Development of a Path Flow Estimator for Deriving Steady-State and Time-Dependent Origin-Destination Trip Tables

Chen, Anthony
Chootinan, Piya
Recker, Will
Zhang, H. Michael

The origin-destination (O-D) trip table is a key input required for traffic assignment and simulation models utilized to analyze a wide variety of transportation applications. The main goal of this research is to develop an economical and quick method for estimating O-D trip tables from traffic counts. Path flow estimator (PFE), originally developed by Bell and Shield (1995), has been further developed to improve the reliability and efficiency of O-D trip table estimates. The research reported herein includes only the development of the steady-state O-D estimator. In this study, the...

Design of a Demand-Responsive Transit System

Li, Yuwei
Wang, Jessica
Chen, Justin
Cassidy, Michael

This research investigates the feasibility of offering demand-responsive transit (DRT) service to the general public in situations of low demand density. The study region is AC Transit District 2 which consists of the cities of Fremont and Newark, California.We developed a methodology to evaluate operating efficiencies of existing bus lines and line segments, and identified areas suitable for DRT service based on year 2001 data. We proposed an alternating strategy of checkpoint DRT service and compared it to other strategies. The report also described the schema for an automated...

Using Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control (CACC) to Form High-Performance Vehicle Streams. FINAL REPORT

Liu, Hao
Xiao, Lin
Kan, Xingan (David)
Shladover, Steven E.
Lu, Xiao-Yun
Wang, Meng
Schakel, Wouter
van Arem, Bart

Freeway capacity and throughput can be significantly improved via CACC vehicle string operations. This research aims to provide authoritative predictions regarding impacts of CACC on traffic flow and quantitative estimations of the influences of CACC operation strategies that might create the capacity and throughput improvement in the freeway traffic stream. To this end, the PATH and Delft team have independently developed micro simulation platforms that represent the behaviors of CACC vehicles and their interactions with human drivers. The models have been calibrated using archived data...

Robust Lateral Control of Heavy Duty Vehicles: Final Report

Tai, Meihua
Tomizuka, Masayoshi

In this report, achievements under TO4201, "Robust Lateral Control of Heavy Duty Vehicles," are presented. The purposes of this project are: to design new controllers or redesign existing controllers for lateral control of heavy vehicles to improve performance; to evaluate designed controllers by experiments and to study autonomous vehicle following control. TO4201 is a continuation of MOU385, which makes it necessary to comment on the nature of the present report. Results on autonomous lateral control obtained under MOU385 (TO4201), was reported in the final report of MOU385, UCB-ITS-PRR-...

Experimental Analysis And Modeling Of Sequential Route Choice Under ATIS In A Simple Traffic Network

Vaughn, Kenneth M.
Abdel-aty, Mohamed A.
Kitamura, Ryichi
Jovanis, Paul P.
Yang, Hai

This paper describes the experimental analysis techniques and modelling efforts applied to sequential pre-trip route choice behavior data under the influence of an Advanced Traveler Information System (ATIS). This effort is the first step in a process to develop a basic understanding of the factors which influence route choice and how ATIS will affect drivers' route choice behavior over time.

The Shift Programming Language And Run-time System For Dynamic Networks Of Hybrid Automata

Deshpande, Akash
Gollu, Aleks
Semenzato, Luigi

This report presents SHIFT, a programming language for describing dynamic networks of hybrid automata. The SHIFT model offers the proper level of abstraction for describing complex applications such as automated highway systems, etc. The report first describes a simplified version of the SHIFT model. The models of a type, a component and the world are discussed, including the formal semantics of the model. This is followed by a description of the main features of the SHIFT language, including states, inputs, outputs, differential equations and algebraic definitions, discrete states and...

Conceptual Development and Performance Assessment for the Deployment Staging of Advanced Vehicle Control and Safety Systems

VanderWerf, Joel
Shladover, Steven
Miller, Mark A.

This report documents work for Task Order 4230 that was follow-on work to prior research performed at PATH under Task Order 366. The current work continued to expand our understanding of the issues involved with time-staging the deployment of advanced vehicle control and safety systems (AVCSS) to help lead toward future automated highway systems. The time-staging challenge has long been identified as one of the most significant impediments to deployment, particularly because of the "chicken and egg" problem associated with vehicle and infrastructure technology implementation. These "...

EDAPTS Test Deployment: System Installation and Technical Review Report

Jia, Xudong
Beasley, Ryan
Gerfen, Jeff
Hockaday, Neil
Chapman, Bruce

The California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) and the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) embarked on a research program entitled “Efficient Deployment of Advanced Public Transportation Systems” (EDAPTS) in the late 1990’s. The Bronco Express EDAPTS Stage 5 Deployment Demonstrationproject at California State Polytechnic University, Pomona (Cal Poly Pomona) is an integral part of this program. Its objective is to go through the procurement and deployment process of a low cost Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) solution to determine if the EDAPTS concepts are optimized for...

Development of Performance-Based Specifications for Efficient Deployment of Advanced Public Transportation Systems (EDAPTS)

Gerfen, Jeff, MS
Hockaday, Neil, PhD
Jia, Xudong

Efficient Deployment of Advanced Public Transportation Systems (EDAPTS) Smart Transit System was developed by California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo in a previous research effort from 1997 to 2007. California Partners for Advanced Transit and Highways (PATH) and the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) have sponsored follow-on research to develop performance-based specifications for the EDAPTS system. These specifications are intended to facilitate industry adoption and widespread deployment of EDAPTS transit management system. The EDAPTS Performance...

The State of Cellular Probes

Yim, Youngbin

Cellular probe technology is one of several potentially promising technologies for obtaining accurate travel time information. In 1996, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) mandated E911 requirements that cellular location be provided when 911 emergency calls come in to emergency management authorities. The E911 requirements allow 50 -300 meters from the emergency call location, depending on the type of cellular phone technology used and whether handset-based or network-based solutions are deployed. This paper investigates the current state of cellular probe technologies. Recent...