Adult Bicycle Education Classes Increase Confidence, Feelings of Safety, and Knowledge of Bicycling Rules


Adult bicycle education classes are becoming an increasingly popular strategy to improve safety, mitigate congestion, and reach environmental goals. However, there is limited empirical research on the effectiveness of these classes among adults, and there are no studies evaluating the impacts of classroom-based education on this population. To address this gap in knowledge, a study  was conducted evaluating the effectiveness of classroom-based adult bicycle education on delivering changes related to bicycling activity, self-perceptions while bicycling, knowledge of the bicycling rules of the road, and mode choice in the San Francisco Bay Area. Evaluation of the intervention was conducted using self-administered surveys completed prior to the intervention and again six weeks after the course. Self-reported data was validated using objective data collected using the Ride Report app.

Nachman, Elizabeth R., MCP
Rodríguez, Daniel A., PhD
Publication date: 
August 1, 2019
Publication type: 
Policy Brief
Nachman, E. R., & Rodríguez, D. A. (2019). Adult Bicycle Education Classes Increase Confidence, Feelings of Safety, and Knowledge of Bicycling Rules.