Alumni in Academia

S. Chan Wirasinghe

Schulich School of Engineering
University of Calgary

University of Calgary

Advisor: Gordon Newell

Dissertation: A Model of a Coordinated Rail and Bus Transit Systems

Ph.D. Civil and Environmental Engineering University of California, Berkeley, 1976 M.S. Civil and Environmental Engineering University of California, Berkeley, 1973 B.S. Civil Engineering University of Ceylon (now Sri Lanka), 1968

Stephen Wong

Assistant Professor
Civil and Environmental Engineering
University of Alberta

Dr. Stephen Wong is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Civil and Environmental at the University of Alberta, joining in October 2021. Stephen’s research focuses on the intersection of evacuations, decision-making, and shared mobility and works to create more resilient, environmentally friendly, and equitable transportation systems. His dissertation research developed empirically driven and equitable evacuation and resilience strategies for governmental agencies to prepare for, respond to, and recover from disasters. Stephen leads the Resilient and Sustainable Mobility and...

Soomin Woo

Assistant Professor
Konkuk University in Korea

Soomin Woo is an assistant professor in Smart Vehicle Enineering at Konkuk University in Korea. Her research focuses on modeling and optimization of the integrated systems of mobility and energy, which fully utilize the benefits of vehicle electrificaiton, automation, and commnuication. At TSRC, she conducts research on vehicle grid integration, energy grid optimization, and electric vehicle data science. She has a B.S. and a M.S. in Civil and Environmental Engineering from Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) and a Ph.D. degree in Civil and Environmental...

Daniel B. Work

Associate Professor
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Computer Science
Vanderbilt University

Vanderbilt University

Advisor: Alexandre Bayen

Dissertation: Real-time Estimation of Distributed Parameters Systems: Applications to Trtaffic Monitoring

Ph.D. Civil and Environmental Engineering Unversity of California, Berkeley, 2010 M.S. Civil and Environmental Enigneering University of California, Berkeley, 2007 B.S. Civil Engineering Ohio State University, 2006

Cathy Wu

Assistant Professor
Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Cathy Wu is the Gilbert W. Winslow Career Development Assistant Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Cathy Wu works at the intersection of machine learning, optimization, and large-scale urban systems and other societal systems. Her recent research focuses on mixed autonomy systems in mobility, which studies the complex integration of automation such as self-driving cars into existing urban systems. She is broadly interested in developing principled computational tools to enable reliable and complex decision-making for critical...

Hwasoo Yeo

Associate Professor
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology

Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology

Advisor: Alex Skabardonis

Dissertation: Assymetric Microscopic Driving Behavior Theory

Ph.D. Civil and Environmental Engineering University of California, Berkeley, 2008 M.S. Civil and Environmental Engineering University of California, Berkeley, 2004 B.S. Civil Engineering Seoul National University, 1996

Yoonjin Yoon

Civil and Environmental Engineering
Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology

Dissertation: A Probabilistic Approach tothe Air Traffic Management in The Next Generation Air Transportation System: Optimal Routing Decision With Geometric Recourse Model

Advisor: Mark Hansen

Dr. Yoonjin Yoon is currently a professor at the faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST).

Her research focus is applications of computational and information sciences to transportation system. Some of her work has dealt with air traffic flow management in...

Seth Young

Associate Professor
Ohio State University College of Engineering
Ohio State University Center for Aviation Studies

Ohio State University

Advisor: Mark Hansen

Dissertation: Assessing the Benefits of Automated Pedestrian Movement Systems

Ph.D Civil and Environmental Engineering University of California, Berkeley, 1998 M.S. Industrial Engineering and Operations Research University of California, Berkeley, 1991 B.S. Applied Mathematics State University of New York at Buffalo, 1990

Dimitrios Zekkos

Civil and Environmental Engineering
PhD, 2002 – 2005. University of California at Berkeley, Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering, Geoengineering Program. Doctoral Thesis Title: “Evaluation of Static and Dynamic Properties of Municipal Solid Waste”. Master of Science in Geoengineering (MS), 2001 –2002, University of California at Berkeley. Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering Joint BS/MEng Degree (5-year required program), 1996 – 2001, University of Patras, Department of Civil Engineering, Greece.

Yu Zhang

Civil and Environmental Engineering
University of South Florida

University of South Florida

Advisor: Mark Hansen

Dissertation: Real-time Inter-modal Strategies for Airline Schedule Perturbation Recovery and Airport Congestion Mitigation Under Collaborative Decision Making (CDM)

Ph.D CIvil and Environmental Engineering University of California, Berkeley, 2008 M.S. Civil and Environmental Engineering University of California, Berkeley, 2003 B.S. Transportation Engineering Southeast University, China, 1997