A multi-lane traffic flow model realistically captures the disruptive effects of lane- changing vehicles by recognizing their limited ability to accelerate. While they accelerate, these vehicles create voids in the traffic stream that affect its character. Bounded acceleration explains two features of freeway traffic streams: the capacity drop of freeway bottlenecks, and the quantitative relation between the discharge rate of moving bottlenecks and bottleneck speed. The model com- bines a multilane kinematic wave module for the traffic stream, with a detailed constrained-motion model to describe the lane-changing maneuvers, and a behavioral demand model to trigger them. The behavioral demand model has only one parameter. It was held constant in all experiments.
Publication date:
October 1, 2004
Publication type:
White Paper
Laval, J. A., & Daganzo, C. F. (2004). Multi-Lane Hybrid Traffic Flow Model: Quantifying the Impacts of Lane-Changing Maneuvers on Traffic Flow. https://escholarship.org/uc/item/8w70q261