Overview of Shared Mobility


Shared mobility—the shared use of a vehicle, bicycle, or other travel mode—is an innovative transportation strategy that enables users to have short-term access to a transportation mode on an as-needed basis (1). Shared mobility includes various service models and transportation modes that meet diverse traveler needs. Shared mobility can include roundtrip services (vehicle, bicycle, or other travel mode is returned to its origin); one-way station-based services (vehicle, bicycle, or other mode is returned to a different designated station location); and one-way free-floating services (vehicle, bicycle, or low-speed mode can be returned anywhere within a geographic area).

Shaheen, Susan, PhD
Cohen, Adam
Publication date: 
January 1, 2018
Publication type: 
Journal Article
Shaheen, S., & Cohen, A. (2018). Overview of Shared Mobility. https://escholarship.org/uc/item/8w77044h