Visualizing Loop Detector Data

Zhang, Xiaoyan
Rice, John

Over the years, many TMCs have accumulated large loop detector datasets due to the loops' extensive presence in existing infrastructure. However, the information in these data sets often lies dormant partly because of the lack of effective means to summarize and display it. We present a simple visualization technique developed for loop detector data which addresses this issue. The method uses color-encoded images to visualize loop detector measurements as a function of space and time. We use examples based on a field dataset to illustrate some of its possible applications.

Assessing The Benefits Of A National ITS Architecture

Hickman, M.
Weissenberger, S.
Dahlgren, J.

This paper describes the results of an assessment of benefits from an Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) architecture, based on the National ITS Architecture Development program. Benefits of the architecture include those typically attributed to systems engineering and integration. The architecture provides a common framework so that, in planning and implementing systems, state and local agencies can be assured that ITS products and services are compatible and inter-operable with other ITS products and services. More directly, three beneficial features of the national architecture...

Modeling IVHSEmission Impacts. Volume 1: Background Issues And Modeling Capabilities

Guensler, Randall
Washington, Simon
Sperling, Daniel

This paper examines the potential air quality impacts of Intelligent Vehicle Highway Systems (IVHS) upon important emission-producing vehicle activities and those parameters that affect emission rates. Important emission relationships are identified, a framework for comparative analysis is developed, and the general relationships between IVHS technology bundle characteristics and vehicle emission impacts are examined. The primary IVHS emission-related impacts that this project addresses are associated with changes in the average speed and operating mode (acceleration, deceleration, cruise...

A New Methodology for Evaluating Incident Detection Algorithms

Petty, Karl
Bickel, Peter J.
Kwon, Jaimyoung
Ostland, Michael
Rice, John

We present a novel, off-line approach for evaluating incident detection algorithms. Previous evaluations have focused on determining the detection rate versus false alarm rate curve -- a process which we argue is inherently fraught with difficulties. Instead, we propose a cost-benefit analysis where cost mimics the real costs of implementing the algorithm and benefit is in terms of reduction in congestion. We argue that these quantities are of more practical interest than the traditional rates. Moreover, these costs, estimated on training data, can be used both as a mechanism to fine-tune...

Caltrans TOPS Evaluation: Assessing the Net Benefits of ITS Applications

Gillen, David

This report describes the outcome of a set of experiments undertaken to assess the net benefits of ITS applications in a stylized urban and near urban highway network.

Individual Vehicle Speed Estimation Using Single Loop Inductive Waveforms

Sun, Carlos
Ritchie, Stephen G.

Travel time is the reciprocal of speed and is a useful measure of road congestion and traffic system performance. Travel time is also a basic traffic variable that is used in many Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) strategies such as route guidance, incident detection, and traveler information systems. Previously, speeds were mainly acquired from double inductive loops configured as speed traps, since single loop speed estimates based on assumptions of a constant vehicle length were inaccurate. However, more accurate measurements of speed can now be accomplished with single loops by...

PATH ATMIS State of the Research Annual Report Fiscal Year 1999 / 2000

Tam, Robert

This report summarizes PATH ATMIS research for fiscal year 1999/2000. In each of the brief project descriptions we state the objectives of the project and outline its status and some of its principal results. These descriptions are not intended to be comprehensive or complete, but rather to present a picture of the main thrusts of each of the reported projects. References are provided in the end of the report for more detailed information about particular projects. Taken together, the collection of project descriptions should give the reader an overview of the entire ATMIS research program...

Travinfo Evaluation: Traveler Response Element Broad Area Study

Yim, Y. B.
Hall, R.
Weissenberger, S.

This paper presents the preliminary findings of a first wave Broad Area survey, administered in November 1995, of the TravInfo Field Operation Test in the San Francisco Bay Area. The purpose of the survey was to define baseline attitudes, opinions and travel behavior of travelers for assessment of the general impact of TravInfo. Questions focused on trip characteristics, acquisition patterns of information, effects of traffic information on travel behavior and the demographic profiles of Bay Area travelers.

Properties of Link Travel Time Functions Under Dynamic Loads

Daganzo, Carlos F.

This note examines a general form of link travel time functions considered in the dynamic traffic assignment literature and shows that it only makes some physical sense in the special case where each function denotes either a link with no spatial dimension containing a point queue, or a link with constant travel time and no queueing. Roadway segments exhibiting both phenomena must be represented by two links in series.

The Los Angeles Freeway Service Patrol (fsp) Evaluation: Study Methodology And Preliminary Findings


This paper presents a methodology to evaluate a benefit-to-cost ratio effectiveness of the Freeway Service Patrol in a freeway section in Los Angeles. The methodology addresses the process of estimating incident delay using probe vehicles and the lack of "before" data.