ITS Berkeley

The Effect of Compressibility on the Primary Global Instability of Unforced Laminar Separation Bubbles

Gennaro, EM
Souza, BDP
Rodriguez, D

Laminar separation bubbles present a three-dimensional self-excited instability mechanism which leads to the appearance of spanwise-periodic structures. In incompressible flow, this mechanism was found to become active at conditions in which wave-like, two-dimensional perturbations are only convectively unstable. In the absence of continuous external excitation, the three-dimensional instability is expected to dominate the flow dynamics and initiate the laminar-turbulent transition. This work extends previous analyses by incorporating the effect of compressibility at subsonic...

A Research Roadmap for Transportation and Public Health

Sandt, LS
West, A
Johnson, S
Brookshire, K
Evenson, K
Blackburn, L
Peach, K
Tartala, M
Ricklin, A
Shah, S
Rodriguez, D
Coburn, J

Develop a holistic and strategic research roadmap–Identify evidence to support practical and useful information, and implementable tools, for state DOTs and partners.

Only Walking for Transportation in Large Latin American Cities: Walking-only Trips and Total Walking Events and Their Sociodemographic Correlates

Delclòs-Alió, X
Rodriguez, D
Medina, C
Miranda, JJ
Avila-Palencia, I
Targa, F
Moran, M
Sarmiento, O
Quistberg, D

Walking for transportation is a common and accessible means of achieving recommended physical activity levels, while providing important social and environmental co-benefits. Even though walking in rapidly growing urban areas has become especially challenging given the increasing dependence on motorized transportation, walking remains a major mode of transportation in Latin American cities. In this paper we aimed to quantify self-reported walking for transportation in Mexico City, Bogota, Santiago de Chile, Sao Paulo, and Buenos Aires, by identifying both walking trips that are...

Modelo de Aseguramiento de la Calidad y Perfil de Rector Universitario: Análisis de Criterios de Calidad

Hernández, A
Martel, K
Pérez, F
Rodríguez, D

El aseguramiento de la calidad en educación superior es una tendencia a nivel mundial (UNESCO, 2016), que surge como respuesta a una serie de demandas, tales como: evaluar el impacto de la oferta educativa, justificar el aporte público y privado al sistema, proteger a los estudiantes e identificar perfiles de egreso (Lemaitre, 2015). Por esto, algunos sistemas educativos del mundo han establecido sus propios sistemas de aseguramiento de la calidad, destacando dentro de sus enfoques el que entiende el aseguramiento de la calidad como un proceso permanente (improvement), relacionado al...

Navigating the Many Hurdles in Creating a Self-Report Measure

Rodriguez, D

The purpose of this case study is to provide insight into the process of designing and testing a self-report measure to assess self-concept related to combustible cigarette smoking. The subjective importance of smoking (SIMS) measure was tested in three different samples in two countries. Exploratory factor analysis (EFA) and confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) were employed at various stages, and a newer method, exploratory structural equation modeling (ESEM) at the final stage. Although it was a pleasure to finally see the publication in print, the reciprocal interweaving between joy and...

Determinants of Residential Preferences Related to Built and Social Environments and Concordance Between Neighborhood Characteristics and Preferences

Li, Y
Auchincloss, AH
Rodriguez, DA
Moore, K
Roux, AV Diez
Sanchez, B

We explored associations between residential preferences and sociodemographic characteristics, the concordance between current neighborhood characteristics and residential preferences, and heterogeneity in concordance by income and race/ethnicity. Data came from a cross-sectional phone and mail survey of 3668 residents of New York City, Baltimore, Chicago, Los Angeles, St. Paul, and Winston Salem in 2011–12. Scales characterized residential preferences and neighborhood characteristics. Stronger preferences were associated with being older, female, non-White/non-Hispanic, and lower...

Análise da Transferência da Energia Entre o Escoamento Base e os Modos globais de uma Bolha de Separação Laminar

Romano, AC
Gennaro, EM
Rodríguez, DA

A transição do escoamento do regime laminar ao turbulento está geralmente associada com instabilidades do escoamento laminar de referência. Pequenas perturbações crescem em amplitude, extraem energia do escoamento médio, e geram estruturas de amplitudes finitas que iniciam, através de interações não lineares, o processo de transição.

Urban Transformations and Health: Methods for TrUST—A Natural Experiment Evaluating the Impacts of a Mass Transit Cable Car in Bogotá, Colombia

Sarmiento, O
Higuera-Mendieta, D
Wilches-Mogollon, MA
Guzman, L
Rodriguez, D
Morales, R
Bedoya, C
Arevalo, M
Martinez-Herrera, E
Montes, F
Meisel, JD
Useche, A
Garcia, E
Triana, C
Medaglia, AL
Hessel, P
Arellana, J
Moncada, C
King, A
Roux, AV Diez

Cable cars provide urban mobility benefits for vulnerable populations. However, no evaluation has assessed cable cars' impact from a health perspective. TransMiCable in Bogotá, Colombia, provides a unique opportunity to (1) assess the effects of its implementation on the environmental and social determinants of health (microenvironment pollution, transport accessibility, physical environment, employment, social capital, and leisure time), physical activity, and health outcomes (health-related quality of life, respiratory diseases, and homicides); and (2) use citizen science methods...

GIS-based Home Neighborhood Food Outlet Counts, Street Connectivity, and Frequency of Use of Neighborhood Restaurants and Food Stores

Peng, K
Rodriguez, DA
Peterson, M
Howard, AG
Lewis, CE
Shikany, J
Gordon-Larsen, P

Researchers have linked neighborhood food availability to the overall frequency of using food outlets without noting if those outlets were within or outside of participants’ neighborhoods. We aimed to examine the association of neighborhood restaurant and food store availability with frequency of use of neighborhood food outlets, and whether such an association was modified by neighborhood street connectivity using a large and diverse population-based cohort of middle-aged U.S. adults. We used self-reported frequency of use of fast food restaurants, sit-down restaurants, and grocery...

Neighborhood Characteristics and Transport Walking: Exploring Multiple Pathways of Influence Using a Structural Equation Modeling Approach

Li, J
Auchincloss, AH
Yang, Y
Rodriguez, DA
Sánchez, BN

In studies of neighborhood effects on transport walking, residential preferences along with other personal characteristics (walking attitude, factors that affect decision to walk for transport) are important factors to consider. However, few studies have examined relationships between neighborhood characteristics and transport walking accounting for a complex suite of personal factors. This study employed a structural equation modeling approach to examine associations between neighborhood characteristics and transport walking behaviors by accounting for residential preferences, self-...