Faculty/Lead Researcher

Robert Harley

Carl W. Johnson Professor in Civil Engineering
Civil and Environmental Engineering

Robert Harley is a Professor in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the University of California, Berkeley, where he has been on the faculty since 1993. He holds a bachelor's degree in Engineering Science (Chemical Engineering option) from the University of Toronto, and both M.S. and Ph.D. in Environmental Engineering Science from the California Institute of Technology (Caltech). Harley's research focuses on air quality and sustainable transportation; he is an author of over 100 papers published...

Roberto Horowitz

James Fife Endowed Chair Professor of Mechanical Engineering
Mechanical Engineering
Chair, Department of Mechanical Engineering
Partners for Advanced Transportation Technology

Roberto Horowitz is a Professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at UC Berkeley and holds the James Fife Endowed Chair in the College of Engineering. He received a B.S. degree with highest honors in 1978 and a Ph.D. degree in 1983 in mechanical engineering from the University of California at Berkeley and became a faculty member of the Mechanical Engineering Department in 1982. Dr. Horowitz teaches and conducts research in the areas of adaptive, learning, nonlinear and optimal control, with applications to Micro-Electromechanical Systems (MEMS), computer disk file systems...

Justin Hosbey

Assistant Professor
Department of City and Regional Planning

Dr. Hosbey (he/his) is a humanistic social scientist and Black studies scholar. His ethnographic work explores Black social and cultural life in the U.S. Gulf Coast and Mississippi Delta regions, focusing on the ways that southern Black communities articulate modes of citizenship that demand the interruption of racial capitalism and ecocide. His current ethnographic project utilizes research methods from the digital and spatial humanities to understand and visualize how the post-Katrina privatization of neighborhood schools in low-income and working-class Black communities has...

Maryam Hosseini

Assistant Professor
City and Regional Planning

Maryam Hosseini is an assistant professor in the Department of City & Regional Planning. Her research centers on pedestrian mobility, urban accessibility, and walkability. She designs open-source tools, leveraging computer vision, machine learning, and computational geometry to provide scalable, reproducible solutions that address diverse urban challenges, including accessibility for people with disabilities, heat risk, and poverty.

One of her primary objectives is to empower cities worldwide to conduct comprehensive analyses of their pedestrian infrastructure through...

Philip Kaminsky

Earl J. Isaac Professor in the Science and Analysis of Decision Making
Industrial Engineering and Operations Research

Phil Kaminsky is the Earl J. Isaac Professor in the Science and Analysis of Decision Making in the Department of Industrial Engineering and Operations Research at UC Berkeley. He is currently (as of March 2020) on industrial leave at Amazon, as a Principal Research Scientist. Prior to his leave, he served as Executive Associate Dean and Associate Dean for Student Affairs in the UC Berkeley College of Engineering, and before that, faculty director of the Sutardja Center for Entrepreneurship and Technology, director of the Initiative for Research in Biopharmaceutical Operations, and...

Dan Kammen

Energy and Resources Group
Goldman School of Public Policy
Director, Renewable and Appropriate Energy Laboratory
Nuclear Engineering

Dr. Kammen is the Class of 1935 Distinguished Professor of Energy at the University of California, Berkeley, with parallel appointments in the Energy and Resources Group, the Goldman School of Public Policy, and the department of Nuclear Engineering. He was appointed the first Environment and Climate Partnership for the Americas (ECPA) Fellow by Secretary of State Hilary R. Clinton in April 2010.

Kammen is the founding director of the Renewable and Appropriate Energy Laboratory (RAEL), Co-Director of the Berkeley Institute of the Environment, and Director of the Transportation...

Adib Kanafani

Professor Emeritus
Systems, Transportation Engineering
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Partners for Advanced Transportation Technology

Adib Kanafani is a Professor of the Graduate School in Civil and Environemntal Engineering Department at UC Berkeley He was elected to Membership in the National Academy of Engineering in 2002 and earned the Distinguished Engineering Alumni Award, American University of Beirut in 2004, James Laurie Prize, American Society of Civil Engineers in 2000, Fannie and John Herz Foundation Award in 1990, Robert Horonjeff Award, American Society of Civil Engineers in 1990, and the Walter L. Huber Civil Engineering Research Prize, American Society of Civil Engineers in 1982.


Alexander A. Kurzhanskiy

Associate Research Engineer
Partners for Advanced Transportation Technology
Lead Researcher

Alex Kurzhanskiy received his M.S in Applied Mathematics & Computer Science from Lomonosov Moscow University and Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering & Computer Science at Berkeley. He joined PATH as a Postdoctoral Researcher in 2008 and in 2011 he became a part of PATH research staff.

Presently, Dr. Kurzhanskiy is co-leading projects “Augmenting Connected Vehicle’s Awareness with I2V Information at Intersections” under Berkeley Deep Drive program and “Safe Operation of Automated Vehicles at Intersections” sponsored by Caltrans. He also manages 4-year NSF project “Traffic...

Ted Lamm

Associate Director
Lead Researcher
Berkeley Law

Ted Lamm is CLEE's Associate Director. In this role, he coordinates CLEE's Research Fellow program and leads CLEE's EV Equity Initiative, a multi-year effort to develop local government tools that advance zero-emissions mobility investment in priority communities. His other work focuses on innovative programs to reduce vehicle miles traveled, revenue and funding strategies to support local climate action, and climate-related financial risk.

Prior to joining CLEE, Ted practiced both environmental law and corporate law in New York City. At New York University School of Law, where Ted...

Robert Leachman

Professor, Head Undergraduate Advisor
Industrial Engineering and Operations Research

Rob Leachman is a Professor of Industrial Engineering and Operations Research at the University of California at Berkeley. Dr. Leachman is the author of more than 50 technical publications and has supervised more than 30 PhD dissertations concerning production and operations management. He also is President and CEO of Leachman and Associates LLC, a firm providing consulting and software for operations management and logistics analysis to corporations and governments. He received the AB degree in Mathematics and Physics, the MS degree in Operations Research and the...