ITS Berkeley

“Don’t Keep Us Out of the Revolution!”: Accessibility and Autonomous Rideshare in California

Heuser, Katie L.

Robotaxi services, or rideshare operated by autonomous vehicles, present an opportunity for independent and convenient transportation for people with disabilities. The proliferation of robotaxis in California has been met with mixed reactions from the disability community. To better understand perceptions of and expectations for robotaxis, this report uses semi-structured interviews with representatives from disability advocacy organizations. For many people with disabilities, especially for people with intellectual, developmental, and/or physical disabilities, robotaxis are inaccessible....

California’s Freeway Service Patrol Program: Management Information System Annual Report Fiscal Year 2020-21

Mauch, Michael
Skabardonis, Alex

The Freeway Service Patrol (FSP) is an incident management program implemented by Caltrans, the California Highway Patrol and local partner agencies to quickly detect and assist disabled vehicles and reduce non-recurring congestion along the freeway during peak commute hours. The first FSP program was piloted in Los Angeles and was later expanded to other regions by state legislation in 1991. As of June 2020, there were sixteen participating FSP Programs operating in California, deploying 305 tow trucks and covering over 1,900 (centerline) miles of congested California freeways. The...

Safety and Other Impacts of Vehicle Impound Enforcement

Cooper, Douglas
Chira-Chavala, T.
Gillen, David

California vehicle impound law took affect on January 1, 1995. The law allows a police officer to seize a vehicle operated by a person whose license is suspended or revoked or who has never been issued a license. The seized vehicle shall then be impounded for 30 days. In California, a driver must be stopped for some other infraction before his/her license can be checked. The City of Upland, located in western San Bernardino County, has a population of 67,453 residing in a 15.2 square-mile area. The city’s 169 miles of roadways support about 600,000 vehicle-miles of travel daily. Upland...

Multivariate Analysis of the Impacts of NAS Investments: A Case Study of a Major Capacity Expansion at Dallas-Fort Worth Airport

Hansen, Mark M.
Wei, Wenbin

This paper presents a case study of how to empirically estimate the impact of a NAS investment on system performance. We employ multivariate statistical analysis to estimate the impacts of a major capacity expansion at DFW airport.

5/3-Approximation Algorithm for a Multiple Depot, Terminal Hamiltonian Path Problem

Sivakumar, Rathinam
Sengupta, Raja

Though 2-approximation algorithms are available for several Multiple Depot Travelling Salesman Problems (TSPs)and Hamiltonian Path Problems (HPPs), there are no algorithms in the literature for any multiple depot variant of TSP or HPP that has an approximation ratio better than 2. This paper addresses one variant of the Multiple Depot HPP and provides the first 5/3-approximation algorithm for the same when the costs are symmetric and satisfy triangle inequality.

Reducing Ship Turn-Around Time Using Double-Cycling

Goodchild, A. V.
Daganzo, C. F.

Double cycling improves efficiency by unloading and loading a ship simultaneously; using wasted crane moves to transport containers. This paper demonstrates that double cycling can reduce ship turn-around time through this efficiency improvement. The paper describes the nature of the double cycling problem and, for a given loading-plan, quantifies the benefits using a greedy algorithm. The relationship between the benefits of double cycling, and the problem parameters is analyzed using simple formulas and a simulation program. This paper demonstrates that double cycling can create...

Evaluation of Coordinated Ramp Metering (CRM) Systems in California

Mauch, Michael
Skabardonis, Alexander

Freeway on-ramp metering (RM) has been extensively used as a traffic control strategy to regulate the entry of the on-ramp vehicles to prevent congestion at the freeway merging areas and preserve the freeway capacity. Benefits of RM include improved freeway travel times, improved travel time reliability, and accident reductions. Fixed-rate ramp metering strategies are based on historical data and implemented by time of day. Traffic responsive RM strategies are based on real time freeway traffic data provided by loop detectors at the vicinity of the on-ramp. Coordinated RM determine the...

The Development of An Accident Database to Structure Land Use Regulations in Airport Runway Approach Zones

Cooper, Douglas L.
Gillen, David

This report presents and describes 400 aviation accidents which occurred within five miles of an airport. Section 2 contains a description of the development of the database and a discussion of the criteria used in selecting accidents for the database. Section 3 provides a description of the database itself as well as a set of statistics that provide a comprehensive overview of the accidents. A set of aircraft accident contours developed from the accident data points is presented in section 4. The purpose of these contours is to provide a picture of the distribution of accidents over space...

Benchmarking “Smart City” Technology Adoption in California: Developing and Piloting a Data Collection Approach

Frick, Karen Trappenburg, PhD
Kumar, Tanu, PhD
Mendonça Abreu, Giselle Kristina
Post, Alison, PhD

In recent years, “smart city” technologies have emerged that allow cities, counties, and other agencies to manage their infrastructure assets more effectively, make their services more accessible to the public, and allow citizens to interface with new web- and mobile-based operators of alternative service providers. This project reviews the academic literature and other sources on potential strengths, weaknesses, and risks associated with smart city technologies. No dataset was found that measures the adoption of such technologies by government agencies. To address this gap, a methodology...

California’s Freeway Service Patrol Program: Management Information System Annual Report Fiscal Year 2016-17

Mauch, Michael, PhD
Skabardonis, Alex, PhD

The Freeway Service Patrol (FSP) is an incident management program implemented by Caltrans, the California Highway Patrol and local partner agencies to quickly detect and assist disabled vehicles and reduce non-recurring congestion along the freeway during peak commute hours. The first FSP program was piloted in Los Angeles, and was later expanded to other regions by state legislation in 1991. As of June 2017, there were fourteen participating FSP Programs operating in California, deploying 324 tow trucks and covering over 1,718 (center-line) miles of congested California freeways. The...