Industry Needs and Opportunities for Truck Platooning

Shladover, Steven E
Campbell, Robert
Kailas, Aravind
Boyd, Stephen
Torrey, Ford

Representatives of the trucking industry have been surveyed to try to identify their needs and concerns related to truck platooning systems. These surveys revealed the need to provide clearer and more comprehensive descriptions of the truck platooning concepts to ensure that the respondents understand what it is and how it works. The fleet managers tended to be more receptive to truck platooning than the drivers, and even those respondents who had some prior experience driving trucks with adaptive cruise control (ACC) and forward collision warning systems were no more receptive to truck...

Smart Corridor Evaluation Plan: Conceptual Design

Miller, Mark
Khattak, Asad
Hall, Randolph
Giuliano, Genevieve
Moore, James
Wachs, Martin

This report presents the Conceptual Design Plan for evaluating the effectiveness of the Smart Corridor Demonstration Project. The specific objectives of this report are to: 1) develop a conceptual structure for the Smart Corridor evaluation, 2) define evaluation data requirements and collection procedures, and 3) select and/or develop data reduction and data analysis methodologies. Overall, the Smart Corridor is designed to obtain improved utilization of existing roadway facilities, both freeway and arterial, through the use of Advanced Traveler Information Systems ( ATIS) and Advanced...

An Interface Between Continuous And Discrete-event Controllers For Vehicle Automation

Lygeros, John
Godbole, Datta N.

Automation of highways and in particular platooning of vehicles raises a number of control issues. A hierarchical structure is used to address these issues. The work presented here is an attempt at constructing a consistent interface between discrete event and continuous time controllers. The design proposed is a finite state machine that communicates with the discrete controllers by issuing commands that get translated to "jerk" input for the vehicle engine. The operation of the proposed design is tested using COSPAN. By virtue of the fact that the interface touches on both the discrete...

A Comparative Safety Study of Limited versus Continuous Access High Occupancy Vehicle (HOV) Facilities

Jang, Kitae, MS
Ragland, David R., PhD
Chan, Ching-Yao, PhD

The report summarizes the findings from comparative studies of safety performance between two different types of High Occupancy Vehicle (HOV) facilities in California - continuous access versus limited access. The findings show that HOV facilities with limited access offer no safety advantages over those with continuous access, whether measured by percentage of collisions, collisions per mile, collisions per VMT, or collision severity. As part of the present research, the authors investigated the relationship between HOV design features and safety performance of HOV facilities. One key...

Improving the Traffic Census and Highway Performance Monitoring System (HPMS) Programs

Mauch, Michael, PhD
Skabardonis, Alex, PhD

The objective of this research study was to support the Traffic Census and Highway Performance Monitoring System (HPMS) Programs in identifying locations for motorized traffic data collection on public roads in California. The study analyzed the traffic census count locations for each District to determine at which Census count locations the automated and continuously collected Caltrans Performance Measurement System (PeMS) data could be used in lieu of manual traffic counts. Next, this research identified and evaluated count locations for motorized traffic data collection on non-State...

Analysis, Design And Evaluation Of Avcs For Heavy-duty Vehicles

Yanakiev, Diana
Kanellakopoulos, Ioannis

In this report, the authors develop two new nonlinear spacing policies, variable time headway and variable separation error gain, designed to all but eliminate the undesirable side effect of large steady-state intervehicle spacings. This disadvantage is pronounced in heavy-duty vehicles, which require larger time headways due to their low actuation-to- weight ratio. The first policy significantly reduces the transient errors and allows for the use of much smaller spacings in autonomous platoon operation, while the second one results in smoother and more robust longitudinal control.

Why Its Projects Should Be Small, Local And Private

Weissenberger, Stein

In this paper, the author contends that in order to produce and capture useful knowledge, early Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) projects should be local, small, and focused on realistic goals. The importance of cooperative networks that support knowledge acquisition and diffusion is stressed. Additionally, the author promotes the usage of private industry, especially to perform tasks for which they are best qualified.

Integration Of Fault Detection And Indentification Into A Fault Tolerant Automated Highway System

Douglas, Randal K.
Chung, Walter H.
Malladi, Durga P.
Chen, Robert H.
Speyer, Jason L.
Mingori, D. Lewis

This work focuses on vehicle fault detection and identification. It also describes a vehicle health management approach based on analytic redundancy. It describes a point design of fault detection filters and parity equations that are developed for the vehicle longitudinal mode. A preliminary design of a range sensor fault monitoring system is outlined as an application of a new decentralized fault detection filter. This system combines dynamic state information already generated by the existing filter designs with inter-vehicle analytic redundancy

Vehicle Traction Control And its Applications

Kachroo, Pushkin
Tomizuka, Masayoshi

This paper presents a study of vehicle traction control and discusses its importance in highway automation. A robust control strategy is designed for slip control, which in turn controls the traction. It is shown how traction control can be used to satisfy different objectives of vehicle control. The importance of traction is further emphasized by comparing its performance to passive controllers in a simulation study in which an impulse-like wind disturbance is introduced. The comparative study shows that the system under traction control is stable in the presence of external disturbances...

Event-based ATIS: Practical Implementation and Evaluation of Optimized Strategies

Jayakrishnan, R.
Tsai, Wei K.
Oh, Jun-Seok
Adler, Jeffrey

This project further adapt and enhance the previous research of relevance to event-based Advanced Traveler Information Systems (ATIS) and implement the algorithms for traffic management in Anaheim. This study is also answering some basic questions in ATIS implementation associated with routing strategies, driver’s compliance and network performance. This research develops algorithms for static and dynamic optimal Changeable Message Signs (CMS). The optimized CMS schemes are based on performance evaluations using a traffic simulation-based evaluation model, DYNASMART (Dynamic Network...