taxi fleet in Beijing. Specifically, based on the gathered real-time vehicle trajectory data of 46,765 taxis in Beijing, we conduct time-series simulations to derive insight for the public charging station deployment plan, including the locations of public charging stations, the number of...

Mobile Apps and Transportation: A Review of Smartphone Apps and A Study of User Response to Multimodal Traveler Information

Shaheen, Susan
Martin, Elliot
Cohen, Adam
Musunuri, Apoorva
Bhattacharyya, Abhinav

In recent years, technological and social forces have pushed smartphone applications (apps) from the fringe to the mainstream. Understanding the role of transportation apps in urban mobility is important for policy development and transportation planners. This study evaluates the role and impact of multimodal aggregators from a variety of perspectives, including a literature review; a review of the most innovative, disruptive, and highest-rated transportation apps; interviews with experts in the industry, and a user survey of former multimodal aggregator RideScout users. Between February...

Reduce Emissions and Improve Traffic Flow Through Collaborative Autonomy

Patire, Anthony D., PhD
Dion, Francois, PhD
Bayen, Alexandre M., PhD

This report explores opportunities for employing autonomous driving technology to dampen stop-and-go waves on freeways. If successful, it could reduce fuel consumption and emissions. This technology was tested in an on-road experiment with 100 vehicles over one week. Public stakeholders were engaged to assess the planning effort and feasibility of taking the technology to the next level: a pilot involving 1000+ vehicles over several months. Considerations included the possible geographical boundaries, target fleets of vehicles, and suitable facilities such as bridges or managed lanes. Flow...

Mission and Mix: A Study of the Changing Tasks and Staffing Requirements the California Department of Transportation

Jones, David W.
Taylor, Brian D.

This study examines the organizational capabilities and staff skills that will be needed to execute the changing mission of the . California Department of Transportation (Caltrans). It is an engineering development study in the sense that it is concerned with the professional know-how that Caltrans will need in the future. It is, at the same time, a strategic planning study in the sense that strategic planning is the art of positioning organizations to both meet and make change.

How to Evaluate and Minimize the Risk of COVID-19 Transmission within Public Transportation Systems

Huang, Yiduo, MSc
Shen, Zuo-Jun, PhD

During the COVID-19 outbreak, serious concerns were raised over the risk of spreading the infection on public transportation systems. As the pandemic recedes it will be important to determine optimal timetable design to minimize the risk of new infections as systems resume full service. In this study, we developed an integrated optimization model for service line reopening plans and timetable design. Our model combines a space-time passenger network flow problem and compartmental epidemiological models for each vehicle and platform in the transit system. The algorithm can help policy...

Calculating and Forecasting Induced Vehicle-Miles of Travel Resulting from Highway Projects: Findings and Recommendations from an Expert Panel

Deakin, Elizabeth
Dock, Fred
Garry, Gordon
Handy, Susan
McNally, Michael
Sall, Elizabeth
Skabardonis, Alex
Walker, Joan
Rheinhardt, Karl

In the context of implementation of SB 743 (Steinberg, 2013), staff at the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) have been developing guidance documents on how to calculate induced travel, working with their counterparts at the California Air Resources Board (CARB) and the Governor’s Office of Planning and Research (OPR). OPR’s technical advisory discusses two methods for estimating induced travel: an approach based on the application of travel models and an approach using elasticities drawn from the peer-reviewed literature (such as the National Center for Sustainable...

Advancing the Science of Travel Demand Forecasting

Walker, Joan L.
Chatman, Daniel
Daziano, Ricardo
Erhardt, Gregory
Gao, Song
Mahmassani, Hani
Ory, David
Sall, Elizabeth
Bhat, Chandra
Chim, Nicholas
Daniels, Clint
Gardner, Brian
Kressner, Josephine
Miller, Eric
Pereira, Francisco
Picado, Rosella
Hess, Stephane
Axhausen, Kay
Bareinboim, Elias

Travel demand forecasting models play an important role in guiding policy, planning, and design of transportation systems. There is no shortage of literature critiquing the accuracy of model forecasts (see, for example, Pickrell, 1989; Wachs, 1990; Pickrell, 1992; Flyvbjerg, Skamris Holm, and Buhl 2005; Richmond, 2005; Flyvbjerg, 2007; Bain, 2009; Parthasarathi and Levinson, 2010; Welde and Odeck, 2011; Hartgen, 2013; Nicolaisen and Driscoll, 2014; Schmitt, 2016; Odeck and Welde, 2017, and Voulgaris, 2019), not to mention several high-profile lawsuits (Saulwick 2014, Stacey 2015, Rubin...