EDAPTS Benefit/Cost Evaluation


This technical report summarizes the benefit/cost evaluation of the SLO Transit EDAPTS ITS system. It provides a detailed description of the methodologies and procedures used, as well as the research findings resulting from the evaluation effort. Using passenger questionnaire, boarding time surveys and interviews with SLO Transit drivers and administrators, the research team collected and estimated various benefits and costs of the SLO Transit EDAPTS system and conducted a benefit/cost (B/C) ratio analysis on the EDAPTS system. Also the research team performed a sensitivity analysis of B/C ratios to different discount rates and service lives of the EDAPTS system. The ratios of annual benefits to annual costs are at least 3.9:1 for the SLO Transit EDAPT ITS system. This strongly indicates that the EDAPTS ITS technologies are economically viable.

Jia, Xudong, PhD
Sullivan, Edward, PhD
Nuworsoo, Cornelius, PhD
Hockaday, Neil
Publication date: 
October 1, 2008
Publication type: 
Research Report
Jia, X., Sullivan, E., Nuworsoo, C., & Hockaday, N. (2008). EDAPTS Benefit/Cost Evaluation (No. UCB-ITS-PRR-2008-19). https://escholarship.org/uc/item/0tx0q18h