ITS Berkeley is excited to announce five new ITS Senior Fellows and two continuing fellows for 2022.
We welcome Randy Iwasaki, Leader of State and Local Transportation for Amazon Web Services (AWS); Dr. Banavar Sridhar, Principal Engineer at Universities Space Research Association (USRA), Moffett Field, CA; ; Taj Tashombe, Vice President of Government and External Affairs for the Oakland A's; Shari Tavaf, PE, President / CEO of STRADA EC, LLC (alumni); and Johanna Zmud, a Principal at RSG. Mark Dowd, Executive Director of the Smart Cities Lab, and Jeff Morales, Managing Principal at InfraStrategies, will continue as ITS Senior Fellows.
The ITS Senior Fellow program recognizes individuals who have made extraordinary contributions, have excelled in the transportation field, and have a desire to improve transportation education, research, and practice through collaboration with ITS faculty, staff, and students.
Although each Senior Fellow will contribute in their own particular way aligning with their interests and expertise, some opportunities we look forward to could include:
- Contributing to the graduate and undergraduate educational mission of the University by being a guest lecturer, attending research and studio project presentations, and advising students in small groups or one-on-one.
- Providing expert guidance on research opportunities and directions for ITS faculty and researchers
- Participating in events highlighting topics of interest to current and prospective students.
- Providing a bridge between the professional world and academia for graduate and undergraduate students, by mentoring and connecting students with potential employment, internship, research, or related educational opportunities.
- Developing new or contributing to existing continuing education and professional development programs offered for working professionals.
We look forward to fostering new and continuing relationships to change the future of mobility.
We also want to thank Ratna Amin and Steve Hemminger for their contributions in the inaugural class of ITS Senior Fellows.