Dr. AlKadri has been associated with PATH since 1992. He began as a Resident Research Representative for Caltrans then as a Resident Caltrans Researcher. He worked with Drs. Steve Shladover and Randy Hall on the development of the National Intelligent Transportation Systems Architecture (NITSA). He later worked with several PATH researchers including Dr. Joy Dahlgren, Dr. Jacob Tsao, Dr. Hong Lo, Dr. Mark Hickman, Dr. Jeff Ban and Professor David Gillen collaborating on variety of research projects in the areas of systems engineering, economic analysis, and decision support systems. Most recently, Dr. AlKadri worked as a Visiting Scholar with Tom West, PATH co-Director and Professor Roberto Horowitz and developed comprehensive set of crosscutting research roadmaps for Caltrans.
In conjunction with working at Caltrans and with PATH, beginning in 1999, Dr. AlKadri got an assignment as an Adjunct Professor at the College of Engineering, Department of Systems and Industrial Engineering at San Jose State University (SJSU). He had taught graduate classes (including Engineering Economic Analysis and Systems Engineering) at the Department of Systems and Industrial Engineering as well as at the College’s M.S. Engineering Management Program. Dr. AlKadri supervised a number of graduate students’ MS thesis at both UC Berkeley and SJSU and supervised students from the American University at Beirut during a summer internship at UC Berkeley’s ITS.
Dr. AlKadri had worked as a United Nations Technical Consultant in the area of systems development, automation, and integration for the United Nations Development Program (UNDP). Dr. AlKadri is a registered professional engineer (PE) with the State of California.