Public Transit Use By Non-driving Disabled Persons: The Case Of The Blind And Vision Impaired

Golledge, R.
Costanzo, C. M.
Martson, J.

This paper examines characteristics of the activity patterns of blind and vision impaired non-driving populations. The employability and movement potential of the disabled non-driving group is evaluated. Survey results of impaired public transit users are reported. Possible assistive technologies to aid in making travel decisions and undertaking travel are discussed. This paper examines characteristics of the activity patterns of blind and vision impaired non-driving populations. The employability and movement potential of the disabled non-driving group is evaluated. Survey results of...

A Survey of Value Added Resellers: Private Sector Views on Advanced Traveler Information Markets

Ygnace, Jean-Luc
Yim, Youngbin
Weissenberger, Stein

This is a case study of publidprivate partnerships for the implementation of TravInfo, an advanced traveler information system for the San Francisco Bay Area. The purpose of the paper is to illuminate private sector views on how the public/private partnership should work in order to successfilly implement TravInfo. This paper reports on the analysis of a series of interviews conducted among those private sector firms who are participating in the federal Field Operational Test of TravInfo. The firms interviewed range from product manufacturers to service providers, including traffic...

Coding Of Road Information For Automated Highways

Guldner, J.
Patwardhan, S.
Tan, H.
Zhang, W.

This paper discusses coding of road information in a lateral reference system using magnetic markers designed for Automated Highway Systems ( AHS). The coding is utilized to communicate road information such as up- coming road geometry or lane merges/diverges from the roadway infrastructure to AHS vehicles. The work presented here is based on experiences with the preparation of the I-15 test track near San Diego, CA, for the National AHS Consortium demonstration in 1997. Information about road features was encoded into the magnets used as a lateral reference system for automatic steering...

Design, Modeling And Control Of Steering And Braking For An Urban Electric Vehicle

Maciua, Dragos

This report describes research which involved the design modification, modeling and control of automatic steering and braking systems for an urban electric vehicle. The vehicle is equipped with four-wheel independent drive, four-wheel independent braking and four-wheel steering. Control algorithms were developed for steering and braking. Simulation results show the feasibility of the algorithms.

PEDAMACS: Power Efficient and Delay Aware Medium Access Protocol for Sensor Networks

Coleri, Sinem
Varaiya, Pravin

We consider a class of sensor networks with two special characteristics. First, the nodes periodically generate data for transfer to a distinguished node called the access point. Second, the nodes are (transmit) power and energy limited, but the access point, which communicates with the ‘outside world’, is not so limited. Such networks might be used for instance when a geographically distributed physical process, such as traffic on a freeway or at an urban street intersection, is periodically sensed for purposes of process control. We propose a medium access control scheme, called PEDAMACS...

Trav Info Evaluation (Technology Element ) Traveler Information Center (TIC) Study: System Reliability and Communications Interface

Miller, Mark
Loukakos, Dimitri

TravInfo is a Field Operational Test of advanced traveler information systems for the San Francisco Bay Area, sponsored by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA). The project involves a public/private partnership which seeks to compile, integrate and broadly disseminate timely and accurate multi-modal traveler information through commercial products and services. The public sector component centers on the Traveler Information Center (TIC), which collects and integrates both static and dynamic traveler information. The TIC began operations in September 1996 and will operate as an FOT...

Freeway Detector Data Analysis For Simulation Of The Santa Monica Freeway - Initial Investigations

Bloomberg, Loren D.
Bacon, Vinton W., Jr.
May, Adolf D.

This report provides an analysis of vehicle detector data on the Santa Monica Freeway in Los Angeles, Calif. It was found that approximately 32 percent of the mainline freeway detectors appeared to give reasonable results. The report suggests that Caltrans District 07 staff make efforts towards increasing the number of detectors which give reliable information so that an evaluation and simulation of the Smart Corridor on the Santa Monica Freeway may be undertaken. This report was revised and re-issued as UCB-ITS-PWP-93-10 (PATH Database record #4779)

Initial Scoping of Bay Area Smart Mobility Corridors and ITS World Congress

Shaheen, Susan
Finson, Rachel S.
McCormick, Cynthia

The Innovative Corridors Initiative (ICI) is a multi-year project designed to encourage the early deployment of innovative technologies for Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) in California. ITS technologies are defined through a broad array of information and vehicle control technologies that are designed to improve traffic and transit management including safety, user choice, congestion, and incident response. For over a decade, ITS technologies have been gaining acceptance and are now utilized in every major metropolitan area in the United States to enhance transportation system...

Development Of User Needs And Functional Requirements For A Real-time Ridesharing System

Kowshik, Raghu
Gard, John
Loo, Jason
Jovanis, Paul P.
Kitamura, Ryiuichi

This report documents the results of a user needs assessment conducted to define the concept of real-time ridesharing, and identify the problems that are to be addressed by the proposed Real-Time Rideshare Matching System. The user needs are then utilized to develop functional requirements for the real-time rideshare matching system. The functional requirements identify services that should be provided by the system, and the interfaces to be used to access the system.

Predictability of Time-Dependent Traffic Backups and Other Reproducible Traits in Experimental Highway Data

Smilowitz, Karen
Daganzo, Carlos

Traffic data from a 4-mile long congested rural road in Orinda, California, are used to show that traffic delays and vehicle accumulations between any two generic observers located inside a road section can be predicted from the traffic counts measured at the extremes of the section. The traffic model does not require "recalibration" on the day of the experiment, and works well despite what appears to be location-specific driver behavior.