Transit Integrated Collision Warning System Volume II: Field Evaluation


This evaluation report examines the performance of the Integrated Collision Warning System prototype developed by the University of California PATH Program and the Carnegie Mellon University Robotics Institute. The evaluation was based on testing the sensors, processing algorithms, and driver-vehicle interfaces in both controlled and real world operational environments. Evaluation metrics and methodologies were used to evaluate the effectiveness of the system. The effort for this evaluation was based on the following tasks:Task 1: Develop Evaluation ScenariosTask 2. Perform Closed Course System Testing Under Controlled-EnvironmentTask 3. Conduct Detection AnalysisTask 4 Analyze Driving Behavior DataTask 5 Surveys and Interviews

Chan, Joanne
Dicky, Susan
Duncil, Bart
Johnston, Scott
Kretz, Paul
Lian, Thang
Lu, Xiaoyun
Marco, David
Nelson, David
Shladover, Steven
Zhang, Wei-Bin
Zhang, Yongquan
Duggins, Dave
Gowdy, Jay
Hebert, Martial
Kozar, John
MacLachlan, Rob
Metz, Christoph
Steinfeld, Aaron
Suppe, rne J
Thorpe, Chuck
Burton, Frank
DeBone, Dan
Snyder, Rick
Publication date: 
November 1, 2007
Publication type: 
Research Report
Chan, J., Dicky, S., Duncil, B., Johnston, S., Kretz, P., Lian, T., Lu, X., Marco, D., Nelson, D., Shladover, S., Zhang, W.-B., Zhang, Y., Duggins, D., Gowdy, J., Hebert, M., Kozar, J., MacLachlan, R., Metz, C., Steinfeld, A., … Snyder, R. (2007). Transit Integrated Collision Warning System Volume II: Field Evaluation (No. UCB-ITS-PRR-2007-20).