
Command Modification Using Input Shaping for Automated Highway Systems with Heavy Trucks

Bae, Hong S.
Gerdes, J. Christian

Automated vehicles require sufficiently accurate system models in order to achieve a desired level of closed-loop performance in, for example, automated highways systems or smart cruise control systems. Parameters of the models are one of the important factors that determine the accuracy of system modeling and, eventually, the overall performance of the closed-loop system. Current GPS sensing technology enables estimation of road grade and, consequently, simple treatment of parameter estimation from a static force balance. This work has demonstrated that road grade can be reliably...

Evaluation of Truck and Bus Automation Scenarios: Operations Cost Analysis

Botha, Jan
Day, Jennifer E.
Adibhatla, Nagabhargavi

Automated bus and truck systems hold the potential to improve road safety by eliminating some human error, increase the vehicle throughput by allowing vehicle convoying to shorten headways, and reduce costs associated with infrastructure, user time, and drivers. In this study, an automated bus system (ABUS) was compared with more-conventional light rail and bus-on-dedicated-lane (BDL) alternatives. A cost comparison (excluding accident costs) was also made among an automated freight trucking system (AHS-Truck), a no-build base condition, and configurations involving the addition of a...

Communications And Positioning Systems In The Motor Carrier Industry

Scapinakis, Dimitris A.
Garrison, William L.

Until recently, truck drivers and their dispatchers have relied on public telephones and voice radio systems to communicate with each other. Today, however, vendors are beginning to offer new technologies for determining the positions of trucks and communications to and from trucks. Eighteen systems and their implications for the industry and intelligent vehicle highway systems (IVHS) activities are reviewed in this paper. Some of the newer communications and/or positioning systems are in the proposal stage. Others are available with not yet fully developed capability or only in limited...

Coordination Layer Control Design for Automated Trucks and Buses

Lu, Xiao-Yun
Joo, Sungmoon
Hedrick, Karl

This project studies the coordination layer control and decision making for automated trucks and buses. Maneuver design and coordination algorithms need to take several factors into consideration. Practical achievement in this project includes the following: automated ground vehicle maneuver coordination; maneuver design for automated trucks/buses; model-based simulation package development for control design and real-time code development.

Estimation of Truck Traffic Volume from Single Loop Detectors Using Lane-to-Lane Speed Correlation

Kwon, Jaimyoung
Varaiya, Pravin
Skabardonis, Alexander

An algorithm for real time estimation of truck traffic in multi-lane freeway is proposed. The algorithm uses data from single loop detectors-the most widely installed surveillance technology for urban freeways in the US. The algorithm works for those freeway locations that have a truck-free lane, and exhibit high lane-to-lane speed correlation. These conditions are met by most urban freeway locations. The algorithm produces real time estimates of the truck traffic volumes at the location. It can also be used to produce alternative estimate of the mean effective vehicle length, which can...

Intermodal Transportation Operation System ( ITOS ) For The State Of California

Hall, Randolph
Parekh, Chethan
Thakker, Viral

Intermodal transportation entails the coordinated movement of different types of transportation (rail, truck, automobile, etc.) to serve the needs of travelers and shippers. The purpose of this report is to provide a vision for systems to coordinate intermodal operations in California in the future, and also to document the types of systems that are being used today in a range of transportation modes. An intermodal system could, conceivably, establish a center (or centers) that is responsible for the joint operation of multiple modes of transportation. This is not our preferred vision....

Historical Transportation Development

Garrison, William L.

The main tasks for this overview of transportation development are the provision and interpretation of information on the unfolding of the transportation systems. What have been the processes at work? What explains the similarities and differences from here to there and among systems? Big questions! But they are eased by ways systems are products of experiences, as will be seen when the paragraphs immediately following summarize early experiences. Life support systems, sustainability, and social development topics will be mentioned. After examining their immediate precursors, the...

Vehicle Manufacturing Futures in Transportation Life-cycle Assessment

Chester, Mikhail
Horvath, Arpad

Vehicle manufacturing effects are critical life-cycle components in the total costs of vehicle travel and future manufacturing processes should be evaluated for travel forecasts. With efforts to introduce lightweight materials, increased fuel economy, and new technologies such as electric vehicles, understanding the energy and environmental effects of these expected vehicles is critical. Current vehicle manufacturing energy use and greenhouse gas emissions are summarized from existing research for passenger (conventional gasoline vehicles, hybrid electric vehicles, aircraft, high-speed...

Unintended Impacts of Increased Truck Loads on Pavement Supply-chain Emissions

Sathaye, Nakul
Horvath, Arpad
Madanat, Samer M.

In recent years, the reduction of freight truck trips has been a common policy goal. To this end, policies aimed at influencing load consolidation, load factors and increasing maximum truck weight limits have been suggested and implemented, resulting in higher gross vehicle weights. The purpose of such policies has generally been to mitigate congestion and environmental impacts. However, trucks cause most of the damage incurred by highways pavements. The supply chain associated with pavement maintenance and construction releases significant air emissions, raising the question of whether...

Virtual Commercial Vehicle Compliance Stations: A Review of Legal and Institutional Issues

Rodier, Caroline J.
Shaheen, Susan A.
Cavanagh, Ellen

In the past five years, commercial vehicle travel has increased 60 percent on California’s highways, without a corresponding increase in compliance inspection station capacity or enforcement officers. Commercial vehicles that do not comply with regulations impose significant public costs including, for example, pavement and structure damage to roads and catastrophic crashes. In response to these problems, the California Department of Transportation is investigating the potential application of detection and communication technology in virtual compliance stations (VCS) to cost-effectively...