Changes in Driver Behavior Resulting from Pedestrian Countdown Signals

Huey, S. Brian
Ragland, David

This paper explores the effects that pedestrian countdown signals have on driver behavior. Observations of two intersections, one with pedestrian signals and one without, were made focusing specifically on driver behavior during the amber and red phases. It was found that drivers at the pedestrian countdown intersection were less likely to enter the intersection at the end of the amber phase than those at the traditional pedestrian signal intersection. It was also found that drivers at the intersections with traditional pedestrian signals exhibited different stopping behavior near the...

Community Pedestrian Safety Engagement Workshops in California

Babka, Rhianna JoIris
Cooper, Jill F
Alfsen, Wendy
Sabin, Marilyn

The Community Pedestrian Safety Engagement Workshops are a community capacity building program to involve local residents in community pedestrian safety. The focus of these workshops is to engage, educate and empower residents to ensure they have the skills, knowledge and resources they need to become active in improving pedestrian safety in their neighborhood, district, city or county. This program uses pedestrian planning and community engagement curriculums as a framework for the content, and goes beyond this to tailor each workshop to the individual community needs, ensuring genuine...

Vision Zero, SF

Schneider, Nicole

Many of San Francisco’s streets are dangerous by design. Each day in the city, at least three people walking are hit by cars. In 2013, a near-record number of people were killed while walking and biking: 21 pedestrians and four bicyclists were victims of lethal traffic crimes–including six year-old Sofia Liu(link is external) and an 86 year old man who were both killed in crosswalks–the highest number since 2007. In response to increasing number of traffic-related injuries and deaths, Walk SF, the San Francisco Bicycle Coalition, and a coalition of over 30 community organizations called on...

SafeTREC Seminar April 10: Creating Space for Bikeways: Road Diets and Parking Removal

Brazil, John

The City of San Jose's Active Transportation Program is in the midst of a ten-year plan to complete a 400-mile on-street bikeway network. With more than 250 miles implemented to date, most of the easier projects have been completed. Increasingly, remaining projects are faced with constrained right-of-way without enough space to accommodate a quality bicycle facility. To create space for new bikeways, San Jose has turned to the use of road diets (removal of a travel lane to create space for other features) and/or removal of on-street parking. These projects create a number of challenges...

Improving Traffic Safety Culture Through California’s SHSP

Camp, Bayliss J

For approximately a decade, researchers in industry, academia, and government have been working to extend the idea of “safety culture” to the field of traffic injury control. This involves, among other tasks, a substantial effort at translating theory and concepts from one field to another. It also involves educating stakeholders in a new vocabulary and (potentially) a new set of approaches to one of our society’s most stubborn public health problems. This presentation will introduce the audience to traffic safety culture, focusing on practical examples and potential applications. The...

New GIS Mapping Features in TIMS Feb 22, 2013

Bigham, John

This is a recording of a presentation made by SafeTREC GIS Project Manager John Bigham explaining new features to the Transportation Injury Mapping System website,

SafeTREC - UCTC Seminar: Flexible Work Schedules and Transportation Behavior at UC Berkeley

Ng, Wei-Shiuen

Flexible work schedules could be a solution to the problems of increasing transportation demand, congestion, energy use, and carbon emissions. The higher the flexibility of work schedule, the less time employees would spend commuting to work. Hence, reducing trip frequency and total distance traveled. Flexible work schedules have been studied extensively in transportation studies, especially in areas of peak period congestion, road pricing, transit services peak and off-peak utilization, and flexibility of departure time for work. However, fewer studies have examined how the flexibility of...

Applying UrbanSim to Transportation Issues in Cities

Foti, Fletcher

UrbanSim(link is external) is a software-based simulation system for supporting planning and analysis of urban development, incorporating the interactions between land use, transportation, the economy, and the environment. It is the result of over 15 years of active research, and has been applied to planning processes of over a dozen regional governments and large cities. Recent improvements to UrbanSim include an accessibility engine to compute walking-scale accessibility metrics over a metropolitan area in less than a second, and the ability to run real estate pro formas on the complete...

SafeTREC - UCTC Seminar: ODOT Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety Implementation Plan

Braughton, Matt
Griffin, Ashleigh

The Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) identified bicycle and pedestrian crashes as a key safety focus area within Oregon’s Strategic Highway Safety Plan and sought to develop a plan to reduce frequency and severity of those crashes on all roadways throughout Oregon. Kittelson & Associates, Inc. (KAI) worked with ODOT to develop a Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety Implementation Plan that identified systemic, low-cost countermeasures and prioritized locations for implementation of the countermeasures. Priority implementation locations were developed using two complementary...

SafeTREC Seminar 5/1/15: Interventions for Alcohol Related Traffic Injuries and Deaths

Gruenewald, Paul J

Despite many decades of prevention efforts, alcohol related traffic injuries and deaths due to drinking and drunken driving remain major problems in communities throughout the US. The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA) has recently sponsored an extensive study of the etiology of these problems across mid-size cities in California and is currently supporting an evaluation of community-based environmental preventive interventions intended to reduce these problems in 24 of these cities. One of the primary concerns of these studies has been to identify the ecological...