
The Los Angeles Freeway Service Patrol (fsp) Evaluation: Study Methodology And Preliminary Findings


This paper presents a methodology to evaluate a benefit-to-cost ratio effectiveness of the Freeway Service Patrol in a freeway section in Los Angeles. The methodology addresses the process of estimating incident delay using probe vehicles and the lack of "before" data.

Structure of the Transition Zone Behind Freeway Queues

Munoz, Juan Carlos
Daganzo, Carlos

Observations of freeway traffic flow are usually quite scattered about an underlying curve when plotted versus density or occupancy. Although increasing the sampling intervals can reduce the scatter, whenever an experiment encompasses a rush hour with transitions in and out of congestion, some outlying data stubbornly remain beneath the "equilibrium" curve. The existence of these non-equilibrium points is an ill-understood phenomenon that appears to contradict the simple kinematic wave (KW) model of traffic flow. This paper provides a tentative explanation of the phenomenon, based on...

Incident Dispatching, Clearance and Delay

Hall, Randolph

This report models response times and delays for highway incidents, according for spacing between interchanges and the time penalty for changing directions, enabling a response vehicle to reach an incident on the opposite side of the highway. A fundamental question in dispatching incident crews is whether to send the closest vehicle that is currently available or to wait for another to become available that is even closer. Waiting for a closer one is advantageous because service time is effectively reduced, adding to capacity and providing stability at higher levels of utilization. But...

California Transportation Management Centers Part 1. Assessment Of Existing Capabilities

Lo, Hong K.
Hall, Randolph W.
Windover, John R.

Transportation Management Centers (TMCs) are focal points for monitoring and operating traffic management systems. As new technologies are developed through research in Intelligent-Vehicle- Highway Systems (IVHS), these TMCs will assume increasingly more importance as command and control centers for transportation operations. This study is aimed at developing visions for how the TMC of the future will exploit the capabilities of IVHS. Part 1 of this study, reported herein, is an assessment of existing TMC capabilities in the State of California. Part 2, to be reported later, will develop...

Relationships Among Urban Freeway Accidents, Traffic Flow, Weather and Lighting Conditions

Golob, Thomas F.
Recker, Wilfred W.

Linear and nonlinear multivariate statistical analyses are applied to determine how the types of accidents that occur on heavily used freeways in Southern California are related to both the flow of traffic and weather and ambient lighting conditions. Traffic flow is measured in terms of time series of 30-second observations from inductive loop detectors in the vicinity of the accident prior to the time of its occurrence. Results indicate that the type of collision is strongly related to median traffic speed and to temporal variations in speed in the left and interior lanes. Hit-object...

Freeway Performance Measurement System: Final Report

Varaiya, Pravin

PeMS is a freeway performance measurement system for all of California. It processes 2GB/day of 30-second loop detector data in real time to produce useful information. Managers at any time can have a uniform and comprehensive assessment of freeway performance. Traffic engineers can base their operational decisions on knowledge of the current state of the freeway network. Planners can determine whether congestion bottlenecks can be alleviated by improving operations or by minor capital improvements. Travelers can obtain the current shortest route and travel time estimates. Researchers can...

BTS (version 1.0): Bottleneck Traffic Simulator User's Manual

Lin, Wei Hua
Hall, Ranolph W.

Describes the computer program BTS which is a macroscopic tool for simulating the performance of freeway bottlenecks

Safety and Efficiency Tradeoff Analysis for Automated Highway System: Part 3: Longitudinal Separation on AHS: A Trade-off Between Collision Probability/Severity and Capacity

Tsao, H.-S. Jacob
Hall, Randolph W.

This report develops a probabilistic model for analyzing longitudinal collision/safety between an abruptly decelerating vehicle and its immediate follower on an Automated Highway System. The input parameters are the distance between the two vehicles, their common speed prior to the failure, the reaction delay of the following vehicle and a bivariate distribution for the two deceleration rates. The output includes the probability of a collision and the probability distribution of the relative speed at collision time. These safety consequences can be used to balance the desire to increase...

A Conceptual Approach for Developing and Analyzing Alternate Evolutionary Deployment Strategies for Intelligent Vehicle/Highway Systems

Al-Ayat, Rokaya
Hall, Randolph

Intelligent Vehicle Highway Systems (IVHS) comprise a spectrum of technologies, with both short - term and long - term applications. Eventually, deployment of IVHS may lead to fully automated, hands-off and feet-off, driving. In the short - term, IVHS has included traffic control systems, in - vehicle information systems, and a range of new roadway sensors.This paper develops a framework for planning the evolutionary deployment of IVHS technologies. It defines an evolutionary deployment sequence, identifies baseline assumptions, and presents strategies for achieving success. This paper...

Evaluation Of Work Crew And Highway Hazard Conspicuity

Misener, Jim

The report quantitatively addresses conspicuity of highway features, particularly in work zones, from the perspective of driver detection and driver decision making. The study focuses on evaluating the detection process, selecting and exercising human perception-acquisition models suitable for quick running and larger scale microsimulations to evaluate system effectiveness of pre-Automated Highway System (AHS) driver-assist systems. The report describes this process and provides a detection example of a driver-assist collision avoidance model.