Hybrid Traffic Data Collection Roadmap: Pilot Procurement of Third-Party Traffic Data

Bayen, Alexandre
Sharafsaleh, Mohammad
Patire, Anthony D.

This research investigates the feasibility and the business case for purchasing third‐party probe data and fusing it with Caltrans’ existing data for the purpose of estimating travel times. The intent was to demonstrate an efficient and cost-effective use of alternative traffic data sources to complement the detection systems currently installed and operated by Caltrans.

The Potential for Using Transit Infrastructure for Air Freight Cargo Movement: Feasibility Analysis of Freight Train Operation Logistics, Phase II

Lu, Xian-Yun
Ogwang, Allan
Mcdermott, Joanne
Nozuka, Debbie
Hanson, Matt

Traffic congestion and trucking activities in the San Francisco Bay Area are increasing due to the rapid population growth and economic expansion. It is imperative to explore transportation alternatives, and the Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART) system, with 63 percent unused capacity on average in non-peak hours, presents such an opportunity. If BART’s service is extended to include air-freight movement, extra revenue can be generated, truck miles travelled on highways will be reduced (potentially leading to a reduced traffic congestion and pollution), and traffic safety could be improved....

Hybrid Traffic Data Collection Roadmap: Objectives and Methods

Bayen, Alexander
Sharafsaleh, Mohammad
Patire, Anthony D.

Traffic data is used to estimate current traffic conditions so that travelers and agencies can make better decisions about how to use and manage the transportation network. This research explores the fusion of probe data (vehicle speed and direction) with loop data (density, speed, and count) in the context of producing overall network speed and travel time estimates. Speed and travel time estimates are useful in many circumstances, but current system control strategies (ramp metering, for example) require density data. While it is difficult to significantly increase the quantity of loop...

Drag Measurements On A Platoon Of Vehicles

Zabat, Michael
Farascaroli, Stefano
Browand, Frederick
Nestlerode, Michael
Baez, John

This report details the design and implementation of wind tunnel tests to evaluate the aerodynamic performance of individual members of 2,3, and 4- vehicle platoons. The purpose of the tests described here is to quantify the behavior of vehicle drag, or--or more properly--drag coefficient, as a function of vehicle spacing. One-eight scale models of the 1991 GM Lumina van are used as the prototype vehicle. The design and fabrication of force balances capable of measuring drag, side force and yawing moment is described. Models are mounted above a porous ground plane surface designed to...

Digital Implementation of Adaptive Control Algorithms for MEMS Gyroscopes

Park, Sungsu
Horowitz, Roberto
Tan, Chin-Woo

In this report, we present a hybrid discrete/ continuous time version of the observer-based adaptive control system for MEMS gyroscopes developed in [8], which can be readily implemented using digital processors. The control algorithm considered in this report is not fully a discrete time controller, since only the feedback control, parameter adaptation algorithms and feedforward control law are implemented in discrete time, while the velocity observer is still implemented in continuous time. A stochastic analysis of this algorithm is developed and it shows that the estimates of the...

Using Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control (CACC) to Form High-Performance Vehicle Streams. Microscopic Traffic Model Calibration and Validation

Kan, Xingan (David)
Liu, Hao
Shladover, Steven E.
Lu, Xiao-Yun

This report documents the procedures the PATH team has implemented for calibrating the NGSIM oversaturated flow model in the Aimsun micro simulation environment. The goal of the calibration is to identify suitable driving behavior parameters of the NGSIM oversaturated flowmodel, which is used to describe the behaviors of human drivers. With these parameters, the model should be able to reproduce traffic flow patterns like those observed in the 18-km State Route 99 corridor to the south of Sacramento, CA. The Geoffrey E. Havers (GEH) statistic is adopted to quantify the relative difference...

Simple Results on Communication With Neighbors

Puri, Anuj
Varaiya, Pravin

Normal Communication Networks require the Sender to specify the address of the Receiver before communication can take place. In problems that a rise in an Automated Vehicle Highway System, the Sender can identify the Receiver by its physical location only (i.e. a car wanting to communicate with the car immediately in front of it). Normal Communication Procedures that use the Receiver's Address to establish communication must be preceded by an Address Finding Protocol. An Address Finding Protocol which uses the Absoulate Location of vehicles has been proposed in [2] and is reviewed in...

Drag Measurements On A Platoon Of Vehicles

Zabat, Michael
Farascaroli, Stefano
Browand, Frederick
Nestlerode, Michael
Baez, John

This report details the design and implementation of wind tunnel tests to evaluate the aerodynamic performance of individual members of 2,3, and 4- vehicle platoons. The purpose of the tests described here is to quantify the behavior of vehicle drag, or--or more properly--drag coefficient, as a function of vehicle spacing. One-eight scale models of the 1991 GM Lumina van are used as the prototype vehicle. The design and fabrication of force balances capable of measuring drag, side force and yawing moment is described. Models are mounted above a porous ground plane surface designed to...

Evaluation of the Anaheim Advanced Traffic Control System Field Operational Test: Introduction and Task A: Evaluation of SCOOT Performance

Moore, James E., II
Jayakrishnan, R.
McNally, M. G.
MacCarley, C. Arthur

This report provides an overview of the federally-sponsored Anaheim Advanced Traffic Control System Field Operations Test, and of the technical issues associated with the evaluation of SCOOT performance during this test. The primary FOT objective was the implementation and performance evaluation of adaptive traffic signal control technologies including an existing second generation approach, SCOOT, and a 1.5 generation control (1.5GC) approach under development. Also selected for implementation was a video traffic detection system (VTDS). The SCOOT evaluation was defined relative to...