Fuzzy Logic Control For Lane Change Maneuvers In Lateral Vehicle Guidance

Hessburg, Thomas
Tomizuka, Masayoshi

This paper investigates the feasibility of a fuzzy logic control (FLC) algorithm for lateral control in a lane change maneuver in an automated highway system (AHS). The lane change maneuver takes the vehicle from lane following control in one lane to lane following control in an adjacent lane. A lateral accelerometer is the only sensor used for feedback during the maneuver. The rules of the FLC are developed based on human driving experience.

Operations at Regional Traveler Information Centers: The Case of the TravInfo Field Operational Test - Final Results

Miller, Mark A.
Loukakos, Dimitri

TravInfo is a regional traveler information system in the San Francisco Bay Area. It was a Field Operational Test (FOT) over a two-year period from September 1996 to September 1998 with funding from the Federal Highway Administration and the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans). TravInfo's goal was to broadly disseminate accurate, comprehensive, timely, and reliable information on traffic conditions and multi-modal travel options to the public in the Bay Area. Organizationally, it was structured around a collaborative partnership between and among public and private...

How the Reconstruction of I-880 Affected Travel Behavior

Dahlgren, Joy

One of the concerns that people have about expanding highway capacity is that this will motivate more people to travel, so that the highway will soon become as congested as before. This is also a concern with automated vehicles, which would have the effect of increasing capacity. This so-called induced travel has been a subject of much debate and study in recent years. One of the problems confounding studies of this subject has been that capacity increases are generally motivated by recent or expected development, which generates increased travel and can even increase per capita travel if...

A Methodology for Developing a Traffic Surveillance Investment Program: An Application to Caltrans District 4

Dahlgren, Joy

A method for determining how to develop the most effective traffic surveillance investment program given available resources is developed. The complicated decision structure for deciding where and when to install traffic surveillance and what type of surveillance to install is broken down into a series of steps: identifying information needs, determining which can be met by traffic surveillance, setting criteria for and evaluating the benefits of surveillance in various locations, identifying alternative surveillance methods and estimating their capabilities and costs, comparing the ratios...

Berkeley Highway Lab Videl Data Collection System

Chen, Chao
Lyddy, Daniel
Dundar, Baris

The goal of this project is to replace the existing analog video collection system on the roof of Pacific Park Plaza (PPP) with a digital one. This video collection system is part of the Berkeley Highway Laboratory (BHL) testbed. It records video of traffic on a continuous one-kilometer section of Interstate 80 (I-80) near Emeryville, CA. This section of I-80 features on-ramps, off-ramps, and weaving zones. The video of interactions between vehicles can be fed to a machine-vision system, which generates vehicle trajectories to be used in a variety of traffic studies. The video itself can...

Short Term Freeway Traffic Flow Prediction Using Genetically-Optimized Time-Delay-Based Neural Networks

Abdulhai, Baher
Porwal, Himanshu
Recker, Will

Proper prediction of traffic flow parameters is an essential component of any proactive traffic control system and one of the pillars of advanced management of dynamic traffic networks. In this paper, we present a new short term traffic flow prediction system based on an advanced Time Delay Neural Network (TDNN) model, the structure of which is optimized using a Genetic Algorithm (GA). After presentation of the model's development, its performance is validated using both simulated and real traffic flow data obtained from the California Testbed in Orange County, California. The model...

Validation of Daganzo's Behavioral Theory of Mult-Lane Traffic Flow: Interim Report

Banks, James

This report documents results of work completed at San Diego State University during the first year of a research project intended to validate a behavioral traffic-flow theory recently proposed by Daganzo (1,2). Work on this project completed at the University of California at Berkeley will be documented in a separate interim report. In the idealized form developed so far, Daganzo’s theory assumes two types of drivers, aggressive (rabbits) and timid (slugs), and two lane groups, shoulder lanes and passing lanes. In free flow, rabbits travel faster than slugs and the two groups are...

LANE-OPT Users Manual Version 1.0

Lotspeich, David
Hall, Randolph W.

This document is the user manual for LANE-OPT. LANE-OPT is a linear program based software package that optimally assigns traffic to lanes on an automated highway. The program is based on a workload model, such that each lane/segment has a fixed capacity than can be allocated among: (1) straight traffic, (2) lane changes into the lane, (3) lane changes out from the lane, and (4) lane changes that pass through the lane. Each of these four movements produces a user-specified workload. The computer program models the highway as a multi-commodity flow network, where commodities represent...

Are the Objectives and Solutions of Dynamic User-Equilibrium Models Always Consistent?

Lin, Wei-Hua
Lo, Hong

Traffic assignment models are an important component in analyzing the relationship between demand and supply in the transportation network for design, planning, and control purposes. The static traffic assignment model has been used in practice for several decades. With the latest development in the area of Advanced Traffic Management Systems (ATMS) and Advanced Traveler Information Systems (ATIS), there is an increasing demand for dynamic traffic assignment models to serve as a basis for studying various issues in these areas.Existing dynamic user-equilibrium traffic assignment (DUETA)...

Beyond Tele-substitution: A Broader Empirical Look at Communication Impacts

Mokhtarian, Patricia L.
Meenakshisundaram, Ravikumar

Information on the number and types of communication activities (including travel) engaged in over a period of four consecutive days, at two points in time about six months apart, was collected from 91 respondents. A system of structural equations was developed and estimated, expressing the quantity of each type of communication at time 2 as a function of quantities of communication of each type at time 1, the elapsed time between measurements, and exogenous sociodemographic variables. All "own" lagged effects (that is, the effect of one communication type in wave 1 on the same type of...