Autonomous Intelligent Cruise Control (AICC) design is an important part of Advanced Vehicle Control Systems (AVCS). In this report, we design an AICC scheme for vehicle following with constant time headway spacing. The scheme maintains a steadystate inter-vehicle spacing decided by a desired time headway set by the driver. The longitudinal model of the Lincoln Town Car is used for simulations and testing. The vehicle is assumed to be equipped with a relative distance and speed measuring sensor,as well as an absolute speed measuring device.
Publication date:
April 1, 1994
Publication type:
Research Report
Ioannou, P. A., Ahmed-Zaid, F., & Wuh, D. H. (1994). A Time Headway Autonomous Intelligent Cruise Controller: Design and Simulation (No. UCB-ITS-PWP-94-07). https://escholarship.org/uc/item/68v505tv