Final Report: Mobile Surveillance and Wireless Communication Systems Field Operational Test Volume 3: Appendices A-J Containing Evaluation Data Gathered During the Anaheim Special Event and I-5 Tests


The Mobile Surveillance and Wireless Communication Systems Field Operational Test(FOT) contained two evaluation tests, the Anaheim Special Event Test and theInterstate-5 (I-5) Test. The Anaheim Special Event Test assessed the ability of thesurveillance trailers to transmit video imagery to a traffic management center in supportof arterial traffic signal control. This test occurred during the Spring of 1997 inconjunction with heavy traffic experienced during hockey playoff games at theArrowhead Pond in Anaheim, CA. The I-5 Test evaluated the ability of the mobilesurveillance and ramp meter trailers to transmit video imagery and data in support offreeway ramp metering. It occurred a year later in Spring 1998 along I-5 in OrangeCounty, CA. The results of these tests and other conclusions from the FOT arepresented in three volumes. The first volume serves as the Executive Summary of theFOT. It describes the project objectives, results, conclusions, and recommendations incondensed fashion. The second volume discusses the overall goals and objectives ofthe FOT and the design of the mobile surveillance and wireless communication systemin more detail. Technical and institutional issues that surfaced before either of the twoFOT tests was conducted are described. The specific objectives of the Anaheim SpecialEvent and the I-5 Tests, lessons learned, test results, and recommendations areexpanded upon in this volume. Photographs and drawings are used liberally to illustratethe types of equipment and test configurations that were tested. Volume 2 alsoincorporates revisions to the evaluation plans that were originally prepared by PacificPolytechnic Institute (PPI). The evaluation plans and preliminary results from theplanning and design phases of the FOT and the Anaheim Special Event Test wereoriginally published by California Partners for Advanced Transit and Highways (PATH)under Report 97-C34. The third volume consists of ten appendices that contain dataand other information gathered during the tests.

Klein, Lawrence
Publication date: 
March 1, 1999
Publication type: 
Research Report
Klein, L. (1999). Final Report: Mobile Surveillance and Wireless Communication Systems Field Operational Test Volume 3: Appendices A-J Containing Evaluation Data Gathered During the Anaheim Special Event and I-5 Tests (No. UCB-ITS-PRR-99-8).