Education and Training

Lessons From Case Studies Of Advanced Transportation And Information Systems

Dahlgren, Joy
Weissenberger, Stein
Hickman, Mark
Lo, Hong

This paper poses two key questions regarding ATMIS implementation: how are ATMIS services successfully implemented?, in what circumstances are ATMIS strategies cost-effective? The authors attempt to find answers by examining case studies of twelve jurisdictions. The answers should help others judge where and how ATMIS should be implemented. The first section of the paper identifies the requirements for successful ATMIS implementation and operation based on the case study findings. The second describes a diffusion pattern found in the case studies. The final section concludes that more is...

A Variable Formulation of Kinematic Waves: Solution Methods

Daganzo, Carlos F.

This paper presents improved solution methods for kinematic wave trafficc problems with concave flow-density relations. As explained in part I of this work, the solution of a kinematic wave problem is a set of continuum least-cost paths in space-time. The least cost to reach a point is the vehicle number. The idea here consists in overlaying a dense but discrete network with appropriate costs in the solution region and then using a shortest-path algorithm to estimate vehicle numbers. With properly designed networks, this procedure is more accurate than existing methods and can be applied...

East Oakland Mobility Justice: A Case Study of the International Boulevard Bus Rapid Transit Project Safety and Displacement

Soucy, Andre B.

Low-income communities of color in formerly redlined neighborhoods face persistent racial disparities and inequities in pollution exposure, access to transportation and safe streets, and inadequate provisions for health, safety, stable housing, clean air, education, and employment. In the process of attempting to remedy such disparities through major transportation infrastructure and access improvements, residents who are intended to benefit from expanded transportation access and options are often placed at increased risk of harmful displacement, gentrification, and environmental...

5/3-Approximation Algorithm for a Multiple Depot, Terminal Hamiltonian Path Problem

Sivakumar, Rathinam
Sengupta, Raja

Though 2-approximation algorithms are available for several Multiple Depot Travelling Salesman Problems (TSPs)and Hamiltonian Path Problems (HPPs), there are no algorithms in the literature for any multiple depot variant of TSP or HPP that has an approximation ratio better than 2. This paper addresses one variant of the Multiple Depot HPP and provides the first 5/3-approximation algorithm for the same when the costs are symmetric and satisfy triangle inequality.

Adult Bicycle Education Classes Increase Confidence, Feelings of Safety, and Knowledge of Bicycling Rules

Nachman, Elizabeth R., MCP
Rodríguez, Daniel A., PhD

Adult bicycle education classes are becoming an increasingly popular strategy to improve safety, mitigate congestion, and reach environmental goals. However, there is limited empirical research on the effectiveness of these classes among adults, and there are no studies evaluating the impacts of classroom-based education on this population. To address this gap in knowledge, a study was conducted evaluating the effectiveness of classroom-based adult bicycle education on delivering changes related to bicycling activity, self-perceptions while bicycling, knowledge of the bicycling rules of...

Research on the Effects of Bicycle Education is Limited but Does Point to Higher Rates of Bicycling and Increased Safety

Nachman, Elizabeth R., MCP
Rodríguez, Daniel A., PhD

Increasing the number of people bicycling is often proposed as a solution for addressing environmental and climate-related challenges. Strategies to support more bicycling have traditionally included building bicycle infrastructure, enforcing traffic laws, and educating people about bicycling. Additionally, many cities across California are pursuing Vision Zero, the goal to eliminate traffic death and serious injury in the next decade. In San Francisco, for example, Vision Zero strategies include creating safe streets, safe people and safe vehicles. It also seeks to include training on “...

How Well Are Newly Sited K-12 Schools Incorporating Vehicle Miles Traveled Mitigation Measures?

Vincent, Jeffrey M., PhD
Maves, Sydney
Thomson, Amy

In response to California law (SB 743, Chapter No. 386, Statutes of 2013), school districts are encouraged to use vehicle miles traveled (VMT) as criteria when evaluating the transportation impacts of new school construction, and identify feasible mitigation measures that eliminate or substantially reduce VMT generated by the new construction. To better understand the implications of this new law on school siting decisions, researchers at UC Berkeley analyzed 301 new schools constructed between 2008 and 2018 with respect to four VMT mitigation measures identified by the Governor’s Office...

New Metrics for Measuring Academic Research Outside the Ivory Tower

Levine, Kendra K.

The need to demonstrate the value of research programs is critical for funding sustainability, particularly in the 21st century where research funding is rarely guaranteed beyond the life of a single project. After the great economic crash of 2008 many research programs have also diversified their funding portfolios, which means cultivating new relationships with funders and potentially different objectives of research projects. Measuring the impact of academic research outside academia is critical to providing a holistic view of a research program, but the methods to do so are still being...

Fundamentals of Traffic Engineering - 16th Edition

Homburger, Wolfgang S.
Hall, Jerome W.
Reilly, William R.
Sullivan, Edward C.

This syllabus serves as an introduction to the field of traffic engineering to professionals who are being assigned traffic engineering tasks for the first time and as a source of recent information for those already in the field. It is designed mainly for one-week short courses, but past editions have also seen increasing use in university engineering courses and for individual study. Traffic engineering is an ever-changing profession. New standards, guidelines, and basic texts rapidly replace older reference volumes. This 16th edition again includes new and revised material needed by...

Teens, Technology, and Transportation: An exploration of the digital lives of high schoolers

Lee, Brian H.Y.

In the face of increasing sprawl and car-dependence in US metropolitan areas, young people – especially teens in middle-class suburbs – may be experiencing new mobilities generated by their near-universal adoption of cell phones and increasing access to private automobiles. The growth in the adoption of hand-held mobile devices that can be used for communication and information may enhance accessibility and independent mobility for certain segments of the youth population, especially those in higher socio-economic status households. In a project with teens in two high schools in Chittenden...