Evaluation of UC Davis Long-Range Transportation, Land-Use, and Housing Plans: Examining the Potential for Innovative Mobility Pilot Projects

Finson, Rachel S.
Shaheen, Susan A.

At present, the City of Davis, surrounding communities, and the UC Davis campus are struggling with many of the same transportation problems that plague larger urban centers including increasing traffic, limited parking, and challenges to effective operation of the public transit system. The campus is expecting to grow by 6,000 students in the next ten years (plus approximately 3,000 faculty and staff) and is developing a Long-Range Development Plan (LRDP) that will serve to guide this growth. This plan will include housing, traffic control, parking, alternative transportation modes, and...

Adaptive Signal Control System with On-line Performance Measure for Single Intersection

Liu, Henry X.
Oh, Jun-Seok
Recker, Will

This paper introduces an adaptive signal control system utilizing an on-line signal performance measure. Unlike conventional signal control systems, the proposed method employs real-time delay estimation and an on-line signal timing update algorithm. As a signal performance measure, intersection delay for each phase is measured in real-time via an advanced surveillance system that re-identifies individual vehicles both at upstream and downstream stations using vehicle waveforms obtained from advanced inductive loop detectors. In each cycle, the signal timing plan is optimized based on the...

Vehicle Lateral Warning, Guidance and Control Based on Magnetic Markers: PATH Report of AHSRA Smart Cruise 21 Proving Tests

Tan, Han-Shue
Bougler, Bndicte

This report details the PATH proving test results during the period of October 6 to December 1, 2000 on the test track of the Public Works Research Institute (PWRI) of the Ministry of Construction in Tsukuba City, Japan. This work is related to the "Attachment 5: System Evaluation by Proving Test, Section 2.2 Evaluation by Proving Test" to the "Implementation Plan for Advanced Cruise-Assist Highway System Technical Research Development for FY2000" with respect to the "Entrusted Study" entrusted in FY2000 by the "Public Works Research Institute of the Ministry of Construction" to the "...

Towards a Technology Assessment of Highway Navigation and Route Guidance

Kanafani, Adib

This paper is intended as a first look at the required assessment of technology. It is preliminary in the sense that it attempts to identify the issues and to identify some aspects of technology assessment that are needed to deal with them. It's aim is to raise some of the fundamental questions that arise in connection with the evaluation of this technology, and to suggest some further work for dealing with them. A more extensive research plan for looking at the various aspects of automobile navigation is to be found in Gosling [1988].

Vehicles As Probes

Sanwal, Kumud K.
Walrand, Jean

In this paper, the authors discuss the use of vehicles moving in traffic as probes that provide data for estimation and prediction of traffic behavior. The probe vehicles can report data on their speeds, locations, or travel times which can be used by an algorithm that updates estimates of traffic state and makes predictions for the future. The authors address some of the key issues involved in the design of such a traffic monitoring system.

Modernization of Center-to-Center Data Communication Standards: Gap Analysis Technical Memorandum

Peterson, Brian

This document provides a gap analysis based on three previous technical memorandums delivered as part of this project, including a review of the Traffic Management Data Dictionary (TMDD) standard, a review of current and future transportation needs, and a review of the state of the art in technology and systems development. The intention of this document is to provide a review of this standard for transmission of data between traffic management centers (TMCs), with explicit commentary on usability of the standard with specific examples based on its implementation in the Caltrans I-210...

TravInfo Evaluation: Traveler Response Element Broad Area Study: Phase 2 Results Analysis of Wave-2 Survey

Yim, Y. B.

TravInfo was a Field Operational Test (FOT) sponsored by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and California Department of Transportation. It aimed to develop a multi-modal traveler information system for the San Francisco Bay Area, combining public and private sector talents. The Broad Area Study was part of the TravInfo FOT evaluation. It addressed issues on how travelers obtain traffic/transit information and how the information influences travel behavior. Two waves of telephone surveys of Bay Area households were conducted, one prior to and one after the Field Operational Test....

TravInfo Evaluation Plan: Update 1

Yim, Youngbin
Khattak, Asad
Miller, Mark
Hall, Randolph
Weissenberger, Stein

TravInfo is a public/private partnership formed to provide wide-spread dissemination of real-time information on transportation conditions and travel options. A fundamental premise is that a public surveillance and database system, designed to open-architecture standards, will be an effective stimulus for private sector innovations in ATIS (Advanced Traveler Information Systems) technologies and, ultimately, their deployment.TravInfo is a Field Operational Test of a centralized database providing easy access to real-time travel information on all modes of transportation in the Bay Area....

Modeling The Behavior Of Traffic Information Providers

Malchow, M.
Kanafani, A.
Varaiya, P.

This paper discusses two primary models which might be used to represent the locational behavior of traffic information providers. The characteristics which make traffic information unique as a service good are discussed and exploited in the models to show how the behavior of information providers might differ from that of firms in a traditional market. Questions are addressed regarding the clustering of competing providers and the efficiency of resulting output. The purpose of this paper is to contribute to a study regarding the future of the traffic information industry and the role of...

The Impact Of Intelligent Transportation Systems On Bus Driver Effectiveness

Bailey, Diane E.
Hall, Randolph

This paper examines the potential for Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) to improve bus driver effectiveness. Analysis of data gathered reveals the unlikelihood of improvement of individual bus driver effectiveness measures. The authors determined that the most visible benefits were seen in the automatic processing of information related to transferring passengers and in the increased speed with which emergency and maintenance calls can be handled.