Traffic Modeling To Evaluate Potential Benefits Of Advanced Traffic Management And In-vehicle Information Systems In A Freeway/Arterial Corridor


This study includes a literature review of existing traffic simulation models potentially suited for evaluating advanced traffic control strategies and in-vehicle information systems within an integrated freeway/ arterial corridor. Chapter 1 presents a literature review and identification of candidate models. Chapter 2 contains a preliminary screening of candidate models. Chapter 3 presents an in-depth evaluation of short list of models. And, Chapter 4 gives conclusions of the research and recommendations for future directions.

Gardes, Yonnel
Publication date: 
June 1, 1990
Publication type: 
Research Report
Gardes, Y., & May, A. D. (1990). Traffic Modeling To Evaluate Potential Benefits Of Advanced Traffic Management And In-vehicle Information Systems In A Freeway/Arterial Corridor (UCB-ITS-PRR-90-3).