This final reports the fault analysis of precision docking system and safety design of the safety critical elements for precision docking system. The report includes three Parts, including:Part I provides a description of the Precision Docking System and reports analysis for fault diagnosis and safety design of automated steering controller and Electronic Control Unit (ECU) for steering actuator. It also reports a demonstration PATH conducted during the National Intelligent Vehicle Initiative demonstration organized by the US Department of Transportation Joint Program Office.Part II report an analysis and design for a reliable direct drive for the steering wheel column of buses.Part III reports power system reliability.The report below is the Part III report: Power Reliability.
Publication date:
November 1, 2005
Publication type:
Research Report
Nesgaard, C., Sanders, S., & Zhang, W.-B. (2005). Power System Reliability for Precision Docking and Electronic Guidance Systems (No. UCB-ITS-PRR-2005-38).