PATH ATMIS State of the Research Annual Report Fiscal Year 1998 / 1999


This report summarizes PATH ATMIS and Systems research for fiscal year 1998/1999. In each of the brief project descriptions we state the objectives of the project and outline its status and some of its principal results. These descriptions are not intended to be comprehensive or complete, but rather to present a picture of the main thrusts of each of the reported projects. References are provided in the end of the report for more detailed information about particular projects. Taken together, the collection of project descriptions should also give a reader an overview of the entire program. In general we have described only projects which are completed or have produced specific results and reports, and thus a number of projects in progress are not cited. The report is organized into the following research topics: Surveillance Systems, Traffic Management Systems, Traveler Information Systems, Public Transportation Systems, Decision Support

Tam, Robert
Publication date: 
October 1, 1999
Publication type: 
Research Report
Tam, R. (1999). PATH ATMIS State of the Research Annual Report Fiscal Year 1998 / 1999 (No. UCB-ITS-PWP-99-15).