Integrating a Comprehensive Modal Emissions Model into ATMIS Transportation Modeling Frameworks

Barth, Matthew
Malcom, Carrie
Scora, George

Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) have generated considerable enthusiasm in the transportation community as a potential means to improve roadway safety, reduce congestion, enhance the mobility of people and goods, and reduce energy consumption and vehicle emissions. In order to estimate these potential benefits, new and improved analytical techniques and simulation models are being developed for ITS. In terms of environmental effects, the University of California, Riverside, College of Engineering-Center for Environmental Research and Technology (CE-CERT) has developed a...

SmartAHS and SHIFT Enhancements, Persistence and Query Interpretation

Misener, Jim

We have enhanced and "tuned" SmartAHS and SHIFT to address a wide variety of functional and user needs. SmartAHS has become an important microsimulation tool for design, analysis and evaluation of AHS - and "pre-AHS" or AHS deployment - concepts and scenarios in dimensions of system performance (i.e., throughput and travel time), safety and comfort. The SmartAHS/Hybrid Systems Tools Interface Format (SHIFT) is the basis for SmartAHS, and it is the general hybrid systems simulator for user-defined AHS architectures.

Relationships Among Urban Freeway Accidents, Traffic Flow, Weather, and Lighting Conditions

Golob, Thomas F.
Recker, Wilfred W.

Linear and nonlinear multivariate statistical analyses are applied to determine how the types of accidents that occur on heavily used freeways in Southern California are related both to the flow of traffic and to weather and ambient lighting conditions. Traffic flow is measured in terms of time series of 30-second observations from inductive loop detectors in the vicinity of the accident prior to the time of its occurrence. Results indicate that the type of collision is strongly related to median traffic speed and to temporal variations in speed in the left and interior lanes. Hit-object...

Message Volumes For Two Examples Of Automated Freeway

Hitchcock, Anthony

In this paper, calculations are made of the volume of messages transmitted between vehicles or between vehicles and the infrastructure, in order to estimate the demand of advanced vehicle control systems (AVCS) for frequency allocations. Two previous conceptual designs for an automated freeway are used to provide a basis for calculations.

Commercial Vehicle Parking in California: Exploratory Evaluation of the Problem and Solutions

Rodier, Caroline J., PhD
Shaheen, Susan A., PhD
Allen, Denise M.
Dix, Brenda

California is home to major international ports in Long Beach, Los Angeles, and Oakland, as well as the second largest border crossing between Mexico and the U.S. California’s highways are critical commercial links from these ports of entry to the nation and carry more commercial vehicle truck traffic than any other state in the U.S. Given the high volume of truck travel in California, it is not surprising that there is a serious shortage of truck parking in the state. This shortage negatively impacts economic productivity, roadway safety, air quality, and public health. This report begins...

Improving Transit Performance With Advanced Public Transportation System Technologies

Hansen, Mark
Qureshi, Mohammad
Rydzewski, Daniel

This report identifies opportunities to improve transit performance using Advanced Public Transportation System (APTS) Technologies, assesses transit operator viewpoints on and experiences with APTS technologies, and proposes how current adoption and utilization practices might be improved so that these technologies are used in a more efficient and effective manner. The study focuses on the attitudes and experiences of individual transit agency management, staff, and line personnel that are likely to determine their future choices with regard to APTS adoption and utilization. The research...

Field Experiment of Variable Speed Advisory (VSA) Final Report

Lu, Xiao-Yun
Spring, John
Wu, Cheng-Ju
Nelson, David
Kan, Yuheng

This report documents the field test of Variable Speed Advisory (VSA) which is an Active Traffic Management strategy. The test site for the VSA is on State Route 78 Eastbound (SR-78E) from Vista Village Drive (in the City of Vista) to the freeway interchange point of SR-78E and U.S. Route 15 (in the city of Escondido). This test segment is a three-lane freeway with a posted speed limit of 65 mph and it has 10 on-ramps and 10 off-ramps. The project was funded by the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) Division of Research Innovation and System Information (DRISI) under...

A Dynamic Visualization Environment For The Design And Evaluation Of Automatic Vehicle Control Systems

Xu, Z.

This document presents Dynamic Visualization, a project associated with the California PATH Program. The objective of the project is to develop a software which can animate automated highways, visualize the dynamics of automatic vehicles, and help the design and evaluation of automatic vehicle systems. This report summarizes the accomplishments of the project, describes the functions of the developed software, and provides an explanation of how to use the software.

Bicycle Detection and Operational Concept at Signalized Intersections

Shladover, Steven E.
Kim, ZuWhan
Cao, Meng
Sharafsaleh, Ashkan
Li, Jingquan
Leung, Kai

In support of efforts to improve traffic signal timing to accommodate the needs of bicyclists, observations have been made of the timing of bicyclists’ intersection crossing maneuvers. Video recordings were made of bicyclists’ crossings and the video images were processed to extract the bicyclists’ trajectories. These were synchronized with video images of the traffic signals so that the timing of the bicyclists’ maneuvers could be determined relative to the signal phase. The processed data have yielded cumulative distributions of the crossing speeds of bicyclists who did not have to stop...

Evaluation of Magnetic Markers as a Position Reference System for Ground Vehicle Guidance and Control

Chan, Ching-Yao
Tan, Han-Shue

This report contains an evaluation of the sensing techniques and implementation issues of magnetic sensing as a position reference system. The field patterns of sample magnetic markers were first measured to illustrate the basic characteristics of such systems. Several sensing approaches were explained and compared with regard to their functioning principles and sensitivity to measurement variations. Three particular algorithms were discussed with illustrations of respective mapping methods. Robustness and sensitivity of the sensing methods, when subject to signal noises and parameter...