Travel Behavior

Gap acceptance for vehicles turning left across on-coming traffic: Implications for Intersection Decision Support design

Ragland, David R.
Arroyo, Sofia
Shladover, Steven E.
Misener, James A.
Chan, Ching-Yao

A left-turning vehicle (Subject Vehicle, SV) attempting to cross the path of an oncoming vehicle (Principal Other Vehicle, POV) at an intersection typically does not have the right of way. The main task of the SV driver is to find an adequate opportunity in opposing traffic to initiate the left-turn maneuver. To reduce the probability of a conflict, warning systems, such as Intersection Decision Support (IDS) systems, are being developed. These systems alert drivers of SV vehicles attempting to negotiate a left turnabout traffic approaching from the opposite direction. The current paper (i...

Estimating Bicycle and Pedestrian Demand in San Diego

Jones, Michael
Buckland, Lauren

This paper introduces the concepts behind estimating bicycle and pedestrian demand and provides an example of the development of a sketch-plan method for estimating bicycle and pedestrian demand from land use in San Diego County. The paper describes the methodology involved in collecting counts for the currently ongoing Seamless Travel project. The Seamless Travel project intends to develop a model for estimating bicycle and pedestrian demand within San Diego County. The project methodology includes conducting bicycle and pedestrian counts and intercept surveys over a two-year period...

Evaluation of Injury Severity Updates in California Collision Data

Bigham, John
Oum, Sang Hyouk

Fatal or injury collisions in California must be reported to the California Highway Patrol (CHP) for inclusion in the Statewide Integrated Traffic Records System (SWITRS). After records have been entered into SWITRS they are made publicly available and are accessible through the CHP’s report and data retrieval site called I-SWITRS. However, records accessed in SWITRS are considered provisional and can be updated several years after initial entry. This includes the injury severity level of collisions. If the collision data was accessed prior to an injury severity update, the agency...

Effects of Weather Variables on Pedestrian Volumes in Alameda County, California

Attaset, Vanvisa
Schneider, Robert J.
Arnold, Lindsay S.
Ragland, David R.

Accurate estimates of pedestrian volume are important for analyzing pedestrian movement and safety; methods to estimate these volumes are continuously evolving and being improved. However, relatively little is known about the impact of weather conditions on pedestrian activity. This paper evaluates the effect of weather by including temperature, cloud cover, wind, and precipitation variables in a linear regression model of pedestrian volumes. Pedestrian volumes were collected over approximately one year using automated counters at 13 different locations in Alameda County, California. These...

What They Don’t Know Can Kill Them

Mitman, Meghan Fehlig
Ragland, David R.

Traffic safety researchers have long argued that driver behavior outweighs physical elements (such as road design) as a causal factor in motor vehicle collisions. A fundamental causal component of pedestrian-vehicle collisions is also behavior—that of the driver and that of the pedestrian. One determinant of this behavior may be whether the driver, the pedestrian, or both understand the motor vehicle code, which demarcates right-of-way in pedestrian-vehicle interactions. That is, inappropriate or unlawful behavior may occur because the law is not understood or is misunderstood. Previous...

Pedestrian Volume Modeling for Traffic Safety and Exposure Analysis: The Case of Boston, Massachusetts

Raford, Noah
Ragland, David

This paper examines three types of pedestrian volume models in light of their usefulness for estimating pedestrian exposure for pedestrian safety research. The need for pedestrian flow data as part of pedestrian exposure and safety analysis is outlined, and the background of each type of model is discussed. It then selects the space syntax network analysis model to estimate pedestrian volumes for the city of Boston, Massachusetts. It was found that the model was able to accurately predict pedestrian flows (r-squared 0.81, p-value < 0.0001) after incorporating distance to transit...

The Analysis of Right-of-way for different road users in China: Passing-Passenger-Unit Versus Passenger-Car-Unit

Xiong, Wen, Professor
Zhang, Yuanyuan, PhD
Chen, Xiaohong, Professor
Jiang, Chao

Being a public resource, the roadway space was distributed between different road users based on the Passenger-Car-Unit (PCU) concept. However, this concept tends to under estimate the capacity of public transportation and non-motorized travel. To improve the traditional car-oriented design to become more human-oriented, this study proposed a Passing-passenger-unit (PPU) and the method to observe the PPU in roadway level and area level. The PPU data were collected for urban arterials and residential areas in China to test the method and to compare the right-of-way distribution at different...

Safe Routes to Transit Program Evaluation Final Report

Sanders, Rebecca L.
Weinzimmer, David
Dittrich, Heidi
Cooper, Jill F.

Safe Routes to Transit (SR2T) was initiated in 2004 with the adoption of the San Francisco Bay Area’s Regional Measure 2 which established a $1 increase in Bay Area bridge tolls. The intended purpose of this funding was to support various transportation projects within the region in order to reduce congestion along the seven state-owned toll bridge corridors. Consistent with this purpose, the SR2T Program was awarded $20 million to fund enhancements to increase walking and cycling to regional transit stations.SR2T funds were used for the following improvements, among others: ssecure...

Identifying Factors that Determine Bicyclist and Pedestrian-Involved Collision Rates and Bicyclist and Pedestrian Demand at Multi-Lane Roundabouts

Arnold, Lindsay S.
Flannery, Aimee
Ledbetter, Lauren
Bills, Tierra
Jones, Michael G.
Ragland, David R.
Spautz, Laura

This project examined the safety and demand issues for pedestrians and bicyclists at multi-lane roundabouts through a literature review, case studies, in-field counts and surveys, focus groups, and video analysis. This document presents research findings, synthesizes current information on best practices, and makes recommendations to assist local agencies planning and designing safer multi-lane roundabouts. These findings should help local agencies and Caltrans create roundabouts that better and more safely address the needs of bicyclists and pedestrians. The current literature is referred...

HOV Lane Configurations and Safety Performance of California Freeways – An Investigation of Differential Distributions and Statistical Analysis

Jang, Kitae
Chan, Ching-Yao

From a recent study of safety evaluation of HOV-equipped freeways, it was found that limited-access HOV lanes appear to have a safety performance disadvantage when measured by collision distribution or collision rates for the HOV lane alone and for the HOV and left lanes combined. This paper describes the work performed to verify the statistical significance of related findings. Several statistical tests were used: empirical cumulative density function (CDF), Kolmogorov-Smirnov Tests, and comparison of means based on Poisson Distributed Samples. The conclusion that continuous-access HOV...