Travel Behavior

Evaluation Of Highway Bottlenecks

Hall, Randolph W.
Kamoun, Mahdi

This is the final report of the PATH research project "Bottleneck Evaluation Model." The goal of the project was to develop a computer tool for evaluating capacity and travel time benefits of PATH improvements. The Bottleneck Traffic Simulator (BTS) is used to investigate the time benefits of changes in highway design and operation. Key issues include the effects of (1) highway reliability, in the form of incident frequency, duration and reliability; and (2) changes in traveler behavior, in the forms of arrival time choice and reneging.

Develop Precision Docking Function for Bus Operation

Tan, Han-Shue

This project is a one-and-half year research and experimental effort to investigate the implementation of the precision docking system on a bus and to demonstrate that the system can provide superior docking accuracy. Since a bus cannot be secured for docking experiments during the period of the project, the Buick LeSabre test vehicle was used to further the docking system development. The work included (1) complete control analysis and integrate docking algorithm with lane-keeping algorithm; (2) software development that integrated the modularized new signal processing algorithm with the...

Feasibility Study Of Advanced Technology Hov Systems: Volume 4: Implementation Of Lateral Control Systems In Transitways

Chira-chavala, Ted
Zhang, W. B.
Walker, J.
Javandel, F.
Demsetz, L.

This study investigates issues concerning the implementation and impacts of lateral guidance/control systems and the phased implementation of these systems in exclusive-access High Occupancy Vehicle (HOV) lanes. The study is divided into 5 volumes. The objectives of each volume are as follows: Vol. 1: identify strategies for early deployment of longitudinal control technologies on the highway, and to evaluate potential impacts of these strategies on traffic operation, highway capacity, and traffic accidents. Vol. 2A: assess the feasibility of early deployment of Roadway Powered Electric...

Augmented Speed Enforcement Project at UC Berkeley

Chan, Ching-Yao
Gupta, Somak Datta
Huang, Jihua
Chiu, Guan-Ling
Nelson, David
Lian, Thang

This report describes the development of an automated speed enforcement (aSE) system. The main function of the aSE system is to communicate relevant speed, violation, and hazard information to the stakeholders in the work zone context: drivers, CHP officers, and workers. The system consists of two sub-systems that can work jointly in an integrated manner as a whole but they can also be deployed and tested separately.

VII California: Development and Deployment Proof of Concept and Group-Enabled Mobility and Safety (GEMS)

Misener, Jim
Sengupta, Raja
Ahern, Katherine
Gupta, Somak Datta
Dickey, Susan
Kuhn, Tom
Lian, Thang
Manasseh, Christian
Nelson, David
Rezai, Shahram
Sharafsaleh, Ashkan
Shladover, Steven
VanderWerf, Joel

This PATH Research Report covers the (Vehicle-Infrastructure Integration) VII California Development and Deployment (Task Order6217) efforts beginning in 2008 and concluding June 30, 2009. This is a successor to the report for TO 5217and reports theapplications-oriented research subsequent to that work.The report is organized by a synopsis of the background and reasons for the VII California project, then it summarizes some of the antecedent (TO 5217) work: the "Innovative Mobility Showcase" (2005), which established the architecture and, importantly the applications (curve overspeed...

Travlnfo Field Operational Test Evaluation: Target Study Final Results

Koo, Ronald
Yim, Youngbin

This paper presents the final results of the Target Study conducted for the evaluation of the Travinfo Field Operational Test. Four waves of telephone surveys were conducted in 1997 and 1998 among commuters shortly after major incidents on a selected corridor. The case study corridor is a 16 mile segment of US 101 serving major cities between San Francisco and San Jose.The commuter surveys were aimed at an understanding of travel behavior when major incidents occur. The results of the surveys suggest that traveler behavior is not greatly affected by individual incidents causing delays of...

Simulation of IVHS on the Santa Monica Freeway Corridor Using the INTEGRATION Model. Phase 2: Preliminary ATIS and ATMS Experiments

Gardes, Yonnel
May, Adolf D.

The general objective of the project is to investigate and quantify the likely benefits of implementing various ATMS and ATlS control strategies on the real-life Santa Monica freeway corridor in Los Angeles.The different strategies to be tested in Phase 2 include freeway ramp metering, real-time traffic signal optimization, route guidance systems, and combinations of these strategies. Investigations of different strategies are performed for the same network conditions (portion of the Santa Monica freeway corridor previously coded in Phase 1) and under the same demand level (typical morning...

Trav Info Evaluation Traveler Response Element: Trav Info 817-1717 Caller Study Phase 1 Results

Yim, Youngbin
Hall, Randoph
Koo, Ronald
Miller, Mark A.

This paper presents a discussion on how traffic information is obtained and how the congestion of a major freeway affects travel behavior. It reports on survey results of commuters affected by two highway incidents south of San Francisco. The survey collected information on travel behavior, how the traffic information was obtained, and how it influenced route, model of travel and departure time. Results of the surveys suggest that travel behavior is largely unaffected by individual incidents of congestion. The study is also one of several designed to provide an assessment of the impact of...

Identifying the Onset of Congestion Rapidly with Existing Traffic Detectors

Coifman, Benjamin

From an operations standpoint, the most important task of a traffic surveillance system is determining reliably whether the facility is free flowing or congested. The second most important task is responding rapidly when the facility becomes congested. Other tasks, such as quantifying the magnitude of congestion, are desirable, but tertiary. To address the first two tasks, this paper presents a new approach for traffic surveillance using existing detectors. Rather than expending a considerable effort to detect congested conditions, the research employs a relatively simple strategy to look...

Travinfor Evaluation: Value Added Reseller (var) Study Phase 1 Results

Loukakos, D.
Hall, R.
Weissenberger, S.
Yim, Y. B.

TravInfo is a Field Operational Test (FOT) in advanced traveler information systems (ATIS) for the San Francisco Bay Area sponsored by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA). The project involves a public/private partnership which seeks to compile, integrate and broadly disseminate timely and accurate multi-modal traveler information through commercial products and services. This working paper is part of the Technology Element of the TravInfo evaluation. It presents the results of the "before" wave of the Value-Added-Reseller (VAR) study, in which 17 TravInfo registered VARs and 16 non-...