
Major Failure Events of Automated Highway Systems: Three Scenarios from the Driver’s Perspective

Tsao, H.-S. Jacob
Plocher, Thomas A.
Zhang, Wei-Bin
Shladover, Steven E.

Automated Highway Systems (AHS) have the potential for offering large capacity and safety gains without requiring significant amounts of additional right-of-way. Since the general public will be the users of the AHS, human factors must play a pivotal role in the research and development of AVCS technologies and AHS operation. In two companion reports, three attributes critical to AHS human factors were identified and seven scenarios featuring variations in these attributes proposed. To ensure the identification of all major compounding attribute combinations, detailed operational events,...

Whence Induced Demand: How Access Affects Activity

Levinson, David
Kanchi, Seshasai

Additional highway capacity, by increasing travel speed, affects the individual share of time within a 24-hour budget allocated to various activities (time spent at and traveling to home, shop, work and other), some activities will be undertaken more, others less. This paper extends previous research that identified and quantified induced demand in terms of vehicle miles traveled, by considering questions of what type of demand is induced and which activities are consequently reduced. This paper uses the 1990 and 1995 Nationwide Personal Transportation Survey and Federal Highway...

An Object-oriented Database for IVHS

Varaiya, Pravin

The objective of this proposal was to develop a database that integrates various elements-traffic simulation packages, data sets, and computational tools. The difficulty in integration was felt to be the incompatibility of data structures, formats, and software.It was proposed to design, build and test a software environment with an open architecture that would facilitate a synergistic use of these software elements. The core of this environment was to be an object-oriented commercial database system that would be sufficiently general to support many software elements, and which would...

Travinfo Field Operational Test: Work Plan For The Target, Network, And Value Added Reseller ( V A R ) Customer Studies

Yim, Y. B.
Hall, Randoph
Skabardonis, Alex
Tam, Robert
Weissenberger, Stein

This report contains detailed work plans for the following evaluation tasks associated with the TravInfo evaluation study. These include: the target, Value Added Reseller (VAR) customer studies, and the network performance evaluation. The target study focuses on a high impact Bay Area corridor to evaluate TravInfo impacts or benefits to Bay Area travelers. The network performance evaluation simulates the road conditions in that corridor to estimate TravInfo impacts at the aggregate level. The VAR customer study provides information on those consumers who actually purchase and use Advanced...

A Method for Relating Type of Crash to Traffic Flow Characteristics on Urban Freeways

Golob, Thomas F.
Recker, Wilfred W.

A method is developed to determine how crash characteristics are related to traffic flow conditions at the time of occurrence. Crashes are described in terms of the type and location of the collision, the number of vehicles involved, movements of these vehicles prior to collision, and severity. Traffic flow is characterized by central tendencies and variations of traffic flow and flow/occupancy for three different lanes at the time and place of the crash. The method involves nonlinear canonical correlation applied together with cluster analyses to identify traffic flow regimes with...

Institutional, Organizational and Market Aspects of Successful ITS Deployment: A Case Study Analysis

Conroy, Patrick

This research follows on a previous study to explore key aspects of successful Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) deployment within existing institutional, organizational and market environments. The researcher developed three additional case studies of successful ITS deployment in the U.S. and Europe, and revisited one case from the previous work. Results from literature searches and surveys were analyzed, and findings on institutional, organizational and market factors are presented. Key words: ITS, deployment, institutional, value, business models, benefits, highway capacity

The Los Angeles Freeway Service Patrol (FSP) Evaluation: Site Selection and Database Development

Bertini, Robert
Petty, Karl
Skabardonis, Alexander
Varaiya, Pravin

The Los Angeles Freeway Service Patrol (FSP) Evaluation project is measuring the effectiveness of the FSP program on a specific freeway site in Los Angeles. This report describes the site selection and database development phases of the project. From an initial list of ten possible sites, detailed analysis was performed in order to rank the sites according to specific parameters developed by the study team. Site selection was based on congestion levels, average travel speeds, shoulder width, number of in-lane FSP assists, average daily traffic, directionality and the density of functional...

Time Benefits of New Transportation Technologies: The Case of Highway Automation

Hall, Randolph W.

This paper examines the role of travel time in the choice of transportation technologies. First, the components of travel time are introduced and compared among alternative modes. Next, a series of highway automation concepts is created, and the time benefits of each are discussed. Finally, the effects of automation on highway performance are modeled and evaluated, first looking at the space efficiency of highways, then measuring the benefits of increased capacity and increased velocity.The paper demonstrates that even simple forms of highway automation can provide important travel time...

TMDD Standards Review Technical Memorandum

Peterson, Brian

This document presents a review of the Traffic Management Data Dictionary (TMDD) standard, specifically version 3.03d with some analysis of the newest version 3.1, released in January 2020. The intention of this document is to provide a review of this standard for transmission of data between traffic management centers (TMCs), with specific commentary on usability of the standard with specific examples based on its implementation in the Caltrans I-210 Connected Corridors program. TMDD is published by the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE), an international organization of...

Trav Info Evaluation: The Target Study Phase 1 Results

Koo, Ronald
Yim, Younbin
Hall, Randolph

This paper discusses how traffic information is obtained and how the congestion of a major freeway affects travel behavior. Immediately following two congestion-causing major highway incidents south of San Francisco, telephone surveys were conducted of commuters who utilize the affected corridor of highway. The incidents took place two weeks apart on the same corridor of US-101, the first affecting southbound traffic and the second affecting northbound traffic. The travel behavior of commuters before and during their commute at the time of each incident was determined, including how they...