
Evaluation Of Highway Bottlenecks

Hall, Randolph W.
Kamoun, Mahdi

This is the final report of the PATH research project "Bottleneck Evaluation Model." The goal of the project was to develop a computer tool for evaluating capacity and travel time benefits of PATH improvements. The Bottleneck Traffic Simulator (BTS) is used to investigate the time benefits of changes in highway design and operation. Key issues include the effects of (1) highway reliability, in the form of incident frequency, duration and reliability; and (2) changes in traveler behavior, in the forms of arrival time choice and reneging.

Effectiveness of Adaptive Traffic Control for Arterial Signal Management: Modeling Results

Skabardonis, Alexander
Gomes, Gabriel

This study identifies and selects the most promising existing adaptive control algorithms for arterial streets, evaluates performance through simulation, and develops a plan for field testing of the most promising algorithms on a real-world arterial. A section of Highway 1 in the city of Lomita, California was selected as the test site for evaluation of adaptive signal control strategies. A methodology was developed to obtain a time-varying origin-destination (OD) matrix from the system loop detector data at the test site. The calibrated OD matrix was applied to a microscopic...

On-Ramp Metering and Commuter Delay: A Before and After Study

Kim, Kwangho
Cassidy, Michael J.

This report furnishes clear evidence that on-ramp metering can increase the output flow through a freeway, and by so doing diminish the total time that commuters collectively spend traveling on the freeway and its on-ramps. Empirical study was performed on a 6.3-mile stretch of northbound Interstate 5 in Sacramento. The stretch spans the interchanges of Pocket Road (to the south) to W street (See Figure 1). Traffic data, both from loop detectors and from videos, were collected during the morning rush periods over a period spanning several years. Data were initially collected in 2006 prior...

A Functional Architecture For Automated Highway Traffic Planning

Tsao, H. S. Jacob

This report defines an architecture for Automated Highway System (AHS) capacity-optimizing traffic planning functions. It identifies major traffic planning functions useful for optimizing the capacity of one or more major AHS operating scenarios and organizes them in a robust architecture that is modular, hierarchical, complete, expandable and integratable.

Testing A Proposed Decision-oriented Framework To Understand Its Deployment Issues: An Examination Of The Travinfo Atis Project

Miller, Mark

Deployment is at the forefront of current activity in California in the field of intelligent transportation systems. It is important to understand the multitude of issues associated with such deployment to increase the likelihood of a successful deployment initiative. A review and synthesis of the literature on deployment issues have been performed. This served as a basis for development of a proposed decision-oriented framework that may be used to recognize and organize issues for the deployment of intelligent transportation systems. The applicability of this framework to intelligent...

San Diego I-15 Integrated Corridor Management (ICM) System: Phase I

Miller, Mark
Novick, Linda
Li, Yuwei
Skabardonis, Alex

This report describes the Stage One work of the US Department of Transportation’s (DOT) federally-sponsored Integrated Corridor Management (ICM) Program for the I-15 Corridor in San Diego County, California, between State Route 52 in the city of San Diego and State Route 78 in the city of Escondido. The development work is based on the systems engineering process whereby this work focused specifically on the concept of operations and the system requirements specifications. The development of the concept of operations consists of the following elements: vision, goals and objectives for the...

A Continuing Systems-level Evaluation Of Automated Urban Freeways: Year Three

Johnston, Robert A.
Ceerla, Raju

The purpose of this study was to demonstrate the travel and emissions impacts of urban freeway automation scenarios and to compare these to travel demand reduction scenarios, such as travel pricing and land use intensification. The Sacramento regional travel demand model set was used and an alternatives analysis was conducted. Two protocols are used to operate the model set. Results are discussed, comparing the alternative scenarios, and methodological findings are discussed, comparing the results from the two protocols for operating the model set. Methodological findings present new ideas...

Roadway Powered Electric Vehicle Project Parametric Studies: Phase 3D Final Report

Systems Control Technology

This study looked at the application of electrification and automation to freeways in the Los Angeles region. The report is broken down into the following sections: Development and Enhancement of Analysis Tools, Inductive Coupling System Design, Value Engineering of Roadway Cores, and Economic Analysis of Roadway Powered Electric Vehicle (RPEV) Technology.

Section-Related Measures of Traffic System Performance: Prototype Field Implementation

Ritchie, Stephen G.
Sun, Carlos
Oh, Seri
Oh, Cheol

In this project (MOU 336),an initial phase of a field implementation was accomplished of the results of a previous research project (MOU 224),in which a vehicle reidentification algorithm based on loop signature analysis was developed using freeway traffic data.This algorithm was extended to non-freeway cases, initially using a section of 2-lane major arterial in cooperation with the City of Irvine,California.The technique was enhanced to address problems such as "irregularities " in vehicle signatures associated with trucks,tail-gating vehicles and erroneous counting of vehicles,with the...

Dynamic Origin/Destination Estimation Using True Section Densities

Sun, Carlos
Porwal, Himanshu

This final report presents a practical approach for dynamic origin/destination demandestimation. The proposed dynamic origin/destination estimation framework addressesmany of the shortcomings of the existing formulations and presents a formulation forgeneral networks and not just corridors. One unique feature of this framework is its useof section density as a variable instead of flow. The framework is built upon thefoundation of static origin/destination matrix estimation by adding the temporal aspect.Two traffic assignment models, namely DYNASMART and DTA are used for assigningdynamic...