Are Traffic Safety Rules and Experience Sufficient to Make Children Safe Pedestrians?


Pedestrian injury is among the top causes of death in North American children ages 5-12 (NCIPC, 2014). Research documents a wide range of factors that contribute to child pedestrian injury risk, but many contributing factors remain unknown and unevaluated. This study considered two such factors: institution of safety rules by parents and children’s experience crossing streets. We hypothesized both presence of parental rules about traffic safety and greater child pedestrian experience would be associated with safer pedestrian behavior in children.

Rouse, J
Smith, R
Sessions, M
Combs, T
Rodriguez, D
Sisiopiku, V
Schwebel, DC
Publication date: 
March 26, 2015
Publication type: 
Conference Paper
Rouse, J., Smith, R., Sessions, M., Combs, T., Rodriguez, D., Sisiopiku, V., & Schwebel, D. (2015). Are Traffic Safety Rules and Experience Sufficient to Make Children Safe Pedestrians? Birmingham, USA, Query date: 2024-12-09 21:28:55.