Transportation Sustainability Research Center

Develops knowledge and decision-support tools for sustainable transportation fuels, technologies, systems, policies, and planning

The Transportation Sustainability Research Center (TSRC) researches innovative and readily-applied solutions that incorporate transportation technology, infrastructure, and human behavior in the areas of:

• Advanced Vehicles and Fuels
• Transportation Energy Systems
• Mobility Justice (Social and Racial Equity)
• Mobility and the Sharing Economy
• Transportation Infrastructure
• Passenger Transportation Systems
• Goods Movement


TSRC is the leader in shared mobility research, including bikesharing and its impacts on people, the community, and the environment.

Woman using Via app

TSRC is also using technology, apps, and smart phones to encourage microtransit, ridesourcing/TNCs, and other forms of on-demand mobility.

Tim Lipman filling a hydrogen fuel car

TSRC’s high-pressure hydrogen fueling station is the first in Northern California and provides fast fills of pressurized hydrogen gas for ongoing fuel cell vehicle testing.

car sharing lot at amtrak

TSRC has been involved in many studies looking at the impact of carsharing on the number of vehicles on the road and GHGs emitted into the environment.