Public Health

A Novel International Partnership for Actionable Evidence on Urban Health in Latin America: LAC‐urban health and SALURBAL

Roux, AV Diez
Slesinski, SC
Alazraqui, M
Caiaffa, W
Frenz, P
Fuchs, R
Miranda, J
Rodriguez, D

This article describes the origins and characteristics of an interdisciplinary multinational collaboration aimed at promoting and disseminating actionable evidence on the drivers of health in cities in Latin America and the Caribbean: The Network for Urban Health in Latin America and the Caribbean and the Wellcome Trust funded SALURBAL (Salud Urbana en América Latina, or Urban Health in Latin America) Project. Both initiatives have the goals of supporting urban policies that promote health and health equity in cities of the region while at the same time generating generalizable...

Building a Data Platform for Cross-Country Urban Health Studies: The SALURBAL Study

Quistberg, D
Roux, AV Diez
Bilal, U
Moore, K
Ortigoza, A
Rodriguez, D
Sarmiento, O
Frenz, P
Friche, A
Caiaffa, WT
Vives, A
Miranda, J
the SALURBAL group

Studies examining urban health and the environment must ensure comparability of measures across cities and countries. We describe a data platform and process that integrates health outcomes together with physical and social environment data to examine multilevel aspects of health across cities in 11 Latin American countries. We used two complementary sources to identify cities with ≥ 100,000 inhabitants as of 2010 in Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, and Peru. We defined cities in three ways: administratively,...

Commute Patterns and Depression: Evidence from Eleven Latin American Cities

Rodriguez, DA
Sarmiento, OL
Guaje, O
Although travel behavior is expected to influence personal health, few studies have examined associations with mental health. This study examines associations between commute patterns and mental health using survey data in 11 Latin American cities. Using a survey conducted by the Development Bank of Latin America in 2016, we measured the...

The Association Between Neighborhood Environments and Physical Activity from Pregnancy to Postpartum: A Prospective Cohort Study

Porter, AK
Rodriguez, D
Frizzelle, BG
Evenson, KR

The objectives of this study were to determine if neighborhood measures were associated with physical activity cross-sectionally during late pregnancy (27–30 weeks’ gestation), 3 months postpartum, and 12 months postpartum, and longitudinally with an increase in physical activity from late pregnancy to 12 months postpartum. Data are from the Pregnancy, Infection, and Nutrition (PIN3) and Postpartum Prospective Cohort Study. Dichotomized self-reported recreation and total physical activity hours/week were explored cross-sectionally at three time points, and as an increase over time....

Ambient PM2. 5 in Latin American Cities: Population Exposure, Trends, Associated Urban Factors, and Effects on Mortality

Gouveia, N
Hernández, A
Rodriguez, D
Texcalac, J
Ballester, L
McClure, L
Morales, R
Wang, X

Latin America is one of the most urbanized areas of the world with nearly 80% of the population living in cities. Despite its benefits, this concentration of population in cities also increases exposures to pollutants related to urban activity. We examined levels and trends of PM2.5; patterns of population exposure by age, gender and socioeconomic status; disparities in exposure; and association of PM2.5 concentration with city characteristics and effects on mortality. Methods: Ground level annual PM2.5 from satellite-based observations was available in 2015 for 371 cities with greater...

Urban Scaling of Health Outcomes: A Protocol for a Scoping Review

McCulley, EM
Mullachery, PH
Rodriguez, D
Roux, AV Diez
Bilal, U

With most of the world’s population living in urban areas, it is important to understand the health effects of city living. Precise descriptions of the relations of city size and growth with population health metrics have not been systematically described. Describing these relationships can provide clues regarding the factors driving differences in health across cities. Objective The goal of this scoping review is to map the existing evidence regarding the scaling properties of health outcomes, with a special emphasis on city size and growth. Method and analysis We will conduct this...

Associations Between Neighborhood Built Environment and Cognition Vary by Apolipoprotein E genotype: Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis

Besser, L
Galvin, JE
Rodriguez, D
Seeman, T
Kukull, W
Rapp, S
Smith, J

We examined whether neighborhood built environment (BE) and cognition associations in older adults vary by apolipoprotein E (APOE) genotype, a genetic risk factor for Alzheimer's disease (AD). We conducted a cross-sectional analysis of 4091 participants. Neighborhood characteristics included social and walking destination density (SDD, WDD), intersection density, and proportion of land dedicated to retail. Individuals were categorized as APOE ε2 (lower AD risk), APOE ε4 (higher AD risk), or APOE ε3 carriers. Among APOE ε2 carriers, greater proportion of land dedicated to retail was...

Inequalities in Life Expectancy in Six Large Latin American Cities from the SALURBAL Study: An Ecological Analysis

Bilal, U
Alazraqui, M
Caiaffa, WT
Lopez-Olmedo, N
Martinez-Folgar, K
Miranda, J
Rodriguez, D
Vives, A
Roux, AV Diez
Latin America is one of the most unequal regions in the world, but evidence is lacking on the magnitude of health inequalities in urban areas of the region. Our objective was to examine inequalities in life expectancy in six large Latin American cities and its association with a measure of area-level socioeconomic status. In this ecological analysis, we used data from the Salud Urbana en America Latina (SALURBAL) study on six large cities in Latin America (Buenos Aires, Argentina; Belo Horizonte, Brazil; Santiago, Chile; San José, Costa Rica; Mexico City, Mexico; and Panama City, Panama),...

A Research Roadmap for Transportation and Public Health

Sandt, LS
West, A
Johnson, S
Brookshire, K
Evenson, K
Blackburn, L
Peach, K
Tartala, M
Ricklin, A
Shah, S
Rodriguez, D
Coburn, J

Develop a holistic and strategic research roadmap–Identify evidence to support practical and useful information, and implementable tools, for state DOTs and partners.